ÁNgela Gómez
Mejorando el procesamiento macro-estructural en L2 en estudiantes con niveles de inglés elementales o intermedios: un procedimiento instruccional centrado en la coherencia global en la comprensión lectora de textos científicos
Previous studies have shown that students have difficulties building the macro-structure from expository texts in English (as L2). The usual cause pointed out is a lack of language proficiency. Thus, instructional methods have focused on providing students with the necessary vocabulary and grammar knowledge. This study proposes and validates an instructional approach which improves students’ L2 processing on the macro-structural level, focusing on reading strategies rather than on vocabulary or grammar. Comprehension monitoring on the macro-structural level was improved by performing instructional tasks devoted to establish global coherence. As a consequence, students’ reading comprehension…
Control de la Comprensión micro y macro-estructural durante la lectura de textos científicos en lengua extranjera: ¿Algo más que dominio del idioma?
Se presenta un estudio con estudiantes universitarios españoles con dominios básico, intermedio y avanzado de inglés como lengua extranjera. El objetivo fue estudiar la efectividad en el Control de la Comprensión (CC) en inglés, comparado con el que se tiene en español, y explicar los resultados a partir del modelo de comprensión de textos desarrollado por Kintsch y otros colegas. Nuestro foco de atención fue la representación semántica, diferenciando el CC a nivel micro y macroestructural. Se midió el CC al leer textos asumiendo el Error Detection Paradigm: se insertaron inconsistencias micro y macroestructurales en los textos y se pidió a los estudiantes juzgar su comprensibilidad usando …
Effects of Two Instructional Procedures on Spanish University Students’ Comprehension Monitoring when Reading Science Texts in English
Abstract Two instructional approaches on comprehension monitoring in English as FL are contrasted. Although using the same materials (elementary science texts), one of them is based on tasks focusing on vocabulary and grammar, and the other one is based on main ideas identification and textual coherence. The English proficiency level was controlled and comprehension monitoring measures were obtained in the pretest and the posttest using embedded micro and macro-structural inconsistencies in texts. Results showed that teaching students to read in order to understand main ideas and to elaborate the text macrostructure produce better results than focusing attention on discourse low-level compo…
Efectos de las tareas de elaboración de resúmenes en el control de la comprensión de textos científicos en estudiantes universitarios con niveles de inglés elemental o intermedio.
Two studies were conducted to improve Spanish university student's comprehension monitoring of macro-ideas when reading expository Science texts in English (L2). The first one evaluated the effects of using summarization tasks on comprehension monitoring compared to other reading-for-understanding tasks. A significant improvement of comprehension monitoring was obtained from the summarization tasks. Results in study 1 suggested study 2 aimed at instructing students on summarizing texts in L2. The instructional work had a single significant contribution to students’ comprehension monitoring on the macro-structural level. English proficiency also explained a significant proportion of the vari…