G. Saavedra
Three-dimensional imaging through patterned type-1 microscopy
We report a scanning non-confocal fluorescence microscopy scheme that provides images with optical sectioning and with a lateral resolution that surpasses by a factor of two the diffraction resolution limit. This technique is based on the type-1 microscopy concept combined with patterned illumination. The method does not require the application of phase-shifting or post-processing algorithms and provides artifact-free superresolved 3D images. We have validated the theory by means of experimental data.
Optical sectioning microscopy through single-shot Lightfield protocol
Optical sectioning microscopy is usually performed by means of a scanning, multi-shot procedure in combination with non-uniform illumination. In this paper, we change the paradigm and report a method that is based in the light field concept, and that provides optical sectioning for 3D microscopy images after a single-shot capture. To do this we fi rst capture multiple orthographic perspectives of the sample by means of Fourier-domain integral microscopy (FiMic). The second stage of our protocol is the application of a novel refocusing algorithm that is able to produce optical sectioning in real time, and with no resolution worsening, in the case of sparse f luorescent samples.We provide the…