M Santangelo
Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery
Ileus is common after elective colorectal surgery, and is associated with increased adverse events and prolonged hospital stay. The aim was to assess the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for reducing ileus after surgery.A prospective multicentre cohort study was delivered by an international, student- and trainee-led collaborative group. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The primary outcome was time to gastrointestinal recovery, measured using a composite measure of bowel function and tolerance to oral intake. The impact of NSAIDs was explored using Cox regression analyses, including the results of a c…
In Italy, the economic knowledges of the structures and the capabilities of production of income of the organic breedings are scarce. The sources of knowledge are often represented by investigations on cases of study of success. On the over 380 organic breedings whose accounting is checked to the National Institute of Agricultural Economics (INEA), for the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), we have decided to analyze the following organic breedings: 39 beef, 13 cow milk, 9 ovine meat and 24 ovine milk. The results underline a positive income, elevated variability of the raise animal species, technique of breeding characterized by a scarce use of resources and modest pluri-activity (farm …
Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery
Ileus is common after colorectal surgery and is associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications. Identifying features of normal bowel recovery and the appropriateness for hospital discharge is challenging. This study explored the safety of hospital discharge before the return of bowel function.A prospective, multicentre cohort study was undertaken across an international collaborative network. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The main outcome of interest was readmission to hospital within 30 days of surgery. The impact of discharge timing according to the return of bowel function was explored using multiva…
Do patients' and referral centers' characteristics influence multiple sclerosis phenotypes? Results from the Italian multiple sclerosis and related disorders register
Abstract Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by phenotypical heterogeneity, partly resulting from demographic and environmental risk factors. Socio-economic factors and the characteristics of local MS facilities might also play a part. Methods This study included patients with a confirmed MS diagnosis enrolled in the Italian MS and Related Disorders Register in 2000–2021. Patients at first visit were classified as having a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), relapsing–remitting (RR), primary progressive (PP), progressive-relapsing (PR), or secondary progressive MS (SP). Demographic and clinical characteristics were analyzed, with centers’ characteristics, geographic macro-ar…
The Italian multiple sclerosis register
The past decade has seen extraordinary increase in worldwide availability of and access to several large multiple sclerosis (MS) databases and registries. MS registries represent powerful tools to provide meaningful information on the burden, natural history, and long-term safety and effectiveness of treatments. Moreover, patients, physicians, industry, and policy makers have an active interest in real-world observational studies based on register data, as they have the potential to answer the questions that are most relevant to daily treatment decision-making. In 2014, the Italian MS Foundation, in collaboration with the Italian MS clinical centers, promoted and funded the creation of the …