Jose Rodolfo Hernandez-carrion
Mobile Application Diffusion and Success: An Interpretative Approach to Influential Factors
The rapid evolution of mobile computing technology has been attributed to the increasing capitalizing by companies on this innovative business medium. The result of conformity between technology advancement and market demand increment for mobility has led to the development of different categories of mobile businesses in recent years. This research reviews the previous related literature to the subject and by deploying meta-synthesis as a systematic quantitative method; a generic model covering important factors contributing to mobile application diffusion is presented. The proposed comprehensive model consists of users' specifications, technical aspects and contextual factors in the first …
The challenge for economics from the new 'digital' economy: sharing and collaborative economy through the 'platforms neocapitalism' of the 21st century
The so-called collaborative or sharing economy constitutes a multifaceted concept of increasing relevance and evolving in definition that will constitute the focus of our study. This article is presented methodologically as a macro-synthesis of the main trends of the economy, from its local and global spheres, in the convergence that can be glimpsed from the new phenomenon that we are dealing with of neo-capitalism based essentially on digital platforms and media. Some have already advanced it as turbo-capitalism or capitalism 3.0, in increasing expansion from the analysis of massive data from digital platforms. The resulting greater efficiency of decentralization and heterogeneity can be e…
Harnessing ICT to develop community and identity: a model for academic departments
Universities have been early adopters of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). However, does availability imply use? How is ICT being used by academic departments? This article addresses these questions, and discusses the use of ICT to support research, instruction and service, but more specifically, the use of ICT to enhance a sense of identity and community across all members of a department. The authors' observations of university departments across the Atlantic reveal very limited uses of ICT. A democratic web-based academic departmental community model is proposed to assist in the strengthening of departmental identity and community as well as advancing its mission. Concept…
Libraries are non-profit service-oriented organizations engaged in satisfying the patrons' needs by providing them with whatever they seek from the library, i.e., Books, Journals, Magazines, CDs/DVDs, and Online Resources. However, the libraries must face hardships regarding funds which create difficulties in maintaining the libraries and providing better library services. Its high time libraries should become self-dependent rather than depending upon the funds provided by the parental organization. The funds that the parental organization allocates are minimal and do not cover every area pertaining to the library. Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to conceptualize the transformation of …
A Bacterial-Based Algorithm to Simulate Complex Adaptative Systems
Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior which took place at Castellón, Spain in 2014, July 22-25. Bacteria have demonstrated an amazing capacity to overcome envi-ronmental changes by collective adaptation through genetic exchanges. Using a distributed communication system and sharing individual strategies, bacteria propagate mutations as innovations that allow them to survive in different envi-ronments. In this paper we present an agent-based model which is inspired by bacterial conjugation of DNA plasmids. In our approach, agents with bounded rationality interact in a common environment guided by local rules, leading to Complex Adaptive Syste…
Decentralization and heterogeneity in complex adaptative systems
Purpose – Following a bacterial-based modeling approach, the authors want to model and analyze the impact of both decentralization and heterogeneity on group behavior and collective learning. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – Inspired by bacterial conjugation, the authors have defined an artificial society in which agents’ strategies adapt to changes in resources location, allowing migration, and survival in a dynamic sugarscape-like scenario. To study the impact of these variables the authors have simulated a scenario in which resources are limited and localized. The authors also have defined three constraints in genetic information processing (inhibiti…
Self-Organized Linguistic Systems: From traditional AI to bottom-up generative processes
Este trabajo busca explorar el potencial de los procesos generativos bottom-up en el contexto de la producción conlang, con el objetivo de describir las bases de un nuevo campo de investigación: los Sistemas Lingüísticos Autoorganizados o SOLS, específicamente bajo la perspectiva doble de sistemas autoorganizados y lenguajes construidos. El enfoque SOLS proporciona un marco para la creación de lenguajes artificiales autogenerados y puede servir como punto de partida para el desarrollo de lenguajes dependientes del contexto o específicos del dominio. Reconoce que el desarrollo de conlangs puede ocurrir en sociedades artificiales de agentes simples, como resultado de interacciones sociales en…
In Memoriam por el ?maestro? Lorenzo Ferrer Figueras. Los Modelos Sistémicos aplicados en el proceso de balcanización y contradicción global. Algunas ilustraciones para entender el Paradigma Sistémico en un marco de Complejidad-In Memoriam : Lorenzo Ferrer Figueras. Systemic Models applied to balkanization process and global contradictions. Illustrations to understand Systemic Paradigm within a framework of Complexity
Abstract: The crucial problem that Science has to face today is to successfully cope with the growing complexity of society. To understand the system to which we belong to, it is necessary to understand the nature of interdependence: the greater the interdependence is, the greater the need for communication and cooperation. The European model, which initially promised to be a social and regional model, decentralized and democratic, is blocked. A situation that we can describe as no-evolution, that Spain also suffers at the same time as Europe, when it comes to progress towards a mature and democratic state, what was expected since the beginning of the transition to democracy. The debate can…
Deconstruyendo la “peer-to-peer sharing economy”: El desafío de la “economía colaborativa” a las cooperativas de plataforma en la era del pos-trabajo del siglo XXI
La denominada economía colaborativa o economía p2p, concepto multifacético de creciente relevancia, constituye nuestro objeto de estudio como resultante de la traducción del vocablo anglosajón “sharing economy”. El presente artículo se plantea metodológicamente como una revisión crítica y una síntesis de las principales tendencias de la economía del siglo XXI del principio del nuevo fenómeno del neo-capitalismo de plataformas digitales. Desde el marco de la contradicción tradicional de trabajo y capital, se realiza un análisis pormenorizado del concepto de “colaboración” como traducción de “sharing”. Se realiza una revisión cronológica de la literatura, identificando los principales trabajo…
Ética, alfabetización económica e información como fundamentos de las 'sociedades resilientes' del siglo XXI
Las bibliotecas han afrontado en los ultimos anos el envite de la crisis y los recortes presupuestarios. Las competencias economicas e informacionales son elementos fundamentales para la superacion de estas situaciones de crisis y tragedias potenciales. Aquella competencia o capacidad de hacer frente a una crisis y ser capaz de superarla es lo que se denomina resiliencia. La etica en el uso y tratamiento de la informacion, complementado por una adecuada alfabetizacion economica, es la propuesta aqui defendida para la conformacion de las “sociedades resilientes” del siglo XXI. Tras una introduccion multidisciplinar, abogando por la necesidad de la recuperacion de la etica en el conjunto de t…
Potenciant un turisme cultural atractiu pel patrimoni de Llíria més enllà dels pilars tradicionals d'arqueologia, bandes de música i fires gastronòmiques: Turisme 2.0
[EN] This study of tourism in Llíria/Liriais based on surveys, which gathered statistical data on the visits made to city and the reasons for visiting it, in order to determine the tourist potential of the municipality. The study made it possible to extract relevant information to formulate tourist interests around three attractive cultural elements: the typical interests of historical character, gastronomy through food festivals, and music in the form of local band competitions. This last attractionof the "City of Music"could constitute the key to developing a different local offering, Llíria 2.0. The Internet inclusive of networks and social media have brought a new era for promoting and …