Salvador Pérez Garrido
Impacto de la metodología Online vs Presencial en las prácticas de Ciencias de la Salud.
[EN] New pedagogical methodologies in the field of health sciences are a necessary and important tool for students in training. At the moment we are living an exceptional situation due to the "COVID" pandemic. This has forced us to implement new learning methodologies. In the present study we evaluated the acquisition of basic competences for the application of knowledge, communication and interpretation of relevant data to make judgements in practices in students of the health sciences degree who carried out theoretical lessons and online practices using new tools and methodologies in comparison with students who carried out lectures and practices prior to COVID. The participants in the st…
Papel del estrés oxidativo y del tejido adiposo en la pancreatitis aguda experimental
La pancreatitis aguda es un proceso inflamatorio agudo del páncreas con afectación variable de otros tejidos y sistemas orgánicos alejados. La incidencia de la pancreatitis aguda en la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos varía de 5 a 30 casos/100.000/año (Ellis y cols., 2009). La mortalidad en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda es alrededor del 5%, pero este porcentaje aumenta al 17-20% en pacientes con pancreatitis necrotizante (Pandol y cols., 2007). La participación del estrés oxidativo en la pancreatitis aguda se ha podido demostrar en la depleción precoz de glutatión reducido (GSH) y su precursor, la cisteína, que se mantiene y precede a la formación de edema pancreático. Este descenso en los…
Las clases prácticas de Fisiología Humana y el trabajo previo del estudiante utilizando la plataforma MOODLE: un estudio a pie de aula
[EN] Among the most novel transformations our educational model has undergone, we find the introduction of innovative teaching methodologies that seek to promote the autonomous work of the student. In the subject of Human Physiolgy, practical teaching is essential. However, students need an extensive theoretical review previous to the practical lesson that consume a significant part of the time allocated to practical learning. In this work, we have developed an innovative teaching methodology that encourages students of the Degree in Optics and Optometry of the University of Valencia to prepare practical lessons in advance by solving previous questionnaires in MOODLE. This enhances their ab…
Different brain oxidative and neuroinflammation status in rats during prolonged abstinence depending on their ethanol relapse-like drinking behavior: Effects of ethanol reintroduction
Rationale: Accumulating evidence suggests that chronic alcohol consumption is associated with excessive oxidative damage and neuroinflammatory processes and these events have been associated to early alcohol withdrawal. In the present research we wonder if brain oxidative stress and neuroinflammation remains altered during prolonged withdrawal situations and whether these alterations can be correlated with relapse behavior in alcohol consumption. The effects of alcohol reintroduction were also evaluated Methods: We have used a model based on the alcohol deprivation effect (ADE) within a cohort of wild-type male Wistar rats. Two subpopulations were identified according to the alcohol relapse…