Kazunari Ishii
Resting state glucose utilization and the CERAD cognitive battery in patients with Alzheimer's disease
The present study examined the cortical functional representation of neuropsychological domains in Alzheimer's disease (AD) using positron emission tomography (PET) and the neuropsychological assessment battery of the Consortium to Establish a Registry of Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD). Thirty patients with clinical probable AD and 10 elderly healthy controls underwent (18)FDG brain PET imaging during a resting state. Correlations between metabolic values and cognitive measures were determined using a region of interest analysis with NEUROSTAT (University of Michigan, USA) and a voxel-based analysis with SPM96 (Wellcome Department, London, UK). Specific correlations were seen between measures …
Relationship Between Body Mass Index, ApoE4 Status, and PET-Based Amyloid and Neurodegeneration Markers in Amyloid-Positive Subjects with Normal Cognition or Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Body weight loss in late-life is known to occur at a very early stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) represents a major genetic risk factor for AD and is linked to an increased cortical amyloid-β (Aβ) accumulation. Since the relationship between body weight, ApoE4, and AD pathology is poorly investigated, we aimed to evaluate whether ApoE4 allelic status modifies the association of body mass index (BMI) with markers of AD pathology. A total of 368 Aβ-positive cognitively healthy or mild cognitive impaired subjects had undergone [18F]-AV45-PET, [18F]-FDG-PET, and T1w-MRI examinations. Composite cortical [18F]-AV45 uptake and [18F]-FDG uptake in posterior cingulate cor…