Jean-francois Ferveur
Desiccation resistance: effect of cuticular hydrocarbons and water content in Drosophila melanogaster adults
Background.The insect cuticle covers the whole body and all appendages and has bi-directionnal selective permeability: it protects against environmental stress and pathogen infection and also helps to reduce water loss. The adult cuticle is often associated with a superficial layer of fatty acid-derived molecules such as waxes and long chain hydrocarbons that prevent rapid dehydration. The waterproofing properties of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHs) depend on their chain length and desaturation number. Drosophila CH biosynthesis involves an enzymatic pathway including several elongase and desaturase enzymes. Methods.The link between desiccation resistance and CH profile remains unclear, so we t…
OBP19b is involved in the taste perception of amino acid in Drosophila melanogaster
International audience
Supplemental Material for Cortot et al., 2019
The file "Cortot-SupplFigs.1-9" is a pdf containing all the Supplementary Figures 1-9 with their legendsThe file "Suppl_Tables_final" is a xlsx with Tables S1-S14 corresponding to all data shown in the Cortot et al. paper.