A. Riego

First determination of β-delayed multiple neutron emission beyond A = 100 through direct neutron measurement : The P2n value of 136Sb

Background: β-delayed multiple neutron emission has been observed for some nuclei with A≤100, being the Rb100 the heaviest β2n emitter measured to date. So far, only 25P2n values have been determined for the ≈300 nuclei that may decay in this way. Accordingly, it is of interest to measure P2n values for the other possible multiple neutron emitters throughout the chart of the nuclides. It is of particular interest to make such a measurement for nuclei with A>100 to test the predictions of theoretical models and simulation tools for the decays of heavy nuclei in the region of very neutron-rich nuclei. In addition, the decay properties of these nuclei are fundamental for the understanding of a…

research product

New accurate measurements of neutron emission probabilities for relevant fission products

We have performed new accurate measurements of the beta-delayed neutron emission probability for ten isotopes of the elements Y, Sb, Te and I. These are fission products that either have a significant contribution to the fraction of delayed neutrons in reactors or are relatively close to the path of the astrophysical r process. The measurements were performed with isotopically pure radioactive beams using a constant and high efficiency neutron counter and a low noise beta detector. Preliminary results are presented for six of the isotopes and compared with previous measurements and theoretical calculations. peerReviewed

research product

Characterization of a neutron–beta counting system with beta-delayed neutron emitters

A new detection system for the measurement of beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities has been characterized using fission products with well known β-delayed neutron emission properties. The setup consists of BELEN-20, a 4π neutron counter with twenty 3He proportional tubes arranged inside a large polyethylene neutron moderator, a thin Si detector for β counting and a selftriggering digital data acquisition system. The use of delayed-neutron precursors with different neutron emission windows allowed the study of the effect of energy dependency on neutron, β and β-neutron rates. The observed effect is well reproduced by Monte Carlo simulations. The impact of this dependency on the accura…

research product

First Measurement of Severalβ-Delayed Neutron Emitting Isotopes BeyondN=126

The β-delayed neutron emission probabilities of neutron rich Hg and Tl nuclei have been measured together with β-decay half-lives for 20 isotopes of Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi in the mass region N≳126. These are the heaviest species where neutron emission has been observed so far. These measurements provide key information to evaluate the performance of nuclear microscopic and phenomenological models in reproducing the high-energy part of the β-decay strength distribution. This provides important constraints on global theoretical models currently used in r-process nucleosynthesis.

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GEANT4 simulation of the neutron background of the C6D6 set-up for capture studies at n_TOF

The neutron sensitivity of the C6D6 detector setup used at n_TOF facility for capture measurements has been studied by means of detailed GEANT4 simulations. A realistic software replica of the entire n_TOF experimental hall, including the neutron beam line, sample, detector supports and the walls of the experimental area has beeni mplemented in the simulations. The simulations have been analyzed in the same manner as experimental data, in particular by applying the Pulse Height Weighting Technique. The simulations have been validated against a measurement of the neutron background performed with anatC sample, showing an excellent agreement above 1 keV. At lower energies, an additional compo…

research product

Measurement of the heaviest Beta-delayed 2-neutron emitter: 136Sb

The Beta-delayed neutron emission probability, Pn , of very exotic nuclei is crucial for the understanding of nuclear structure properties of many isotopes and astrophysical processes such as the rapid neutron capture process (r-process). In addition Beta-delayed neutrons are important in a nuclear power reactor operated in a prompt sub-critical, delayed critical condition, as they contribute to the decay heat inducing fission reactions after a shut down. The study of neutron-rich isotopes and the measurement of Beta-delayed one-neutron emitters (Beta1n) is possible thanks to the Rare Isotope Beam (RIB) facilities, where radioactive beams allow the production of exotic nuclei of interest, w…

research product

Approaching the precursor nuclei of the third r-process peak with RIBs

The rapid neutron nucleosynthesis process involves an enormous amount of very exotic neutron-rich nuclei, which represent a theoretical and experimental challenge. Two of the main decay properties that affect the final abundance distribution the most are half-lives and neutron branching ratios. Using fragmentation of a primary $^{238}$U beam at GSI we were able to measure such properties for several neutron-rich nuclei from $^{208}$Hg to $^{218}$Pb. This contribution provides a short update on the status of the data analysis of this experiment, together with a compilation of the latest results published in this mass region, both experimental and theoretical. The impact of the uncertainties …

research product

Commissioning of the BRIKEN beta-delayed neutron detector for the study of exotic neutron-rich nuclei

Beta-delayed neutron emission (Beta-n) is a form of radioactive decay in which an electron, an anti-neutrino and one or more neutrons are emitted. This process arises if the energy window of the decay Q_Beta is greater than the neutron separation energy S n of the daughter. The probability in each decay of emitting neutrons is called the Pn value. This form of decay plays a key role in the synthesis of chemical elements in the Universe via the rapid neutron capture process, or r-process. The r-process proceeds far from the valley of nuclear stability, and leads to very neutron-rich nuclei that then decay to the line of stability. Most of these nuclei are ßn emitters. The initial abundance d…

research product

Characterization of a neutron-beta counting system with beta-delayed neutron emitters

Abstract A new detection system for the measurement of beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities has been characterized using fission products with well known β-delayed neutron emission properties. The setup consists of BELEN-20, a 4π neutron counter with twenty 3He proportional tubes arranged inside a large polyethylene neutron moderator, a thin Si detector for β counting and a self-triggering digital data acquisition system. The use of delayed-neutron precursors with different neutron emission windows allowed the study of the effect of energy dependency on neutron, β and β–neutron rates. The observed effect is well reproduced by Monte Carlo simulations. The impact of this dependency on …

research product

Neutron capture cross section measurement ofU238at the CERN n_TOF facility in the energy region from 1 eV to 700 keV

The aim of this work is to provide a precise and accurate measurement of the U238(n,γ) reaction cross section in the energy region from 1 eV to 700 keV. This reaction is of fundamental importance for the design calculations of nuclear reactors, governing the behavior of the reactor core. In particular, fast reactors, which are experiencing a growing interest for their ability to burn radioactive waste, operate in the high energy region of the neutron spectrum. In this energy region most recent evaluations disagree due to inconsistencies in the existing measurements of up to 15%. In addition, the assessment of nuclear data uncertainty performed for innovative reactor systems shows that the u…

research product

The Nuclear astrophysics program at n_TOF (CERN)

An important experimental program on Nuclear Astrophysics is being carried out at the n_TOF since several years, in order to address the still open issues in stellar and primordial nucleosynthesis. Several neutron capture reactions relevant to s-process nucleosynthesis have been measured so far, some of which on important branching point radioisotopes. Furthermore, the construction of a second experimental area has recently opened the way to challenging measurements of (n, charged particle) reactions on isotopes of short half-life. The Nuclear Astrophysics program of the n_TOF Collaboration is here described, with emphasis on recent results relevant for stellar nucleosynthesis, stellar neut…

research product

New Beta-delayed Neutron Measurements in the Light-mass Fission Group

A new accurate determination of beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities from nuclei in the low mass region of the light fission group has been performed. The measurements were carried out using the BELEN 4π neutron counter at the IGISOL-JYFL mass separator in combination with a Penning trap. The new results significantly improve the uncertainties of neutron emission probabilities for {sup 91}Br, {sup 86}As, {sup 85}As, and {sup 85}Ge nuclei.

research product

The BRIKEN Project: Extensive Measurements of $\beta $-delayed Neutron Emitters for the Astrophysical r Process

An ambitious program to measure decay properties, primarily β-delayed neutron emission probabilities and half-lives, for a significant number of nuclei near or on the path of the rapid neutron capture process, has been launched at the RIKEN Nishina Center. We give here an overview of the status of the project.

research product

Experimental neutron capture data of 58Ni from the CERN n_TOF facility

The $^{58}$Ni $(n,\gamma)$ cross section has been measured at the neutron time of flight facility n_TOF at CERN, in the energy range from 27 meV up to 400 keV. In total, 51 resonances have been analyzed up to 122 keV. Maxwellian averaged cross sections (MACS) have been calculated for stellar temperatures of kT$=$5-100 keV with uncertainties of less than 6%, showing fair agreement with recent experimental and evaluated data up to kT = 50 keV. The MACS extracted in the present work at 30 keV is 34.2$\pm$0.6$_\mathrm{stat}\pm$1.8$_\mathrm{sys}$ mb, in agreement with latest results and evaluations, but 12% lower relative to the recent KADoNIS compilation of astrophysical cross sections. When in…

research product

First evidence of multiple β-delayed neutron emission for isotopes with a > 100

The β-delayed neutron emission probability, Pn, of very neutron-rich nuclei allows us to achieve a better understanding of the nuclear structure above the neutron separation energy, Sn. The emission of neutrons can become the dominant decay process in neutron-rich astrophysical phenomena such as the rapid neutron capture process (r-process). There are around 600 accessible isotopes for which β-delayed one-neutron emission (β1n) is energetically allowed, but the branching ratio has only been determined for about one third of them. β1n decays have been experimentally measured up to the mass A ∼ 150, plus a single measurement of 210Tl. Concerning two-neutron emitters (β2n), ∼ 300 isotopes are …

research product

β -decay half-lives and β -delayed neutron emission probabilities for several isotopes of Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi, beyond N=126

Background: Previous measurements of Beta-delayed neutron emitters comprise around 230 nuclei, spanning from the 8He up to 150La. Apart from 210Tl, with a minuscule branching ratio of 0.07%, no other neutron emitter is measured yet beyond A = 150. Therefore new data are needed, particularly in the heavy mass region around N=126, in order to guide theoretical models and to understand the formation of the third r-process peak at A 195. Purpose: To measure both, Beta-decay half-lives and neutron branching ratios of several neutron-rich Au, Hg, Tl, Pb and Bi isotopes beyond N = 126. Method: Ions of interest are produced by fragmentation of a 238U beam, selected and identifed via the GSI-FRS fra…

research product

Nuclear Data for the Thorium Fuel Cycle and the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste

Neutron-induced reaction cross sections play an important role in a wide variety of research fields, ranging from stellar nucleosynthesis, the investigation of nuclear level density studies, to applications of nuclear technology, including the transmutation of nuclear waste, accelerator-driven systems, and nuclear fuel cycle investigations. Simulations of nuclear technology applications largely rely on evaluated nuclear data libraries. These libraries are based both on experimental data and theoretical models. An outline of experimental nuclear data activities at CERN’s neutron time-of-flight facility, n_TOF, will be presented.

research product

Fission fragment angular distribution of 232Th(n,f) at the CERN n TOF facility

The angular distribution of fragments emitted in neutron-induced fission of 232Th was measured in the white spectrum neutron beam at the n_TOF facility at CERN. A reaction chamber based on Parallel Plate Avalanche Counters (PPAC) was used, where the detectors and the targets have been tilted 45 degrees with respect to the neutron beam direction in order to cover the full angular range of the fission fragments. A GEANT4 simulation has been developed to study the setup efficiency. The data analysis and the preliminary results obtained for the 232Th(n,f) between fission threshold and 100 MeV are presented here.

research product

β-delayed neutron emission measurements around the third r-process abundance peak

This contribution summarizes an experiment performed at GSI (Germany) in the neutron-rich region beyond N=126. The aim of this measurement is to provide the nuclear physics input of relevance for r-process model calculations, aiming at a better understanding of the third r-process abundance peak. Many exotic nuclei were measured around 211Hg and 215Tl. Final ion identification diagrams are given in this contribution. For most of them, we expect to derive halflives and and β-delayed neutron emission probabilities. The detectors used in this experiment were the Silicon IMplantation and Beta Absorber (SIMBA) detector, based on an array of highly segmented silicon detectors, and the BEta deLayE…

research product

β-decay and β-delayed Neutron Emission Measurements at GSI-FRS Beyond N=126, for r-process Nucleosynthesis

New measurements of very exotic nuclei in the neutron-rich region beyond N=126 have been performed at the GSI facility with the fragment separator (FRS). The aim of the experiment is to determine half-lives and β-delayed neutron emission branching ratios of isotopes of Hg, Tl and Pb in this region. This contribution summarizes final counting statistics for identification and for implantation, as well as the present status of the data analysis of the half-lives. In summary, isotopes of Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn and Fr were clearly identified and several of them (208-211Hg, 211-215Tl, 214-218Pb) were implanted with enough statistics to determine their half-lives. About half of them a…

research product