Gabriel P. Paternain
Geometric Inverse Problems
This up-to-date treatment of recent developments in geometric inverse problems introduces graduate students and researchers to an exciting area of research. With an emphasis on the two-dimensional case, topics covered include geodesic X-ray transforms, boundary rigidity, tensor tomography, attenuated X-ray transforms and the Calderón problem. The presentation is self-contained and begins with the Radon transform and radial sound speeds as motivating examples. The required geometric background is developed in detail in the context of simple manifolds with boundary. An in-depth analysis of various geodesic X-ray transforms is carried out together with related uniqueness, stability, reconstruc…
The geodesic X-ray transform with matrix weights
Consider a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension $\geq 3$ with strictly convex boundary, such that the manifold admits a strictly convex function. We show that the attenuated ray transform in the presence of an arbitrary connection and Higgs field is injective modulo the natural obstruction for functions and one-forms. We also show that the connection and the Higgs field are uniquely determined by the scattering relation modulo gauge transformations. The proofs involve a reduction to a local result showing that the geodesic X-ray transform with a matrix weight can be inverted locally near a point of strict convexity at the boundary, and a detailed analysis of layer stripping arguments ba…
On the range of the attenuated ray transform for unitary connections
We describe the range of the attenuated ray transform of a unitary connection on a simple surface acting on functions and 1-forms. We use this to determine the range of the ray transform acting on symmetric tensor fields.
Invariant distributions, Beurling transforms and tensor tomography in higher dimensions
In the recent articles \cite{PSU1,PSU3}, a number of tensor tomography results were proved on two-dimensional manifolds. The purpose of this paper is to extend some of these methods to manifolds of any dimension. A central concept is the surjectivity of the adjoint of the geodesic ray transform, or equivalently the existence of certain distributions that are invariant under geodesic flow. We prove that on any Anosov manifold, one can find invariant distributions with controlled first Fourier coefficients. The proof is based on subelliptic type estimates and a Pestov identity. We present an alternative construction valid on manifolds with nonpositive curvature, based on the fact that a natur…
Spectral rigidity and invariant distributions on Anosov surfaces
This article considers inverse problems on closed Riemannian surfaces whose geodesic flow is Anosov. We prove spectral rigidity for any Anosov surface and injectivity of the geodesic ray transform on solenoidal 2-tensors. We also establish surjectivity results for the adjoint of the geodesic ray transform on solenoidal tensors. The surjectivity results are of independent interest and imply the existence of many geometric invariant distributions on the unit sphere bundle. In particular, we show that on any Anosov surface $(M,g)$, given a smooth function $f$ on $M$ there is a distribution in the Sobolev space $H^{-1}(SM)$ that is invariant under the geodesic flow and whose projection to $M$ i…
Tensor tomography: Progress and challenges
We survey recent progress in the problem of recovering a tensor field from its integrals along geodesics. We also propose several open problems.
The non-Abelian X-ray transform on surfaces
This paper settles the question of injectivity of the non-Abelian X-ray transform on simple surfaces for the general linear group of invertible complex matrices. The main idea is to use a factorization theorem for Loop Groups to reduce to the setting of the unitary group, where energy methods and scalar holomorphic integrating factors can be used. We also show that our main theorem extends to cover the case of an arbitrary Lie group.
Carleman estimates for geodesic X-ray transforms
In this article we introduce an approach for studying the geodesic X-ray transform and related geometric inverse problems by using Carleman estimates. The main result states that on compact negatively curved manifolds (resp. nonpositively curved simple or Anosov manifolds), the geodesic vector field satisfies a Carleman estimate with logarithmic weights (resp. linear weights) on the frequency side. As a particular consequence, on negatively curved simple manifolds the geodesic X-ray transform with attenuation given by a general connection and Higgs field is invertible modulo natural obstructions. The proof is based on showing that the Pestov energy identity for the geodesic vector field com…
The X-Ray Transform for Connections in Negative Curvature
We consider integral geometry inverse problems for unitary connections and skew-Hermitian Higgs fields on manifolds with negative sectional curvature. The results apply to manifolds in any dimension, with or without boundary, and also in the presence of trapped geodesics. In the boundary case, we show injectivity of the attenuated ray transform on tensor fields with values in a Hermitian bundle (i.e. vector valued case). We also show that a connection and Higgs field on a Hermitian bundle are determined up to gauge by the knowledge of the parallel transport between boundary points along all possible geodesics. The main tools are an energy identity, the Pestov identity with a unitary connect…
A sharp stability estimate for tensor tomography in non-positive curvature
Funder: University of Cambridge