P Belardi

Severity of Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis and Risk of Ipsilateral Hemispheric Ischaemic Events: Results from the ACSRS Study

Objectives. This study determines the risk of ipsilateral ischaemic neurological events in relation to the degree of asymptomatic carotid stenosis and other risk factors. Methods. Patients (n = 1115) with asymptomatic internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis greater than 50% in relation to the bulb diameter were followed up for a period of 6-84 (mean 37.1) months. Stenosis was graded using duplex, and clinical and biochemical risk factors were recorded. Results. The relationship between ICA stenosis and event rate is linear when stenosis is expressed by the ECST method, but S-shaped if expressed by the NASCET method. In addition to the ECST grade of stenosis (RR 1.6; 95% CI 1.21-2.15), histor…

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The size of juxtaluminal hypoechoic area in ultrasound images of asymptomatic carotid plaques predicts the occurrence of stroke

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that the size of a juxtaluminal black (hypoechoic) area (JBA) in ultrasound images of asymptomatic carotid artery plaques predicts future ipsilateral ischemic stroke. METHODS: A JBA was defined as an area of pixels with a grayscale value 10 mm(2) (P 8 mm(2)) was still significant after adjusting for other plaque features known to be associated with increased risk, including stenosis, grayscale median, presence of discrete white areas without acoustic shadowing indicating neovascularization, plaque area, and history of contralateral TIA or stroke. Plaque area and grayscale median were not significant. Using the significant variables (stenosis, discr…

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Idee per la rappresentazione 7 - Visualità

Il dibattito sulle teorie dell’immagine e più in generale sulla cultura visuale si è fatto, nell’ultimo decennio, sempre più intenso. Ha un territorio di confine tra riflessione filosofica, estetica, teorie della rappresentazione, teorie dei media, con un respiro che ne ha ampliato enormemente la connotazione disciplinare, contaminando anche l’orizzonte culturale del rappresentare. Lo scenario dischiuso coinvolge, infatti, in modo evidente l’ambito della rappresentazione e in qualche modo lo costringe a una che vede i termini di immagine, visualizzazione e rappresentazione ridefinire le proprie reciproche relazioni. Non si tratta solo di riflettere sul tema ampio della costruzione dei nessi…

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Idee per la rappresentazione 3. Atti del seminario di studi Artefatti

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