Alexander P. Litvinchuk
Second-order Raman scattering in CuO
Polarized second-order Raman scattering spectra of CuO single crystals are reported. It is shown that for some scattering geometries the second-order processes dominate the inelastic light scattering spectra. Group-theoretical symmetry analysis of the selection rules for the first- and second-order scattering processes is performed and phonon dispersion relations are calculated within density functional theory. The main spectral features of the two-phonon spectra are assigned to overtones of the vibrational branches at various special points across the Brillouin zone.
Synthesis, crystal structures, magnetic properties, and lattice dynamics of Ba2XCu(OH)[V2O7] with X=Cl, Br
Abstract We have synthesized Ba2XCu(OH)[V2O7] with X=Cl, Br by hydrothermal methods. The isotypic structures (Pnma, Z=4, a≈15.1 A, b≈6.1 A, c≈9.6 A) contain distorted hexagonal layers of Ba and X in a BN-type arrangement. Each halide is further coordinated by one out-of plane Ba atom in an alternate up-down fashion resulting in an overall Ba 2 X 3 + ∞ 2 structural feature. The planar Ba–X hexagonal rings are centered by divanadate groups in an eclipsed orientation. Edge-sharing chains of CuO 2/2 (OH) 2/2 O 2/1 5 - ∞ 1 complement the structure. The magnetic properties are associated with the magnetic Cu2+ ions and can be described as an antiferromagnetic quasi 1D S=1/2 Heisenberg system. Co…