Christian Brosch
Influence of dopexamine on hemodynamics, intramucosal pH, and regulators of the macrocirculation and microcirculation in patients undergoing abdominal aortic surgery
Abstract Objective: To investigate whether dopexamine hydrochloride beneficially influences splanchnic perfusion and regulators of the macrocirculation and microcirculation in patients undergoing surgery of the abdominal aorta. Design: Prospective, blinded, and randomized study. Setting: University-affiliated hospital. Participants: Twenty patients undergoing elective abdominal aortic surgery. Interventions: The patients were randomized to one of two groups. In the dopexamine group (DOP, n = 10), dopexamine, 1 μg/kg/min, was started before surgery and continued for 24 hours. In the control group (COG, n = 10), patients received saline solution as placebo. Extensive hemodynamic monitoring wa…
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Hemodynamics, intra-mucosal pH and regulators of circulation during perioperative epidural analgesia
Objectif: Etudier les effets de l'analgesie peridurale perioperatoire sur l'hemodynamie, la perfusion splanchnique et les regulateurs de la circulation. Methode : Vingt patients subissant un pontage aortique infrarenal ont ete repartis au hasard en deux groupes : un groupe GP recevant l'analgesie peridurale avec bupivacaine (15 ml a 0,125 %) avant l'operation, suivis de 10 ml de bupivacaine a 0,125 % et de 1 mg de morphine 8 h et 16 h apres l'operation; un groupe temoin GT sans catheter epidural. Le monitorage comprenait un catheter de l'artere pulmonaire et un tonometre gastrique. Les regulateurs de circulation etaient mesures sur des echantillons de sang : avant l'analgesie peridurale (T …