On fixed points of alpha-eta-psi-contractive multifunctions
Recently Samet et al. [B. Samet, C. Vetro, P. Vetro, Fixed point theorem for alpha-psi-contractive type mappings, Nonlinear Anal., 75 (2012), 2154{2165] introduced the notion of alpha-psi-contractive type mappings and established some fixed point theorems in complete metric spaces. Succesively, Asl et al. [J.H. Asl, SH. Rezapour, N. Shahzad, On fixed point of alpha-contractive multifunctions, Fixed Point Theory Appl., 2012, 212 (2012)] introduced the notion of alpha_*-psi-contractive multifunctions and give a fixed point result for these multifunctions. In this paper we obtain certain new fixed point and common fixed point theorems via alpha_*-admissible multifuncions with respect to eta. T…