Diego Restrepo
Probing neutralino properties in minimal supergravity with bilinear R-parity violation
Supersymmetric models with bilinear R-parity violation (BRPV) can account for the observed neutrino masses and mixing parameters indicated by neutrino oscillation data. We consider minimal supergravity versions of BRPV where the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is a neutralino. This is unstable, with a large enough decay length to be detected at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We analyse the LHC potential to determine the LSP properties, such as mass, lifetime and branching ratios, and discuss their relation to neutrino properties.
Gravitino dark matter and neutrino masses with bilinear R-parity violation
Bilinear R-parity violation provides an attractive origin for neutrino masses and mixings. In such schemes the gravitino is a viable decaying dark matter particle whose R-parity violating decays lead to monochromatic photons with rates accessible to astrophysical observations. We determine the parameter region allowed by gamma-ray line searches, dark matter relic abundance and neutrino oscillation data, obtaining a limit on the gravitino mass $m_{\tilde G} \lsim$ 1-10 GeV corresponding to a relatively low reheat temperature $T_R \lsim$ few $\times 10^7-10^8$ GeV. Neutrino mass and mixing parameters may be reconstructed at accelerator experiments like the Large Hadron Collider.
Finding the Higgs boson through supersymmetry
6 pages, 7 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 12.60.Jv; 13.85.Ni; 14.60.Pq; 14.80.Cp.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.1637
Collider signals of gravitino dark matter in bilinearly broken R-parity
In models with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle. If R-parity is violated the gravitino decays, but with a half-live far exceeding the age of the universe and thus is, in principle, a candidate for the dark matter. We consider the decays of the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle, assumed to be the neutralino. We show that in models where the breaking of R-parity is bilinear, the condition that R-parity violation explains correctly the measured neutrino masses fixes the branching ratio of the decay ${\tilde \chi}^0_1 \to {\tilde G}\gamma$ in the range $10^{-3}-10^{-2}$, if the gravitino mass is in the range required to solve the…
Seesaw Majoron Model of Neutrino Mass and Novel Signals in Higgs Boson Production at LEP
We perform a careful study of the neutral scalar sector of a model which includes a singlet, a doublet, and a triplet scalar field under $SU(2)$. This model is motivated by neutrino physics, since it is simply the most general version of the seesaw model of neutrino mass generation through spontaneous violation of lepton number. The neutral Higgs sector contains three CP-even and one massive CP-odd Higgs boson $A$, in addition to the massless CP-odd majoron $J$. The weakly interacting majoron remains massless if the breaking of lepton number symmetry is purely spontaneous. We show that the massive CP-odd Higgs boson may invisibly decay to three majorons, as well as to a CP-even Higgs $H$ bo…
Neutralino phenomenology at LEP2 in supersymmetry with bilinear breaking of R-parity
We discuss the phenomenology of the lightest neutralino in models where an effective bilinear term in the superpotential parametrizes the explicit breaking of R-parity. We consider supergravity scenarios where the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is the lightest neutralino and which can be explored at LEP2. We present a detailed study of the LSP decay properties and general features of the corresponding signals expected at LEP2. We also contrast our model with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking.
Bound-state dark matter and Dirac neutrino mass
We propose a simple theory for the idea that cosmological dark matter (DM) may be present today mainly in the form of stable neutral hadronic thermal relics. In our model neutrino masses arise radiatively from the exchange of colored DM constituents, giving a common origin for both dark matter and neutrino mass. The exact conservation of $B-L$ symmetry ensures dark matter stability and the Dirac nature of neutrinos. The theory can be falsified by dark matter nuclear recoil direct detection experiments, leading also to possible signals at a next generation hadron collider.
Broken R-parity, stop decays, and neutrino physics
We discuss the phenomenology of the lightest stop in models where R-parity is broken by bilinear superpotential terms. In this class of models we consider scenarios where the R-parity breaking two-body decay ~t_1->��^+b competes with the leading three-body decays such as ~t_1->W^+b~��^0_1. We demonstrate that the R-parity violating decay can be sizable and in some parts of the parameter space even the dominant one. Moreover we discuss the expectations for t_1->��^+b and ~t_1->e^+b. The recent results from solar and atmospheric neutrinos suggest that these are as important as the tau bottom mode. The t_1->l^+b decays are of particular interest for hadron colliders, as they may…
Bound-state dark matter with Majorana neutrinos
We propose a simple scenario in which dark matter (DM) emerges as a stable neutral hadronic thermal relics, its stability following from an exact $\operatorname{U}(1)_D$ symmetry. Neutrinos pick up radiatively induced Majorana masses from the exchange of colored DM constituents. There is a common origin for both dark matter and neutrino mass, with a lower bound for neutrinoless double beta decay. Direct DM searches at nuclear recoil experiments will test the proposal, which may also lead to other phenomenological signals at future hadron collider and lepton flavour violation experiments.
Probing neutrino mass with multilepton production at the Tevatron in the simplest R-parity violation model
We analyze the production of multileptons in the simplest supergravity model with bilinear violation of R parity at the Fermilab Tevatron. Despite the small R-parity violating couplings needed to generate the neutrino masses indicated by current atmospheric neutrino data, the lightest supersymmetric particle is unstable and can decay inside the detector. This leads to a phenomenology quite distinct from that of the R-parity conserving scenario. We quantify by how much the supersymmetric multilepton signals differ from the R-parity conserving expectations, displaying our results in the $m_0 \otimes m_{1/2}$ plane. We show that the presence of bilinear R-parity violating interactions enhances…
Bilinear R-parity violation and small neutrino masses: A self-consistent framework
We study extensions of supersymmetric models without R-parity which include an anomalous U(1)_H horizontal symmetry. Bilinear R-parity violating terms induce a neutrino mass at tree level of approximately $(\theta^2)^\delta$ eV where $\theta\approx 0.22$ is the U(1)_H breaking parameter and $\delta$ is an integer number that depends on the horizontal charges of the leptons. For $\delta=1$ a unique self-consistent model arises in which i) all the superpotential trilinear R-parity violating couplings are forbidden by holomorphy; ii) the tree level neutrino mass falls in the range suggested by the atmospheric neutrino problem; iii) radiative contributions to neutrino masses are strongly suppre…
Probing bilinear R-parity violating supergravity at the LHC
We study the collider phenomenology of bilinear R-parity violating supergravity, the simplest effective model for supersymmetric neutrino masses accounting for the current neutrino oscillation data. At the CERN Large Hadron Collider the center-of-mass energy will be high enough to probe directly these models through the search for the superpartners of the Standard Model (SM) particles. We analyze the impact of R-parity violation on the canonical supersymmetry searches - that is, we examine how the decay of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) via bilinear R-parity violating interactions degrades the average expected missing momentum of the reactions and show how this diminishes the re…
Neutrino Mass and Missing Momentum Higgs Boson Signals
In the simplest scheme for neutrino masses invoking a triplet of Higgs scalars there are two CP-even neutral Higgs bosons $H_i$ (i=1,2) and one massive pseudoscalar $A$. For some choices of parameters, the lightest $H_1$ may be lighter than the Standard Model Higgs boson. If the smallness of neutrino mass is due to the small value of the triplet expectation value, as expected in a seesaw scheme, the Higgs bosons may decay dominantly to the invisible neutrino channel. We derive limits on Higgs masses and couplings that follow from LEP I precision measurements of the invisible Z width.
Bounds on the tau and muon neutrino vector and axial vector charge radius
A Majorana neutrino is characterized by just one flavor diagonal electromagnetic form factor: the anapole moment, that in the static limit corresponds to the axial vector charge radius . Experimental information on this quantity is scarce, especially in the case of the tau neutrino. We present a comprehensive analysis of the available data on the single photon production process $e^+ e^- -> \nu \bar\nu \gamma$ off Z-resonance, and we discuss the constraints that these measurements can set on for the tau neutrino. We also derive limits for the Dirac case, when the presence of a vector charge radius is allowed. Finally, we comment on additional experimental data on $\nu_\mu$ scattering from t…
The Hunt for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
233 páginas.-- AHEP Group: et al..-- El Pdf del artículo es la versión pre-print: arXiv.1001.2693v1.-- Trabajo presentado al "The International Workshop on Beyond the Standard Model Physics and LHC Signatures (BSM-LHC) celebrado en Boston (USA) del 2 al 4 de junio de 2009.
Probing neutrino oscillations in supersymmetric models at the Large Hadron Collider
The lightest supersymmetric particle may decay with branching ratios that correlate with neutrino oscillation parameters. In this case the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has the potential to probe the atmospheric neutrino mixing angle with sensitivity competitive to its low-energy determination by underground experiments. Under realistic detection assumptions, we identify the necessary conditions for the experiments at CERN's LHC to probe the simplest scenario for neutrino masses induced by minimal supergravity with bilinear R parity violation.
Two-Body Decays of the Lightest Stop in Supergravity with and without R-Parity
We study the decays of the lightest top squark in supergravity models with and without R-parity. Using the simplest model with an effective explicit bilinear breaking of R-parity and radiative electroweak symmetry breaking we show that, below the threshold for decays into charginos $\tilde t_1\to c\chi^+_1$, the lightest stop decays mainly into third generation fermions, $\tilde t_1\to b\tau$ instead of the R-parity conserving mode $\tilde t_1\to c\chi^0_1$, even for tiny tau--neutrino mass values. Moreover we show that, even above the threshold for decays into charginos, the decay $\tilde t_1\to b\tau$ may be dominant. We study the role played by the universality of the boundary conditions…