Giuseppe Viglietto
Non-Coding RNAs in Multiple Myeloma Bone Disease Pathophysiology
Bone remodeling is uncoupled in the multiple myeloma (MM) bone marrow niche, resulting in enhanced osteoclastogenesis responsible of MM-related bone disease (MMBD). Several studies have disclosed the mechanisms underlying increased osteoclast formation and activity triggered by the various cellular components of the MM bone marrow microenvironment, leading to the identification of novel targets for therapeutic intervention. In this regard, recent attention has been given to non-coding RNA (ncRNA) molecules, that finely tune gene expression programs involved in bone homeostasis both in physiological and pathological settings. In this review, we will analyze major signaling pathways involved …
Additional file 1 of Combined lymphocyte/monocyte count, D-dimer and iron status predict COVID-19 course and outcome in a long-term care facility
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Boxplot, correlation plots, density plots and histograms reporting the association between each laboratory variable and Sex. The p values for overall and group-based correlation is reported in the top-right part of each image. Figure S2. Boxplot, correlation plots, density plots and histograms reporting the association between each laboratory variable and Age, respectively. The p values for overall and group-based correlation is reported in the top-right part of each image. Figure S3. Boxplot, correlation plots, density plots and histograms reporting the association between each laboratory variable and risk group, respectively. The p values for overall and grou…
Combined lymphocyte/monocyte count, D-dimer and iron status predict COVID-19 course and outcome in a long-term care facility
Abstract Background The Sars-CoV-2 can cause severe pneumonia with multiorgan disease; thus, the identification of clinical and laboratory predictors of the progression towards severe and fatal forms of this illness is needed. Here, we retrospectively evaluated and integrated laboratory parameters of 45 elderly subjects from a long-term care facility with Sars-CoV-2 outbreak and spread, to identify potential common patterns of systemic response able to better stratify patients’ clinical course and outcome. Methods Baseline white blood cells, granulocytes’, lymphocytes’, and platelets’ counts, hemoglobin, total iron, ferritin, D-dimer, and interleukin-6 concentration were used to generate a …