H.j. Rumpelt
Urothelial Leukoplakia: New Aspects of Etiology and Therapy
AbstractWe describe 3 women in 1 family who had systemic urothelial leukoplakia with no underlying pathological condition of the urinary tract. Irritative clinical symptoms resolved, and the macroscopic and microscopic appearance improved after 6 months of therapy with sodium pentosan-polysulfate. Electron microscopy showed special cells in the basal layer of the cornified squamous epithelium that also have been found in the trigone of women with so-called squamous metaplasia. Their similarity to Merkel’s cells of the skin supports the theory that ectodermal cells are misplaced during embryogenesis. Genetic factors and sex hormones seem to influence the development of certain variants of sq…
Neourethra: a new two-stage procedure for reconstruction of the functional urethra.
Abstract In 14 male dogs, the functional urethra was replaced by a bladder flap tube in a 2-stage procedure. In the 1st stage of the operation a bipedicle strip from the anterior bladder wall was tubularized around a 10F or 12F catheter. After 10 to 12 weeks the 2nd stage of the procedure was performed: the bladder neck was transected and sutured, and the cranial pedicle of the bipedicle tube was transected and pulled through the bluntly dissected pelvic floor muscles. From the distal end of the tube a perineal urostoma was created to facilitate radiological and urodynamic followup. Eight dogs completed a followup 5 months after the 2nd procedure. Urodynamic and x-ray studies were done preo…