Andrea Weihrauch
Cherish your loved ones – the role of the feeling of care and security in advertising
Advertising practice makes use of emotional cues and addresses consumers' rising desire for social connection. Research has investigated emotions within advertising, but mainly focused on negative or positive emotions. Traditional academic approaches to the analysis of persuasion according to the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) tend to emphasize central processing and thus rational advertising cues. Moreover, the role of motivation within the ELM is underspecified. We introduce the Zurich Model of Social Motivation to the regulation of social distance and investigate the specific feeling of care and security. This feeling may serve as motivational component and emerge as persuasion instr…
Um bei der steigenden Informationsflut aufzufallen, mussen Werbebotschaften heutzutage aktivierend verpackt werden. Ein steigender Werbedruck durch klassische Kommunikationsinstrumente reicht dabei meist nicht mehr. Die innovative Marketingform Guerilla-Marketing setzt auf Aktionen, die gezielte Aufmerksamkeit durch Neuartigkeit und Anderssein hervorrufen und zeigt groses Potenzial im Kampf um die Aufmerksamkeit der werbeubersattigten Konsumenten. Trotz der unverkennbaren Potenziale wurde das Phanomen wissenschaftlich bislang unzureichend behandelt. Entsprechend besteht das zentrale Anliegen dieses Beitrages in der Identifikation derjenigen Gestaltungsfaktoren, von denen der Erfolg einer Gu…
Endorser age and stereotypes: Consequences on brand age
Abstract This paper links findings from research on different age types to branding literature, and adds insight into how to rejuvenate a brand through the use of endorsers in advertisements. The article addresses the yet under-represented value of demographic characteristics of endorsers in affecting brand perception, and introduces the importance of the existence and strength of individual mental images of typical brand users in the process of such association transfers. Based on theoretical perspectives from personality transfer, (social) categorization, imagery, and advertising literature, the study proposes and tests several conditions for which age association transfer from endorser t…
Brand extensions in the platform countries of Asia – Effects of fit, order of market entry and involvement
More and more Western companies understand that Asian markets offer great opportunities to export goods and services. In addition many investment approaches made to Asian markets take place by entering such markets via so-called platform countries (for example Hong Kong and Singapore), as they serve as a bridge to the Asian market and offer an interesting learning base, with consumers cultural behavior being essentially Asian but with strong Westernized influences. As brand extension research has proved to be of major importance for international companies, we examine the effects of fit, order of market entry and involvement on brand extension evaluations in these platform countries. Althou…