Multiparametric MRI-based Dosimetric Parameters Best Predict Short-term Time Course of PSA After Iodine 125 Permanent Prostate Implantation for Localized Prostate Cancer
International audience; D90% and V150% of the entire prostate are recognized as the best dosimetric predictors of outcome after 125 I permanent prostate implantation (PPI). The purpose of this study was 2-fold: 1) to determine the relationship between dose-volume parameters of the Dominant Intraprostatic Lesion (DIL) when compared to the prostate and early biochemical outcome after PPI; 2) to define if dose-volume parameters of the central gland (CG), the peripheral zone (PZ) and the DIL could best predict PSA bounce occurrence. The time course of PSA and mechanisms of bounces still remain unclear after PPI. Patients who had a higher dose in the DIL had a worse PSA level at 1 year which is …