Andriy Lazarenko
Morphology Study of the Porosity of the GaP Surface Layer Formed on the Surface of a Single Crystal by Electrochemical Etching
The article analyzes the morphological characteristics of a porous GaP surface layer formed on the surface of monocrystalline gallium phosphide by electrochemical etching. The correlations between the etching time and the appropriate size, shape and density of pores have been established and studied in detail.
Synthesis of porous indium phosphide with nickel oxide crystallites on the surface
Y. Suchikova, S. Kovachov, I. Bohdanov, І. Bardus show their appreciation to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for its support, in particular: grant 0122U000129 “Search for Optimal Conditions for the Synthesis of Nanostructures on the Surface of Semiconductors A3B5, A2B6 and Silicon for Photonics and Solar Energy,” and grant 0121U109426 “Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Systemic Fundamentalization of Intended Specialist Training in the Field of Nanophase Materials Science for Productive Professional Activity”.