Tony Liimatainen
Uniqueness, reconstruction and stability for an inverse problem of a semi-linear wave equation
We consider the recovery of a potential associated with a semi-linear wave equation on Rn+1, n > 1. We show that an unknown potential a(x, t) of the wave equation ???u + aum = 0 can be recovered in a H & ouml;lder stable way from the map u|onnx[0,T] ???-> (11, avu|ac >= x[0,T])L2(oc >= x[0,T]). This data is equivalent to the inner product of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map with a measurement function ???. We also prove similar stability result for the recovery of a when there is noise added to the boundary data. The method we use is constructive and it is based on the higher order linearization. As a consequence, we also get a uniqueness result. We also give a detailed presentation of the forw…
p-harmonic coordinates for H\"older metrics and applications
We show that on any Riemannian manifold with H\"older continuous metric tensor, there exists a $p$-harmonic coordinate system near any point. When $p = n$ this leads to a useful gauge condition for regularity results in conformal geometry. As applications, we show that any conformal mapping between manifolds having $C^\alpha$ metric tensors is $C^{1+\alpha}$ regular, and that a manifold with $W^{1,n} \cap C^\alpha$ metric tensor and with vanishing Weyl tensor is locally conformally flat if $n \geq 4$. The results extend the works [LS14, LS15] from the case of $C^{1+\alpha}$ metrics to the H\"older continuous case. In an appendix, we also develop some regularity results for overdetermined el…
The Poisson embedding approach to the Calderón problem
We introduce a new approach to the anisotropic Calder\'on problem, based on a map called Poisson embedding that identifies the points of a Riemannian manifold with distributions on its boundary. We give a new uniqueness result for a large class of Calder\'on type inverse problems for quasilinear equations in the real analytic case. The approach also leads to a new proof of the result by Lassas and Uhlmann (2001) solving the Calder\'on problem on real analytic Riemannian manifolds. The proof uses the Poisson embedding to determine the harmonic functions in the manifold up to a harmonic morphism. The method also involves various Runge approximation results for linear elliptic equations.
Inverse problems for elliptic equations with fractional power type nonlinearities
We study inverse problems for semilinear elliptic equations with fractional power type nonlinearities. Our arguments are based on the higher order linearization method, which helps us to solve inverse problems for certain nonlinear equations in cases where the solution for a corresponding linear equation is not known. By using a fractional order adaptation of this method, we show that the results of [LLLS20a, LLLS20b] remain valid for general power type nonlinearities.
p-harmonic coordinates for Hölder metrics and applications
We show that on any Riemannian manifold with H¨older continuous metric tensor, there exists a p-harmonic coordinate system near any point. When p = n this leads to a useful gauge condition for regularity results in conformal geometry. As applications, we show that any conformal mapping between manifolds having C α metric tensors is C 1+α regular, and that a manifold with W1,n ∩ C α metric tensor and with vanishing Weyl tensor is locally conformally flat if n ≥ 4. The results extend the works [LS14, LS15] from the case of C 1+α metrics to the H¨older continuous case. In an appendix, we also develop some regularity results for overdetermined elliptic systems in divergence form. peerReviewed
Uniqueness and stability of an inverse problem for a semi-linear wave equation
We consider the recovery of a potential associated with a semi-linear wave equation on $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$, $n\geq 1$. We show a H\"older stability estimate for the recovery of an unknown potential $a$ of the wave equation $\square u +a u^m=0$ from its Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. We show that an unknown potential $a(x,t)$, supported in $\Omega\times[t_1,t_2]$, of the wave equation $\square u +a u^m=0$ can be recovered in a H\"older stable way from the map $u|_{\partial \Omega\times [0,T]}\mapsto \langle\psi,\partial_\nu u|_{\partial \Omega\times [0,T]}\rangle_{L^2(\partial \Omega\times [0,T])}$. This data is equivalent to the inner product of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map with a measurement fun…
Equivalence of quasiregular mappings on subRiemannian manifolds via the Popp extension
We show that all the common definitions of quasiregular mappings $f\colon M\to N$ between two equiregular subRiemannian manifolds of homogeneous dimension $Q\geq 2$ are quantitatively equivalent with precise dependences of the quasiregularity constants. As an immediate consequence, we obtain that if $f$ is $1$-quasiregular according to one of the definitions, then it is also $1$-quasiregular according to any other definition. In particular, this recovers a recent theorem of Capogna et al. on the equivalence of $1$-quasiconformal mappings. Our main results answer affirmatively a few open questions from the recent research. The main new ingredient in our proofs is the distortion estimates for…
Linearized Calderón problem and exponentially accurate quasimodes for analytic manifolds
In this article we study the linearized anisotropic Calderon problem on a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary. This problem amounts to showing that products of pairs of harmonic functions of the manifold form a complete set. We assume that the manifold is transversally anisotropic and that the transversal manifold is real analytic and satisfies a geometric condition related to the geometry of pairs of intersecting geodesics. In this case, we solve the linearized anisotropic Calderon problem. The geometric condition does not involve the injectivity of the geodesic X-ray transform. Crucial ingredients in the proof of our result are the construction of Gaussian beam quasimodes on the tra…
Local Gauge Conditions for Ellipticity in Conformal Geometry
In this article we introduce local gauge conditions under which many curvature tensors appearing in conformal geometry, such as the Weyl, Cotton, Bach, and Fefferman-Graham obstruction tensors, become elliptic operators. The gauge conditions amount to fixing an $n$-harmonic coordinate system and normalizing the determinant of the metric. We also give corresponding elliptic regularity results and characterizations of local conformal flatness in low regularity settings.
$n$-harmonic coordinates and the regularity of conformal mappings
This article studies the smoothness of conformal mappings between two Riemannian manifolds whose metric tensors have limited regularity. We show that any bi-Lipschitz conformal mapping or $1$-quasiregular mapping between two manifolds with $C^r$ metric tensors ($r > 1$) is a $C^{r+1}$ conformal (local) diffeomorphism. This result was proved in [12, 27, 33], but we give a new proof of this fact. The proof is based on $n$-harmonic coordinates, a generalization of the standard harmonic coordinates that is particularly suited to studying conformal mappings. We establish the existence of a $p$-harmonic coordinate system for $1 < p < \infty$ on any Riemannian manifold.
The Linearized Calderón Problem in Transversally Anisotropic Geometries
In this article we study the linearized anisotropic Calderon problem. In a compact manifold with boundary, this problem amounts to showing that products of harmonic functions form a complete set. Assuming that the manifold is transversally anisotropic, we show that the boundary measurements determine an FBI type transform at certain points in the transversal manifold. This leads to recovery of transversal singularities in the linearized problem. The method requires a geometric condition on the transversal manifold related to pairs of intersecting geodesics, but it does not involve the geodesic X-ray transform which has limited earlier results on this problem.
Linearized Calder\'on problem and exponentially accurate quasimodes for analytic manifolds
In this article we study the linearized anisotropic Calder\'on problem on a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary. This problem amounts to showing that products of pairs of harmonic functions of the manifold form a complete set. We assume that the manifold is transversally anisotropic and that the transversal manifold is real analytic and satisfies a geometric condition related to the geometry of pairs of intersecting geodesics. In this case, we solve the linearized anisotropic Calder\'on problem. The geometric condition does not involve the injectivity of the geodesic X-ray transform. Crucial ingredients in the proof of our result are the construction of Gaussian beam quasimodes on the…
The Calder\'on problem for the conformal Laplacian
We consider a conformally invariant version of the Calder\'on problem, where the objective is to determine the conformal class of a Riemannian manifold with boundary from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for the conformal Laplacian. The main result states that a locally conformally real-analytic manifold in dimensions $\geq 3$ can be determined in this way, giving a positive answer to an earlier conjecture by Lassas and Uhlmann (2001). The proof proceeds as in the standard Calder\'on problem on a real-analytic Riemannian manifold, but new features appear due to the conformal structure. In particular, we introduce a new coordinate system that replaces harmonic coordinates when determining the co…
The Calderón problem for the conformal Laplacian
We consider a conformally invariant version of the Calderón problem, where the objective is to determine the conformal class of a Riemannian manifold with boundary from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for the conformal Laplacian. The main result states that a locally conformally real-analytic manifold in dimensions can be determined in this way, giving a positive answer to an earlier conjecture [LU02, Conjecture 6.3]. The proof proceeds as in the standard Calderón problem on a real-analytic Riemannian manifold, but new features appear due to the conformal structure. In particular, we introduce a new coordinate system that replaces harmonic coordinates when determining the conformal class in a …
An Inverse Problem for the Relativistic Boltzmann Equation
We consider an inverse problem for the Boltzmann equation on a globally hyperbolic Lorentzian spacetime $(M,g)$ with an unknown metric $g$. We consider measurements done in a neighbourhood $V\subset M$ of a timelike path $\mu$ that connects a point $x^-$ to a point $x^+$. The measurements are modelled by a source-to-solution map, which maps a source supported in $V$ to the restriction of the solution to the Boltzmann equation to the set $V$. We show that the source-to-solution map uniquely determines the Lorentzian spacetime, up to an isometry, in the set $I^+(x^-)\cap I^-(x^+)\subset M$. The set $I^+(x^-)\cap I^-(x^+)$ is the intersection of the future of the point $x^-$ and the past of th…
Partial data inverse problems and simultaneous recovery of boundary and coefficients for semilinear elliptic equations
We study various partial data inverse boundary value problems for the semilinear elliptic equation $\Delta u+ a(x,u)=0$ in a domain in $\mathbb R^n$ by using the higher order linearization technique introduced in [LLS 19, FO19]. We show that the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map of the above equation determines the Taylor series of $a(x,z)$ at $z=0$ under general assumptions on $a(x,z)$. The determination of the Taylor series can be done in parallel with the detection of an unknown cavity inside the domain or an unknown part of the boundary of the domain. The method relies on the solution of the linearized partial data Calder\'on problem [FKSU09], and implies the solution of partial data problems fo…
Inverse problems for elliptic equations with power type nonlinearities
We introduce a method for solving Calder\'on type inverse problems for semilinear equations with power type nonlinearities. The method is based on higher order linearizations, and it allows one to solve inverse problems for certain nonlinear equations in cases where the solution for a corresponding linear equation is not known. Assuming the knowledge of a nonlinear Dirichlet-to-Neumann map, we determine both a potential and a conformal manifold simultaneously in dimension $2$, and a potential on transversally anisotropic manifolds in dimensions $n \geq 3$. In the Euclidean case, we show that one can solve the Calder\'on problem for certain semilinear equations in a surprisingly simple way w…