R. Kurz
Low noise scintillation detectors with a P-47 thin layer screen for electrons of several keV
Abstract The applicability of a low-noise scintillation detector (ScD) for the registration of electrons of several keV energy has been studied employing photomultipliers (PM) of different types and sizes. With the application of a sedimented P-47 scintillation screen, the values of the low-energy sensitivity limit and those of the light conversion coefficient were determined as about 2.7–4.7 keV and 2.8–6.6 photoelectrons/keV, respectively, for the set of PM's (Philips-Valvo XP 2020, Philips-Valvo XP 2052, Philips-Valvo XP 2972, EMI 9124a) studied. It is concluded that such scintillation detectors might be used advantageously as electron counters in the range of E > 5 keV. Applications bel…
A time-differential Mössbauer emission spectrometer with high efficiency and high time resolution
A high-efficiency, high rate-capability, computer-based measuring setup for Time-Differential Mossbauer Spectroscopy was constructed. Applying NaI(Tl) and plastic scintillators for the detection of the 14.4 keV and 122 keV γ-radiation respectively, a superior timing (2, 3 ns FWHM) was achieved by a “fast-fast-ultra fast” timing method developed for that purpose.