Jurijs Dehtjars
FTIR Analysis of Electron Irradiated Single and Multilayer Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> Coatings
Silicon nitride (Si3N4) due to its good mechanical and electrical properties is a promising material for wide range of applications, including exploitation under action of ionizing radiation. For estimating the changes of chemical bonds in silicon nitride nanolayers under action of ionizing radiation single and multi-layer silicon nitride nanolayered coatings on prepared Si subtrate were investigated by means of Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. Three main groups of signals were identified in both types of nanolayers, at 510 and 820 cm-1 and group of broad signals at 1000-1200 cm-1. Irradiation with accelerated electrons up to absorbed doses 36 MGy causes minor changes of signal inte…
Experimental Setup with Chaotic and Periodic Excitations for Cell Growth Studies
The paper presents circuits used for excitation living cells to increase their growth rate. The main novelty is the proposal of using chaotic oscillations for the electromagnetic excitation. The research is in a preliminary phase and no conclusions have been yet derived for applications in biotechnology.