Moustafa Bensafi

The role of hedonics in the Human Affectome.

International audience; Experiencing pleasure and displeasure is a fundamental part of life. Hedonics guide behavior, affect decision-making, induce learning, and much more. As the positive and negative valence of feelings, hedonics are core processes that accompany emotion, motivation, and bodily states. Here, the affective neuroscience of pleasure and displeasure that has largely focused on the investigation of reward and pain processing, is reviewed. We describe the neurobiological systems of hedonics and factors that modulate hedonic experiences (e.g., cognition, learning, sensory input). Further, we review maladaptive and adaptive pleasure and displeasure functions in mental disorders …

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Synergy and masking in odor mixtures: an electrophysiological study of orthonasal vs. retronasal perception

Perceptual interactions in a model of wine woody–fruity binary mixtures were previously reported in a psychophysical study performed through orthonasal stimulation only. However, recent studies suggested that the perception of food-like and nonfood-like odors may depend on the route of stimulation. The aim of the present study was two-fold: first to examine the neural correlates of perceptual interactions using electroencephalogram (EEG)-derived event-related potentials (ERPs) and second to test the influence of the stimulation route on quality perception. Therefore, we designed an experiment with 30 subjects to study perceptual interactions in woody–fruity mixtures and compared ortho- vs. …

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Olfactory function in children assessed with psychophysical and electrophysiological techniques

International audience; The olfactory information processing abilities of children undergo changes during early life. The aims of the present study were to describe these changes and to probe for their electrophysiological correlates. These aims were investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, responses of 146 subjects (3-12 years) were tested with psychophysical tools. Approximately 2/3 of the subjects completed the olfactory tests ("Sniffin' Sticks"). In Experiment 2, 12 additional subjects (3-10 years) were tested with electrophysiological tools. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in response to olfactory stimulation with H(2)S. Results from Experiment 1 indicated that d…

research product

Perceptual, affective, and cognitive judgments of odors: pleasantness and handedness effects.

International audience; The present study sought to examine the differential processing of pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant odors. The effects of the nostril stimulated (left or right) and the type of judgment (perceptual, affective, or cognitive) performed on the olfactory stimuli were also studied. To this end, 64 subjects were asked to smell pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant odors under four conditions (detection, intensity, pleasantness, and familiarity tasks). The participants were to perform these tasks as quickly as possible, while response times were recorded. The results showed that (i) unpleasant odors were assessed more rapidly than neutral or pleasant odors, and that this was s…

research product

Do Primacy, Recency and Experimental Amnesia also Exist for Odor Names

International audience

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Olfactory configural and elemental abilities in adults with autism

Olfactory configural and elemental abilities in adults with autism. Clinical chemosensation 2014

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Is the superior temporal sulcus involved in the reinforced configural processing of a binary odor mixture?

Is the superior temporal sulcus involved in the reinforced configural processing of a binary odor mixture?. 35. annual meeting - association for chemoreception sciences (AChemS)

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