H. Poirier
P073 L’obésité diminue, de manière réversible, la préférence pour les lipides alimentaires chez la souris
International audience; Introduction et but de l’étude. – Au cours des dernières années, il a été suggéré l’existence d’un lien étroit entre la détection oro-sensorielle des lipides alimentaire, la régulation de la prise alimentaire et l’IMC. Toutefois, les mécanismes affectant la sensibilité aux lipides ainsi que l’éventuelle implication directe de l’obésité restent mal connus.
Intestinal CD36. A lipid-sensor involved in the processing of chylomicrons in rodents
International audience; CD36 is a multifunctional glycoprotein which binds nanomolar concentrations of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and is highly expressed on the luminal surface of enterocytes. Despite of its implication in oleoylethanolamide (OEA) and chylomicron synthesis, CD36 function in small intestine remains incompletely understood. Our in vivo data demonstrated that CD36 gene deletion in mice did not affect intestinal LCFA uptake. CD36 protein disappeared early from the luminal side of intestinal villi during the post-prandial period but only when the diet contained lipids. This drop was significant 1 h after a lipid supply and was associated with ubiquitination of CD36. Using CHO…