G Ziino

Impiego di un modello predittivo per la microflora del salame S. Angelo in corso di asciugature

The authors carried out a study in order to apply an interspecific competition model to predict the microflora behaviour of S.Angelo IGP salami during the ripening. They consider 3 bacterial population (Lactic Acid Bacteria, Enterobacteria and Listeria monocytogenes – LAB, Ent and Lmo) using the observed curves obtained in a previous work as validation. The model applied setting to 0 all interaction terms does not fit the observed curves while the introduction of 3 interaction terms (betaLmo/LAB = 0.65; betaEnt/LAB = 0.4; betaLmo/Ent = 0.18) produce a good agreement with the observed behaviour of all populations.

research product

Ruolo del rumore ambientale in sistemi complessi di natura biologica

La Fisica dei Sistemi Complessi ha recentemente assunto un ruolo sempre più importante nella descrizione dei sistemi biologici a causa delle interazioni, sia deterministiche sia rumorose o “randomiche”, di tali sistemi con l’ambiente. La presenza del rumore diviene particolarmente rilevante nella trattazione dei sistemi biologici in ambito medico. In questo lavoro vengono presentati due diversi sistemi: i) un modello di dinamica di popolazioni che descrive lo sviluppo delle cellule tumorali responsabili della Leucemia Mieloide Cronica (CML); ii) un modello stocastico che riproduce la crescita di batteri in alimenti di origine animale. Nel primo sistema viene utilizzato un approccio Monte Ca…

research product

Stochastic model for a biological complex system: analysis of the bacterial growth in food products

The Physics of Complex Systems has recently taken a more and more important role in the description of natural systems because of the interactions, both deterministic and noisy, between such systems and the environment. In particular the noise plays a relevant role in biological systems, whose dynamics is strongly influenced by environmental variables subject to random fluctuations. In this work a stochastic model is exploited to reproduce the growth of bacteria in food of animal origin. Specifically the dynamics of a bacterial species, Listeria monocytogenes, is analyzed in the presence of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) during the period of the fermentation of meat products. The model, based o…

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