Matthieu Labaune
Captación y selección de materias primas en la primera metalurgia del Sureste de la península ibérica
The authors are grateful for the technical and human support provided by SGIker of UPV/EHU and European funding (ERDF and ESF). We are also in debt with Eduardo Galán, Ruth Maicas and Carmen Cacho, curators of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) for facilitating the sampling and study of metal objects as well as with Ignacio Soriano Llopis for his help on the selection and sampling of the Palmela points, with Massimo Chiaradia who performed the analyses of the Palmela points at the Department of Earth Sciences (University of Geneva, Switzerland) and with Óscar García Vuelta for his pictures of some assemblages. We also appreciate and the careful work of editing and style of the TP edit…
Raw material procurement and selection in Southeast Iberia’s early metallurgy
The role of metallurgy in the Copper Age communities of the Iberian Southeast is a recurrent question of archaeological research in western Europe. Based on lead isotope and trace element analyses of archaeometallurgical remains, this paper addresses the territorial organisation of metallurgical production during the Copper Age (3100-2200 cal BC) in the Vera Basin (Almería, Spain), the region with the earliest metallurgical evidence in western Europe. This paper comprises the study of materials from the three main settlements with metallurgical activity in the area (Las Pilas, Santa Bárbara and Almizaraque), as well as some metal objects from these and other sites (La Encantada I, Loma…