Annalisa Metta

Rileggere i paesaggi dei quartieri di edilizia residenziale pubblica. Le ragioni di una ricerca

Il contributo introduce alle ragioni e ai significati che hanno spinto le autrici ad intraprendere la ricerca di rilievo nazionale PICS sui paesaggi urbani del quotidiano

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Col-azioni. Pratiche di convivialità per la rigenerazione degli spazi pubblici

Nel 1995 la FAO individua la città come territorio per la produzione di cibo. Le implicazioni reciproche tra spazi aperti urbani e alimentazione sono pertinenti non solo in termini di produzione ma anche di preparazione e consumo di cibo. Con Col-Azioni chiamiamo le esperienze di rigenerazione degli spazi aperti pubblici in contesti urbani fragili che trovano comune strumento nella condivisione di cibo. In 1995, the fao identified the city as a place in which to produce food. Since then, the trend to integrate small places, necessary for pasture and cultivation, has produced a substantial and valid corpus of strategies, methods and realisations. At the same time, in Europe, research into th…

research product

Rivelare e abitare paesaggi. Il workshop PICS a Parco Feronia

PICS acronimo di Public Identity Common Space è un’iniziativa di ricerca-azione dell’unità Roma Tre per il progetto Living Urban Scape svoltasi a Roma nei mesi di aprile e maggio 2013 e che ha inteso decifrare e assecondare le vocazioni ambientali e sociali negli spazi aperti del quartiere ERP di Pietralata, in Roma, dando forma a intenzioni e valori latenti, già presenti ma poco leggibili, con le pratiche del coinvolgimento, dell’inclusione e della riappropriazione fisica dei luoghi. La ricerca-azione avanza due tesi. La prima è quella che individua nel progetto il fondamentale esito spaziale di una avvenuta e radicata conoscenza del territorio e del paesaggio a cui questo fa riferimento. …

research product

Cities facing the Wild

Untamed ecosystems and plots of wild nature increasingly constitute large parts of contemporary urban spaces. They are often the unbidden result of a long-standing lack of maintenance as well as of the uncontrolled flourishing of weeds produced by the pesticide absolute ban. But they are also something more. Many recently implemented urban open spaces deal with wild nature to solve some of the most urgent tasks of the contemporary cities: reclaiming areas fallen into disuse, designing sustainable infrastructures, revitalizing valuable public spaces, enhancing the ecological footprint of new developments, suggesting new practices and social ritual, reducing management costs, fighting climate…

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Design as adaptive and provisonal practice

The chapter is about the experience of design and building of Eco-Week in Rome, in the suburb of Valle Aurelia

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“Serpentone Reload” an Experience of Citizens Involvement in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces

Suburbs are often very contradictory places. Despite great part of urban population live there, these parts of cities are mostly considered as degradation places. The topic of suburbs regeneration is relevant today. Nevertheless, often expensive interventions implemented by local authorities fail to regenerate their public spaces. This paper presents the experience of “Serpentone reload”, a workshop based on participatory reactivation of abandoned or underused spaces and buildings in “Cocuzzo/Serpentone” neighbourhood in Potenza (Basilicata, Italy). The workshop particularly focused on the reuse of the “Ship”, an underground building, completed in 2010, never used, because it has been perce…

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Urban Services to Ecosystems - Green Infrastructure Benefits from the Landscape to the Urban Scale

The aim of this book is to bring together multidisciplinary research in the field of green infrastructure design, construction and ecology. The main core of the volume is constituted by contributions dealing with green infrastructure, vegetation science, nature-based solutions and sustainable urban development. The green infrastructure and its ecosystem services, indeed, are gaining space in both political agendas and academic research. However, the attention is focused on the services that nature is giving for free to and for human health and survival. What if we start to see things from another perspective? Our actions shall converge for instance to turn man-made environment like cities f…

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