Consensus on Treatment of Obstructive Eustachian Tube Dysfunction With Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty
Abstract Objective There is a great variability in diagnosis of obstructive Eustachian tube dysfunction and its treatment by balloon Eustachian tuboplasty (BET). The aim of this paper was to present a consensus on indications, contraindications, methodology, complications and results after BET. Material & Methods We obtained a consensus on BET, after a systematic review of the literature on BET from 1966 to November 2018, using MESH terms “Eustachian tube and (dilation or dysfunction)”, including a total of 1.943 papers in Spanish, English, German and French. We selected 139 papers with a relevant abstract, including two international consensuses, seven systematic revisions, and two randomi…
Consenso sobre el tratamiento de la disfunción tubárica obstructiva mediante dilatación con balón
Resumen Objetivo Existe una gran variabilidad en el diagnostico de la disfuncion tubarica obstructiva y su tratamiento mediante la dilatacion tubarica con balon (DTB). El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar unas recomendaciones de consenso sobre las indicaciones, contraindicaciones, metodologia, complicaciones y resultados de la DTB. Materiales y metodos Presentamos un consenso sobre la DTB, mediante revision sistematica de la literatura desde 1966 hasta noviembre de 2018, terminos MESH Eustachian tube and (dilation or dysfunction), recogiendo un total de 1.943 articulos en espanol, ingles, aleman y frances. Del total de articulos revisados se seleccionaron 139 cuyo abstract era relevante…