Svetlana Surikova

E-Learning for widening participation in higher education

The purpose of this chapter is to conceptualize e-learning as a socio-cultural ecological system and to explore the empirical evidences of the objective and subjective conditions for using this concept in practice for increasing the participation in higher education. The components of this new concept are a systemic-constructivist competence, pedagogical leadership, life- and workforce learning, and self-evaluation. The objective conditions for its implementation are the integration of informal knowledge of information and communication technologies, implementing pedagogical leadership in tandems for developing students' intrapreneurship, self-evaluation, and self-enhancement. The subjectiv…

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The paper aims at presenting the findings of the research on core competences of adult educators conducted in Latvia during the study "Identification and analysis of new challenges and solutions that have influence on engagement and reintegration of adults (18- 24 years) in lifelong learning" funded by ESF project "Support to research in educational field" (sub-activity, No 011/0011/1DP/ The adult educators and adult learners from the field of second chance education (evening shift schools) were involved in an online survey (2011-2012) using the research tool developed in the project “Qualified to Teach” − QF2TEACH. The main research results are analys…

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Leadership of vocational education institutions’ leaders is one of the leading resources in order to provide access, quality, competitiveness and sustainability of vocational education. The goal of the research is to analyse leadership of vocational education institutions’ leaders on the basis of the Charismatic, Emotional, Anticipatory, Professional, Participatory, Cultural, Formative and Administrative Dimensions (Gento & González, 2012) identified due to the analysis of scientific literature and normative documents in the context of the vocational education reform. The outcomes of the quantitative research testify that students assess the vocational education institution leaders’ lea…

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Financial, organisational and informative involvement of the society in social innovation processes in Latvia

International audience; Social innovation brings to inclusion and wellbeing, improving the quality of life and socioeconomic performance and enhancing the society's collective power and resources. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to promote social innovation processes in any society, providing research for getting the understanding of different aspects of it, including the main actors and the extent to which they are involved in social innovation. The research presented in this paper reveals the main stakeholders of social innovation and analyses the methodology elaborated by the authors for determining the involvement of the society in social innovation processes at financial, organis…

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Enhancing the Skill Sets for Increasing Youth Employability in Latvia

Globalization, the development of new technologies, an ageing population, and the economic situation will continue influencing the skills mix; therefore, special attention has to be paid to young people to develop a skilled workforce responding to the current and future labour market needs, as well as to promote lifelong learning. The present study explores different concepts of employability and analyses employability skills of young people (aged 15-29) focusing on the most significant skills and the possible ways of enhancing their development. A survey of 405 youngsters and 81 representatives of institutions conducted in Latvia resulted in developing certain recommendations on how to inc…

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E-learning as a Challenge for Widening of Opportunities for Improvement of Students' Generic Competences

The rapidly changing economic, financial and social conditions require new knowledge and competences in order to be able to understand them, adapt to the new requirements and remain competitive and successful in the globalised social environment. Widening the access to lifelong learning is one way in which this could be achieved. A special role in this process is given to universities as promoters of lifelong learning. E-learning is a means of promoting the changes in academic studies and providing an opportunity to integrate non-formal and informal learning elements into formal education. Individualisation, learning opportunities flexible in time, as well as the e-environment can facilita…

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Transversal competences and character education in Latvia: needs analysis report

The national report “Transversal competences and character education in Latvia: Needs analysis report” is a part of the transnational intellectual output 1 “Needs analysis report” elaborated within the Erasmus+ project “Supporting teachers for developing intra-personal competences and character education at school (ARETE CATALYST)”, 2017-1-LV01-KA201-035435. The research report is structured in four parts as follows: 1) A detailed description of transversal competences and character education in Latvia; 2) Case studies of best practices in Latvia; 3) Benchmarking of transversal competences and character education in UK and USA; 4) Developing pupils’ intrapersonal competencies and character …

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Understandings of Character and Virtue Education in Riga: Main Findings

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Promoting youth entrepreneurship and employability through non-formal and informal learning: the Latvia case

This paper presents some results of the research on ‘Adult education resources to reduce youth unemployment’, which is a part of the project ‘Implementation of the European agenda for adult learning’. The research applies a mixed-method approach (quantitative and qualitative data analysis). The purpose of the paper is to identify the most/least-efficient non-formal and informal learning methods, forms, and initiatives to promote youth entrepreneurship and employability in Latvia as well as to show the relationship between the profile of young adults and their opinion on these methods, forms, and initiatives. The findings show that the young adults stressed the importance of cooperation with…

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Promocijas darbs

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

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Engaging universities in social innovation research for understanding sustainability issues

International audience; The paper presents the analysis of a three-stage research conducted by the authors within a social innovation project in collaboration with international master students of Riga Technical University for determining the factors, which motivate people to be involved in the solution of social problems. The authors not only analyse and use the outcomes of the students’ research but also provide feasibility study of using the potential of study research at the university, for implementing serious research projects. Data collection from Africa, Asia, America and Europe was organised jointly by all the students via web-based survey for creating an original data base for the…

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Latvijas skolēnu morālā rakstura attīstīšana: 1. mērījuma rezultāti (2022. gada pavasarī, 2., 5. un 7. klase)

Latvijas Zinātnes padomes finansētā projekta ietvaros (2022-2024) Latvijas Universitātes zinātnieku komanda veic longitudinālu pētījumu par skolēnu tikumisko izaugsmi. Pētījums veikts Latvijas likumdošanas (Izglītības līkuma 10.1 panta “Izglītība un tikumība” un MK noteikumos (Nr. 480) noteikto vadlīniju par tikumisko audzināšanu) kontekstā, ņemot vērā arī projekta “Skola2030” pamatnostādnes par vērtībām un tikumiem jaunajā izglītības saturā. Pētījuma jautājumi, kas ievirzīja pētniecisko procesu un uz kuriem šajā ziņojumā tiek sniegtas atbildes, ir šādi: Kā skolēni saprot, kas ir un kā notiek morālā izaugsme? Vai viņi ir ieinteresēti un vēlas iesaistīties savā morālajā izaugsmē? Kāda ir viņ…

research product

The Role of Education in Promoting Social Innovation Processes in the Society

<em>The<strong> </strong>purpose of the paper<strong> </strong>is to</em> <em>clarify the role of education in promoting social innovation processes in the society based on the main findings of the theoretical study conducted from October 2014 to January 2015 within the project “Involvement of the Society in Social Innovation for Providing Sustainable Development of Latvia” supported by the National Research Program 5.2.</em><strong> </strong><em>EKOSOC-LV. The paper provides the analysis of causal interaction between social innovation and education, as well as two conceptual models which disclose the relationship between soc…

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There is a need of innovative teacher training programmes for character education. This paper addresses three research questions: What are the challenges that a teacher training programme for character education should address? What are the learning outcomes that the programme should achieve? How should the programme be structured for supporting the achievement of those learning outcomes? Two regional authorities, three schools, three universities and a centre of teacher training from Latvia, Estonia and Spain created a strategic partnership for answering these research questions, using design-based implementation research. The results include six domains of learning outcomes and a programm…

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The paper highlights the key findings from a comparative study conducted in 2011- 2012 using the project “Qualified to Teach” − QF2TEACH first wave questionnaire (www.qf2teach.eu). The questionnaire was structured in nine domains: personal qualities; interpersonal behaviour and communication with learners; cooperation with the external environment; planning and management; access and progression of learners; subject-related, specialist domain; monitoring and assessment of learning processes; didacticalmethodological domain; personal development and reflection. In present paper the main results of transnational survey in Latvia and Lithuania are analysed in order to evaluate the importance o…

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Impact of Plurilingualism on Learning Quality in Evening (Shift) Schools

<p><em>This paper presents the main findings of the second stage of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Lifelong Learning study (2011-2014) on identification of good practices that facilitate adult learning (aged 18-24) engagement in second chance education in evening (shift) schools. It analyses students’ perceptions of plurilingual learning processes and the impact of people’s plurilingualism on their learning. The methodology of early school leavers’ learning in working life research was used applying combined phenomenological semi-structured and narrative interviews. 116 people (72 early school leavers and 44 second chance education teachers) representing all geographical regions…

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