Jyrki Joutsensalo
Providing QOS in 3G-WLAN environment with RSVP and DIFFSERV
Here we present the end-to-end QoS mechanism in 3G-multiaccess network environment. As multi-access wireless WLAN and wired xDSL wideband multi-access technologies has emerge and become more popular a need for interoperability with different technologies and domains has become necessity. There is also a need for end-to-end QoS management. We show a scenario where the UE-GGSN connection is covered by RSVP and RAN network part uses partial over dimensioning and real-time controlled ATM queuing. DiffServ covers WLAN-Core QoS and radio interface between WLAN AP and WLAN UE uses IEEE's 802.11e. Our interest is to find out how well 3G traffic classes can survive in different traffic conditions in…
The simulation and analysis of the revenue critierion based adaptive WFQ
This paper presents the simulation and analysis of the adaptive resource allocation model, which was proposed and theoretically considered in our previous works. It relies upon the Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ) service policy and uses the revenue criterion to adjust weights. The purpose of the proposed model is to maximize a provider's revenue and, at the same time, ensure the required Quality-of-Service (QoS) for end-users. Our previous works provided the theoretical evaluation of the proposed model and considered the single-node case only. This paper presents more realistic network scenario, which includes a set of clients and several intermediate switching nodes with the proposed model. T…
<title>Statistical bandwidth allocation for multiservice networks</title>
Multiservice networks will carry di erent kinds of applications in the near future. Bandwidth requirements change rapidly, and the network resource management will play an important role to guarantee the use of the limited resources in the most eAEcient way. We approach the channel capacity allocation problem by developing an SLA (Service Level Agreement) based channel allocation method. In our model, the channel may be wired or wireless, so this method can be adapted in multi-technique networks. The algorithm allocates resources to several di erent service classes via several di erent capacity routes. Service provider perfroms optimization by allocating data rate in such a way that the sat…
Bandwidth allocation and pricing in multimode network
This paper presents adaptive resource sharing model that uses a revenue criterion to allocate network resources in an optimal way. The model ensures QoS requirements of data flows and, at the same time, maximizes the total revenue by adjusting parameters of the underlying scheduler. Besides, the adaptive model eliminates the need to find the optimal static weight values because they are calculated dynamically. The simulation consists of several cases that analyse the model and the way it provides the required QoS guarantees. The simulation reveals that the installation of the adaptive model increases the total revenue and ensures the QoS requirements for all service classes.
Signal detection for spread spectrum communication systems with gradient algorithm
Retrieval process of original symbols of a spread spectrum based communication system is tried to be improved by Gradient Algorithm (GA) and Blind Source Separation (BSS) principles. Two simple schemes, based on two energy functions are presented. Time correlation properties of the channel are used as advantages in developing the filter coefficients for the receiver. Direct Sequence - Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) technique based system setup is used for algorithm testing purposes. This is identified as one of the most stable spread spectrum communication technique where most of the technologies developed for that are highly compatible with High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) transmis…
Optimal Digital Filtering versus Difference Waves on the Mismatch Negativity in an Uninterrupted Sound Paradigm
Conventionally, mismatch negativity (MMN) is analyzed through the calculation of the difference waves. This helps to eliminate some exogenous event-related potential (ERP) components. However, this reduces the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This study aims to test whether or not the optimal digital filtering performs better than the difference waves procedure in quantitative ERP analyses in an uninterrupted sound paradigm. The participants were 102 children aged 8-16 years. The MMN was elicited in a passive oddball paradigm presenting an uninterrupted sound consisting of two alternating tones (600 and 800 Hz) of the same duration (100 msec) with infrequent shortenings of one of the 600 Hz ton…
Gradient Scheduling Algorithm for Fair Delay Guarantee in Logarithmic Pricing Scenario
In this paper we propose a packet scheduling scheme for ensuring delay as a Quality of Service (QoS) requirement. For customers, fair service is given while optimizing revenue of the network service provider. Gradient type algorithm for updating the weights of a packet scheduler is derived from a revenue-based optimization problem in the logarithmic pricing scenario. Algorithm is simple to implement. We compared algorithm with optimal brute-force method. The weight updating procedure is independent on the assumption of the connection's statistical behavior, and therefore it is robust against erroneous estimates of statistics.
Revenue-Aware Resource Allocation in the Future Multi-Service IP Networks
In the future IP networks, a wide range of different service classes must be supported in a network node and different classes of customers will pay different prices for their used node resources based on their Service-Level-Agreements. In this paper, we link the resource allocation issue with pricing strategies and explore the problem of maximizing the revenue of service providers in a network node by optimally allocating a given amount of node resources among multiple service classes. Under the linear pricing strategy, the optimal resource allocation scheme is derived for the case that no firm Quality-of-Service (QoS) guarantees are required for all service classes, which can achieve the …
Network channel allocation and revenue maximization
This paper introduces a model that can be used to share link capacity among customers under different kind of traffic conditions. This model is suitable for different kind of networks like the 4G networks (fast wireless access to wired network) to support connections of given duration that requires a certain quality of service. We study different types of network traffic mixed in a same communication link. A single link is considered as a bottleneck and the goal is to find customer traffic profiles that maximizes the revenue of the link. Presented allocation system accepts every calls and there is not absolute blocking, but the offered data rate/user depends on the network load. Data arriva…
Inverse Scattering Solutions with Applications to Electromagnetic Signal Processing
When a signal is recorded that has been physically generated by some scattering process (the interaction of electromagnetic, acoustic or elastic waves with inhomogeneous materials, for example), the ‘standard model’ for the signal (i.e. information content convolved with a characteristic Impulse Response Function) is usually based on a single scattering approximation. An additive noise term is introduced into the model to take into account a range of non-deterministic factors including multiple scattering that, along with electronic noise and other background noise sources, is assumed to be relatively weak. Thus, the standard model is based on a ‘weak field condition’ and the inverse scatte…
<title>Revenue-maximization-based adaptive WFQ</title>
In the future Internet, di erent applications such as Voice over IP (VoIP) and Video-on-Demand (VoD) arise with di erent Quality of Service (QoS) parameters including e.g. guaranteed bandwidth, delay jitter, and latency. Different kinds of service classes (e.g. gold, silver, bronze) arise. The customers of di erent classes pay di erent prices to the service provider, who must share resources in a plausible way. In a router, packets are queued using a multi-queue system, where each queue corresponds to one service class. In this paper, an adaptive Weighted Fair Queue based algorithm for traAEc allocation is presented and studied. The weights in gradient type WFQ algorithm are adapted using r…
Blind source separation based interference suppression schemes for OFDM and DS-CDMA
In statistical wireless signal processing, extraction of unobserved signals from observed mixtures can be achieved using Blind Source Separation (BSS) algorithms. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Direct Sequence-Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) can be pronounced as the well established predominant air interface communication techniques. Consequences of an effort taken and counteractive solutions to diminish the undesirable influences encountered within the wireless air interface of those techniques with aid of BSS schemes are disclosed. Filter coefficients for the receiver are ascertained with the support of a set of energy functions and the iterative fixed point…
Blind source separation for OFDM with filtering colored noise out
Two blind algorithms that are developed with the intention of improving the symbol detection of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques are proposed in this paper. OFDM systems are easy to equalize in implementations. The schemes are based on the theories of blind source separation (BSS). They are among the premier mechanisms used for extracting unobserved signals from observed mixtures in signal processing. In this study noise component of the received signal mixture is tried to be filtered out. A scalar energy function with the iterative fixed point rule for receive signal is used in determining the filter coefficients while taking the time correlation properties of t…
Comparison and analysis of the revenue-based adaptive queuing models
This paper presents several adaptive resource sharing models that use a revenue criterion to allocate bandwidth in an optimal way. The models ensure QoS requirements of data flows and, at the same time, maximize the total revenue by adjusting parameters of the underlying schedulers. Besides, the adaptive models eliminate the need to find the optimal static weight values because they are calculated dynamically. The simulation consists of several cases that analyse the models and the way they provide the required QoS guarantees. The simulation reveals that the installation of the adaptive model increases the total revenue and ensures the QoS requirements for all service classes. The paper als…
Revenue-based adaptive deficit round robin
This paper presents an adaptive resource allocation model that is based on the DRR queuing policy. The model ensures QoS requirements and tries to maximize a service provider's revenue by manipulating quantum values of the DRR scheduler. To calculate quantum values, it is proposed to use the revenue criterion that controls the allocation of free resources. The simulation considers a single node with the implemented model that serves several service classes with different QoS requirements and traffic characteristics. It is shown that the total revenue can be increased due to the allocation of unused resources to more expensive service classes. At the same time, bandwidth and delay guarantees…