E. Elizabeth Patton

Mosaic activating mutations in GNA11 and GNAQ are associated with phakomatosis pigmentovascularis and extensive dermal melanocytosis

Common birthmarks can be an indicator of underlying genetic disease but are often overlooked. Mongolian blue spots (dermal melanocytosis) are usually localized and transient, but they can be extensive, permanent, and associated with extracutaneous abnormalities. Co-occurrence with vascular birthmarks defines a subtype of phakomatosis pigmentovascularis, a group of syndromes associated with neurovascular, ophthalmological, overgrowth, and malignant complications. Here, we discover that extensive dermal melanocytosis and phakomatosis pigmentovascularis are associated with activating mutations in GNA11 and GNAQ, genes that encode Gα subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins. The mutations were det…

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Mutations activatrices de GNA11 et GNAQ en mosaïque dans les phacomatoses pigmento-vasculaires et les taches mongoliques étendues

Introduction Les taches mongoliques, correspondant a une melanocytose dermique, sont frequentes a la naissance mais generalement transitoires. Elles peuvent parfois persister isolement ou en association a des angiomes plans dans les phacomatoses pigmento-vasculaires (types cesioflammea et cesiomarmorata), affections ou nous avons identifie des mutations en mosaique de deux genes de proteines G. Materiel et methodes Huit patients atteints de divers types de phacomatose pigmento-vasculaire et trois presentant une melanocytose dermique persistante etendue ont ete etudies par sequencage cible des genes GNAQ et GNA11 sur ADN de biopsie de peau pigmentee, d’angiome plan, de sang, ou dans un cas d…

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