Première contribution à l'étude des mycorhizes des îles Kerguelen
Abstract Until recently mycorrhizae had not been studied in the Antarctic region. Some studies have demonstrated that mycorrhizae occur in some southern circumpolar islands. This paper gives the first results on the mycorrhizae in the Kerguelen islands (Sub-antarctic). Twenty-one plant root systems, fixed in the field, were examined microscopically in the laboratory to determine their mycorrhizal status. No ectomycorrhiza, arbutoid or ericoid were noted. Six plant species showed vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae: Ranunculus biternatus, Galium antarcticum, Festuca erecta, Poa kerguelensis, Agrostis magellanica and Poa annua. However, the mycorrhizal status varied according to the site studied.