Salvatore Di Marco

Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation and intermittent theta-burst stimulation improve deglutition and swallowing reproducibility in elderly patients with dysphagia

Background: Dysphagia in the elderly, known as presbydysphagia, has become a relevant public health problem in several countries. Swallowing disorders may be a consequence of different neurological disorders (secondary presbydysphagia) or the expression of the aging process itself (primary presbydysphagia). We aimed to test the therapeutic potential of two different non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques in subjects with primary or secondary presbydysphagia. Methods: A blinded randomized controlled trial with crossover design was carried out in 42 patients, randomly assigned to anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) or intermittent theta-burst stimulation (TBS) grou…

research product

O047. The sound-induced flash illusions reveal visual cortex hyperexcitability in cluster headache

Objectives Pathophysiology of cluster headache (CH) is not wellknown. Although posterior hypothalamus has been suggested to play a pivotal role, evidence exists of a more diffuse involvement of the central nervous system including brainstem and cerebral cortex. In this regard, we recently observed increased motor cortical excitability in episodic CH patients both outside and inside bout [1]. The sound-induced flash illusions (SIFI) represent an example of multisensory integration, and provide a tool to indirectly explore the excitability state of the visual cortex [2]. SIFI are classified as “fission” and “fusion” illusions. When one visual stimulus (flash) is accompanied by two or more aud…

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Intracortical facilitation within the migraine motor cortex depends on the stimulation intensity. A paired-pulse TMS study

Abstract Introduction Connectivity within the primary motor cortex can be measured using the paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) paradigm. This evaluates the effect of a first conditioning stimulus on the motor evoked potential (MEP) elicited by a second test stimulus when different interstimulus intervals are used. Aim of the present study was to provide, in patients suffering from migraine without aura (MwoA), additional information on intracortical facilitation (ICF), short intracortical inhibition (SICI), and long intracortical inhibition (LICI), using different intensities of the test stimulus (TS). Methods We enrolled 24 patients with episodic MwoA and 24 age- and sex…

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Analisi delle deposizioni di Caretta caretta sui litorali italiani.

research product

P072. The visual cortical excitability in pediatric migraine as tested by sound-induced flash illusions

Objectives Sound-induced flash illusions (SIFI) depend on visual cortex (V1) excitability [1]. In adults with migraine, in response to visual-acoustic illusions, V1 is hyperexcitable [2]. Susceptibility to SIFI is increased in children than adults. During childhood there is a change in sensory dominance: acoustic dominant switching to a visual [3]. Here we used SIFI to evaluate V1 excitability in children with migraine assessing also age-related differences in cross-modal audio-visual perception.

research product

OnabotulinumtoxinA Modulates Visual Cortical Excitability in Chronic Migraine: Effects of 12-Week Treatment

Chronic migraine is a burdensome disease presenting with episodic pain and several symptoms that may persist even among headache attacks. Multisensory integration is modified in migraine, as assessed by the level of the perception of sound-induced flash illusions, a simple paradigm reflecting changes in cortical excitability which reveals to be altered in migraineurs. OnabotulinumtoxinA is an effective preventive therapy for chronic migraineurs, reducing peripheral and central sensitization, and may influence cortical excitability. Patients affected by chronic migraine who started onabotulinumtoxinA preventive therapy were included. Clinical effects (headache diaries and migraine related qu…

research product

Electrical, chemical and morphological characterization of tantalum nitride thin film resistors deposited at low temperature by reactive sputtering for plastic electronic applications

research product

Erenumab and Possible CGRP Effect on Chronotype in Chronic Migraine: A Real-Life Study of 12 Months Treatment

The introduction of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), or its receptor (CGRPr), revolutionized migraine management due to their high efficacy and few side effects. Data suggest that the CGRP may even be implicated in circadian rhythm, but studies about the effect of anti-CGRP treatments on sleep are still lacking. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of erenumab (70 and 140 mg per month), a human mAb directed against CGRPr, on chronotype in chronic migraineurs; secondly, we assessed its efficacy, safety, and the effects on anxiety and depression. Sleep was evaluated using self-administrable questionnaires investigating …

research product

Loggerhead turtle nesting in Italy: an overview

research product

Migraine and Sport in a Physically Active Population of Students: Results of a Cross‐Sectional Study

Abstract Objective: In this study, we explored the relationship between migraine and sport in a physically active population of students, analyzing the risk of migraine among sporty students. Background: The relationship between sport and migraine is controversial; moreover, several studies report on sport as a migraine trigger, but there is evidence that physical activity could have a relevant role in migraine prevention. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using the validated ID-migraine questionnaire including specific demo-anthropometric (gender, age, weight, height) and sports variables on a potentially active student population of the University of Palermo. Evaluation in p…

research product

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome complicated by subacute beriberi neuropathy in an alcoholic patient.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency is a common condition in alcohol abusers, which can lead to damage of both the peripheral and the central nervous systems. Here we describe the case of an alcoholic patient who presented with acute onset of ataxia, severe weakness of the four limbs, and hypoesthesia and dysesthesia of the distal portion of the upper and lower extremities. The clinical picture also included mental confusion and amnesia. A diagnosis of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome was made based on clinical symptoms and brain RMI findings. Electromyography and electroneurography revealed signs of subacute axonal sensory-motor polyneuropathy that were compatible with a rare acute presentation of…

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