Immunohistochemistry of primary central nervous system malignant rhabdoid tumors: report of five cases and review of the literature
Malignant rhabdoid tumors (MRT) are characterized by a typical light microscopic morphology with uniformly round tumor cells, vacuolated cytoplasm with occasional round, hyaline intracytoplasmic, periodic acid-Schiff-positive inclusions, vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and positive immunoreactivity for vimentin. The histogenesis of MRT is controversial. Five cases of primary central nervous system (CNS) rhabdoid tumors in children are presented. Immunohistochemical, light and electron microscopic features are compared with primary CNS malignant rhabdoid tumors reported in the literature. Expression of various neurofilaments in our cases of primary CNS rhabdoid tumors was prominent …