

Severity of Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis and Risk of Ipsilateral Hemispheric Ischaemic Events: Results from the ACSRS Study

A NicolaidesS KakkosM GriffinM SabetaiS DhanjilT TegosD ThomasA GiannoukasG GeroulakosN GeorgiouS FrancisE IoannidouC DoréR AdovasioB ZianiE AlóC CicilioniG AmbrosioA AndreevG AndreozziF VerlatoG CamporeseE ArosioE BarkauskasA Barros D'saP BranniganV BatchvarovaA DramovP BelardiG NovelliG SimoniP BellN BornsteinD Bouchier HayesP FitzgeraldM CairolsP CaoP DerangoG CarboniC GeoffredoM CatalanoB ChambersM GoetzmannA DickinsonD ClementM BobelynS CoccheriE ContiE DiamantopolousE AndreadisL MiddletonM PantziarisT TyllisE MinarA WillfortL MoggiG NenciS RadicchiaL NorgrenE RibbieS NovoR TantilloD OlinicW PaaskeA PagnanP PaulettoV PagliaraG PettinaC PratesiS MatticariJ PolivkaP SevcikP PoredosA BlincV VidecnikA PujiaA RasoP RispoliM ConfortiT RobinsonM DennisS RosforsG RudofskyT SchroederM GronholdtG SimoniC FinocchiG RodriguezP DimakakosT KotsisB EikelboomL EntzN Ferrari BardilleasT AloiM SalernoJ. FernandesGiorgio Maria BiasiPaolo Mingazzini


Riskmedicine.medical_specialtymedicine.medical_treatmentCarotid StenosiPredictive Value of TestCarotid endarterectomySeverity of Illness IndexAsymptomaticBrain Ischemiachemistry.chemical_compoundCerebrovascular Accidentmedicine.arteryInternal medicineSeverity of illnessNASCETMED/22 - CHIRURGIA VASCOLAREmedicineCarotidStenosisMedicine(all)Ultrasonography Doppler DuplexCreatininebusiness.industryRisk FactorIncidence (epidemiology)medicine.diseasemajor clinical studyUltrasonography Duplex DopplerAsymptomaticStenosischemistryPredictive value of testsCardiologySurgeryECSTRadiologyInternal carotid arterymedicine.symptomCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicinebusinessHuman


Objectives. This study determines the risk of ipsilateral ischaemic neurological events in relation to the degree of asymptomatic carotid stenosis and other risk factors. Methods. Patients (n = 1115) with asymptomatic internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis greater than 50% in relation to the bulb diameter were followed up for a period of 6-84 (mean 37.1) months. Stenosis was graded using duplex, and clinical and biochemical risk factors were recorded. Results. The relationship between ICA stenosis and event rate is linear when stenosis is expressed by the ECST method, but S-shaped if expressed by the NASCET method. In addition to the ECST grade of stenosis (RR 1.6; 95% CI 1.21-2.15), history of contralateral TIAs (RR 3.0; 95% CI 1.90-4.73) and creatinine in excess of 85 μmol/L (RR 2.1; 95% CI 1.23-3.65) were independent risk predictors. The combination of these three risk factors can identify a high-risk group (7.3% annual event rate and 4.3% annual stroke rate) and a low risk group (2.3% annual event rate and 0.7% annual stroke rate). Conclusions. Linearity between ECST percent stenosis and risk makes this method for grading stenosis more amenable to risk prediction without any transformation not only in clinical practice but also when multivariable analysis is to be used. Identification of additional risk factors provides a new approach to risk stratification and should help refine the indications for carotid endarterectomy. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
