

Efectos de las tareas de elaboración de resúmenes en el control de la comprensión de textos científicos en estudiantes universitarios con niveles de inglés elemental o intermedio.

ÁNgela GómezAnna DevisVicente Sanjosé


Textos científicosScience textsControl de la compresiónSummarizationEFLMacroestructurasElaboración de resúmenesMacrostructureComprehension monitoring


Two studies were conducted to improve Spanish university student's comprehension monitoring of macro-ideas when reading expository Science texts in English (L2). The first one evaluated the effects of using summarization tasks on comprehension monitoring compared to other reading-for-understanding tasks. A significant improvement of comprehension monitoring was obtained from the summarization tasks. Results in study 1 suggested study 2 aimed at instructing students on summarizing texts in L2. The instructional work had a single significant contribution to students’ comprehension monitoring on the macro-structural level. English proficiency also explained a significant proportion of the variances.
