Saturnino De Los Santos
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in Dominican teachers: dimensionality, reliability, and validity
ABSTRACT Work engagement is described by dedication, vigor, and absorption. The most widely used measure of engagement is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), intended to measure engagement for any occupational group. This research aims to study psychometric properties of the UWES for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean Spanish-speaking countries. The Composite Reliability Index (CRI) as well as alphas were calculated, indicating good internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to test its dimensionality. Both tested models showed extremely good fit to the data, which called for model comparison. The three-factor solution was retained as the on…
Evaluación de las estrategias de aprendizaje con las escalas ACRA y ACRA-Breve: Modelos competitivos, invarianza de medida, y predicción del rendimiento académico en estudiantes de secundaria de la República Dominicana
Resumen Las estrategias de aprendizaje han sido ampliamente estudiadas, y relacionadas con el exito academico en diversos estudios. Entre las medidas desarrolladas, la version de 44 items de la Escala de Estrategias de Aprendizaje (ACRA) es, de lejos, una de las mas utilizadas en el contexto de habla hispana. Recientemente, este instrumento ha sido reducido a una version de 17 items. Ni la version de 44 items ni la de 17 han sido puestas a prueba en la Republica Dominicana. La muestra se compone de 1712 estudiantes dominicanos de secundaria. Ambas estructuras del ACRA se evaluan mediante AFC; se calcula alfa y el indice CRI para valorar la consistencia interna; y, para obtener evidencia de …
Satisfação Profissional no Docente Dominicano: Antecedentes Profissionais
Resumen La satisfacción laboral del colectivo docente ha sido estudiada desde diversas perspectivas, debido a los importantes efectos que esta puede tener tanto a nivel económico como a nivel organizacional. La muestra empleada en este trabajo se compone de 978 docentes dominicanos, y fue obtenida mediante un muestreo estratificado, y, por tanto, representativo de la población. En este estudio se examina un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en el cual el contexto de trabajo y las condiciones laborales afectan el burnout y el engagement de los profesores. A su vez, se plantea que burnout y engagement afectan la satisfacción laboral docente. El modelo ajustó a los datos: x2(223)= 1089.9, p<.…
Assessment of learning strategies with the ACRA and the Brief-ACRA scales: Competitive models, measurement invariance, and prediction of academic achievement in secondary elementary students from the Dominican Republic
Abstract Learning strategies have been widely studied, and they have been related to academic achievement in several studies. Among the measurement instruments developed, the 44-item version of the Learning Strategies Scale (ACRA) is, by far, one of the most widely used questionnaires in the Spanish speaking context. This instrument has been recently shortened to a 17-item version. Neither the 44-item nor the 17-item version have been tested in the Dominican Republic. The aim of this study is to study the psychometric properties of the 44-item and 17-item versions of the ACRA. Participants were 1712 Dominican secondary school students. Both structures of the ACRA were tested via CFA; alpha …
Escala de Utrecht de implicación en el trabajo en los profesores dominicanos: dimensionalidad, fiabilidad y validez
ABSTRACT Work engagement is described by dedication, vigor, and absorption. The most widely used measure of engagement is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), intended to measure engagement for any occupational group. This research aims to study psychometric properties of the UWES for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean Spanish-speaking countries. The Composite Reliability Index (CRI) as well as alphas were calculated, indicating good internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to test its dimensionality. Both tested models showed extremely good fit to the data, which called for model comparison. The three-factor solution was retained as the on…
Validation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey on a Representative Sample of Dominican Teachers: Normative Data
AbstractBurnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment (Bakke, Demerouti, & Sanz-Vergel, 2014). Several instruments for its measurement exist, but the most widely used scale for measuring its dimensions, by far, is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) in its different versions. Among the available versions of the scale, the MBI-General Survey was developed to measure three dimensions of burnout (cynicism, personal accomplishment, and emotional exhaustion) regardless of the type of work. The aim of this research is to offer evidence on the psychometric properties of the MBI-GS for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbea…
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in Dominican Teachers: Dimensionality, Reliability, and Validity
Work engagement is described by dedication, vigor, and absorption. The most widely used measure of engagement is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), intended to measure engagement for any occupational group. This research aims to study psychometric properties of the UWES for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean Spanish-speaking countries. The Composite Reliability Index (CRI) as well as alphas were calculated, indicating good internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to test its dimensionality. Both tested models showed extremely good fit to the data, which called for model comparison. The three-factor solution was retained as the one showing…