Kai Voss
Quality of individually calibrated customary printers for assessment of typical dental diagnoses on glossy paper prints: a multicenter pilot study.
Objective The objective of this study was to compare dental radiographs printed on glossy paper from calibrated low-cost printers with monitor display. Study design Three typical intraoral radiographs were selected and a questionnaire was developed with questions assessing accuracy and subjective quality. A test pattern was designed for printer calibration. After calibration, radiographs were printed on glossy paper with 3 ink-jet and 2 thermo-sublimation printers. Sixteen raters evaluated the printed radiographs, 9 of them also on standardized viewing monitors. Subjective ratings were compared, and an ROC-analysis based on expert-consensus monitor readings was performed. Results Low inter-…
Diagnostic yield of ink-jet prints from digital radiographs for the assessment of approximal carious lesions: ROC-analysis
Abstract Aims To investigate the diagnostic quality of different quality, individually calibrated ink-jet printers for the very challenging dental radiographic task of approximal carious lesion detection. Materials and methods A test-pattern evaluating resolution, contrast and homogeneity of the ink-jet prints was developed. 50 standardized dental radiographs each showing two neighbouring teeth in natural contact were printed on glossy paper with calibrated, randomly selected ink-jet printers (Canon S520 and iP4500, Epson Stylus Photo R2400). Printing size equalled the viewing size on a 17″ cathode-ray-tube monitor daily quality-tested according to German regulations. The true caries status…