

On fixed points of alpha-eta-psi-contractive multifunctions

Sh FathollahiP SalimiW SintunavaratPasquale Vetro


Settore MAT/05 - Analisi MatematicaMetric spaces alpha_*-admissible multifuncions with respect to a function eta pair of multifunctions alpha_*-admietassible with respect to a function eta fixed points common fixed points.


Recently Samet et al. [B. Samet, C. Vetro, P. Vetro, Fixed point theorem for alpha-psi-contractive type mappings, Nonlinear Anal., 75 (2012), 2154{2165] introduced the notion of alpha-psi-contractive type mappings and established some fixed point theorems in complete metric spaces. Succesively, Asl et al. [J.H. Asl, SH. Rezapour, N. Shahzad, On fixed point of alpha-contractive multifunctions, Fixed Point Theory Appl., 2012, 212 (2012)] introduced the notion of alpha_*-psi-contractive multifunctions and give a fixed point result for these multifunctions. In this paper we obtain certain new fixed point and common fixed point theorems via alpha_*-admissible multifuncions with respect to eta. The obtained results generalize, extend, and modify some fixed point results in the literature. Moreover, some examples are provided here to illustrate the usability of the obtained results.
