Vanessa Gowreesunkar
Diaspora and ambidextrous management of tourism in post-colonial, post-conflict and post-disaster destinations
This exploratory study aims at identifying diaspora tourism practices and at exploring its benefit in Haiti, a Carribbean island. In so doing, this research work fills both theoretical and practica...
Tourism planning and innovation: The Caribbean under the spotlight
International audience; The importance of the islands working together toward a multicentre product for tourists has been highlighted asearly as the 1980s, and yet hardly anything has been done in that sense. Can cluster be considered as the wayforward for the sustainable development of the Caribbean? This question could be considered as the first step ofthe tourism planning process. Hierarchical method or linkage method that works by identifying entities thatmatch each other based on the investigator selection of similar attribute categories is the most suitable clusteringapproach for the Caribbean. Despite the fact that cluster appears as a potential solution for issues faced by someCarib…