Valenti D.
Development of a predictive model for the shelf-life of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
Despite its commercial value, the shelf-life of the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) during refrigerated storage was poorly investigated. In this regard, the Quality Index Method (QIM) was proposed as a suitable scoring system for freshness and quality sensorial estimation of fishery products. This study aims to develop a deterministic mathematical model based on dynamic temperatures conditions and a suc-cessive statistical analysis of the results obtained. This model will be exploited to predict the shelf-life of the Atlantic mackerel based on specific storage temperatures. A total of 60 fresh fishes were subdivided into two groups and respectively stored in ice for 12 days at a consta…
Effect of pulse amplitude on depression and potentiation of ZrO2(Y)-based memristive synaptic device
The effect of the amplitude of depressing and potentiating pulses on the synaptic plasticity (potentiation and depression) of a memristive device based on the Ta/ZrO2(Y)/Pt stack has been experimentally studied. It is shown that the amplitude of depressing and potentiating pulses affects the synaptic plasticity, namely, the value of current passing through the memristive device. The presented results demonstrate the prospects of using the ZrO2(Y)-based memristive devices as stable and low-power elements of neuromorphic systems.
Effect of internal noise on the relaxation time of an yttria stabilized zirconia-based memristor
The effects of temperature on the switching kinetics of an yttrium-stabilized zirconia-based memristor from a low-resistance state to a high-resistance state have been experimentally investigated. It was found that the memristor relaxation time depends on the temperature in a non-monotonous way, with a maximum observed at the temperature close to 55 °C. This nonmonotonic behavior is a signature of the noise-enhanced stability phenomenon observed in all physical and complex systems characterized by metastable states.