Th. Beck
Morphology of placental villi after premature delivery and its clinical relevance
Based on a new concept of maturation of the placental villous tree and its disorders (synchronous and asynchronous immaturity, asynchronous maturity, hyperpermaturity, and terminal villi deficiency) we studied the possible effect of the placental villous tree on the premature onset of labour. In mature normal neonates irregular and asynchronous villous patterns were found in 50% of cases. In prematurely delivered neonates, only 33% of the corresponding placentas show synchronous immature villous patterns. Uterine bleeding in the first trimester was associated with a 42% of incidence of premature maturation of the villous tree. These findings strengthen the idea that hormonal imbalance in ea…
Immunohistochemical location of HPL, SP1 and β-HCG in normal placentas of varying gestational age
Sixty-four placentas at various gestational ages were examined by immunohistochemical stains for HPL, SP1 and beta-HCG according to a modified PAP method (Sternberger 1970). Syncytiotrophoblast cell layer was identified as the main site of synthesis. Extravillous immunohistochemical reactions for HPL and SP1 (but not for beta-HCG) were found in X-cells of the basal plate and in the intervillous trophoblast islands. These cell types would thus seem to be derived from trophoblast. Hofbauer-cells of villous connective tissue stained specifically for beta-HCG apparently because of HCG phagocytosis. The intensity of staining for HPL, SP1 and beta-HCG was evaluated semiquantitatively in the syncy…
The effect of antenatal intravenous immunoglobulin on ascending intrauterine infection after preterm premature rupture of the membranes: a pilot study
Ascending infection is a serious threat in pregnancies complicated by preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PROM). In a controlled randomized prospective pilot study (n = 18) we have evaluated the effect of intravenous IgM enriched immunoglobulin given to the mothers 24-48 hours after preterm PROM in reducing ascending infection. Using a validated infection score from laboratory and clinical data at birth, we found a significant reduction of probable infection in the neonates of the treatment group compared to the control group (p = 0.0022). Histopathological investigation of the placentas, membranes and umbilical cords revealed significantly lower stages and grades of chorioamnioniti…