Elvira Vittoria Farina
Presence of Atrial Natriuretic Peptides in Respiratory System
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide presence in parotid gland of human fetus at 13th week of development and in adult man
Our immunohistochemical study shows that atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is present in both human fetal and adult parotid gland. In the fetuses ANP is localized in cell clusters, while in adult parotid gland, the ANP is seen only in the wall of intra- and extralobular ducts. The results suggest that ANP might play a role in the differentiation of the parotid gland similarly as in brain and that during fetal growth ANP may play a role in the regulating the secretion of primitive salivary fluid, even if acini are still not developed. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1, 55-58)
Presence of Oxytocin, Vasopressin and Atrial Natriuretic Peptide and Their Modification in Rat Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus During Resistance Training
Summary Many studies have demonstrated the physiological effects of oxytocin (OT), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and vasopressin (VP) in the homoeostasis of body fluids during physical exercise. However, a little information is available about the related immunohistochemical changes in hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory system during and after the training. The aim of the present work was to study the immunohistochemical changes in OT, ANP and VP levels in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus during and after resistance exercise protocol. Three groups of Wistar rats were trained by a rung ladder protocol for 15, 30 and 45 days, respectively; a fourth group was left to rest for…
The evolutionary course of vertebrate foot, from fish to man
Atrian natriuretic peptide (ANP)-Presence in human inferior turbinate after botulism toxin type A treatment
Studies demomstrated the ANP-presence in the mucosa of human turbinate, the study aimed to investigate about the ANP-presence of human turbinates of patients after treatment with the Botulinum Toxyn-A(BTX-A) since no data are reported. Results show that in BTX-A treated patients ANP is present in the ciliated and basal cells of the epithelium of tonaca mucosa and some glands;therefore ANP-presence is more intense than in mucosa of untreated patients.
ANP and insulin presence in human foetal pancreas
Aim of this work is to investigate the presence of Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and insulin in human foetal pancreas from not diabetic and diabetic mothers. The data literature evidenced that relationship between serum ANP and insulin. This work carried out on the sections immunostained for ANP and nsulin showed positivity for ANP and insulin in beta-cells of pancreas from diabetic mothers, while positivity for insulin in beta-cells of foetuses from not diabetic mothers. Results indicate that the insulin presence stimulates the ANP synthesis in pancreas of human foetuses from diabetic mothers. Aim of this work is to investigate the presence of Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and insuli…
The somatotopy of the spinal cord: a comprehensive descrption.
For the benefit of medical students, in this paper we examine the somatotopic organization of the spinal cord, which shows a similar organization in mammalians. The dorsal horn is comprised of sensory nuclei with deutoneurons; the lateral horn contains preganglionic visceral motoneurons; the ventral horn is subdivided into a medial column innervating the paravertebral muscles, a central column, C3-C6, innervating the diaphragm, and a lateral column innervating the limb muscles. In the lateral column of the ventral horn, the dorsal motoneuron groups innervate the intrinsc arm muscles; the dorsal posterior motoneuron groups innervate hand muscles; the lateroventral motoneuron groups innervate…
Ontogeny of peptides vasopressin,oxytocin ANP (Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) in some hypothalamic nuclei in rat embryos)
Quantitative study of ANP in hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei in trained rats.
Localization of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in the normal pleura in rabbit. Immunohistochemical studies and PCR analysis
Bovine seminal vesicles ANP, Oxytocin, immunohistochemical expression.
Modifications of the vasopressin and ANP in the rat hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus during and after the physical exercise.
Surviving mRNA splicing in oral cancer
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and oxytocin-expression in the adult rat and mouse cerebellum.
Abstract Background: Many studies are in the literature on the ANP and oxytocin-presence in the brain, but very few studies with controversial results are reported on the presence of these peptides in the cerebellum. This immunohistochemical study investigates on the ANP and oxytocin-presence in the cerebellum of the adult rat and mouse rodents. Results: This study, firstly, evidences the ANP- immunopositivity in cerebellar cortex of both rat and mouse rodents. In rat the molecular layer presents some few immunopositive fibers, but no neuron resulted immunopositive; the granular and Purkinje cells are immunopositive. In mouse the cerebellar cortex ANP-immunopositivity is present in all laye…
In previous research, we studied both the oxytocin and vasopressin ontogeny in the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, and the ANP-ontogeny in the hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus. In this paper we evaluate the ANP-ontogeny in the rat hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus; infact the suprachiasmatic nucleus it is known to synthesize vasopressin, a peptidic hormone involved in the homeostasis of the body fluids by an antagonistic role to ANP. Immunohistochemical techniques show that ANP is present in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat at 18 degrees day of i.u. life and at 0 degrees to 3 degrees day of postnatal life. PCR analysis confirms the ANP-mRNA expressio…
Modification of the peptides ANP and oxytocin in the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus during the physical exercises.
Presence of ANP in internal carotid artery (ICA) with and without atherosclerotic lesions
ANP Ontogeny in rat developing in the lateral choroid plexus.
An immunohistochemical study was carried out to verify whether ANP is present in the lateral plexus in adult and embryos rats. The results evidenced the ANP presence in ependymal cells of the plexus in adult rat and also at 16° day of foetal life suggesting the imnportant role of ANP in the development and maturation of brain.
ANP presence in the parotid gland in human embryo at 13° week of development.
ANP immunolocalization in internal carotid artery wall of subjects with and without atherosclerotic lesions
The neurosecretion of oxytocin in the hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei of training rats
The evolutionary course of the human foot
Preliminary observations on the immunohistochemical distribution of nNOS in the development of human foetus eye
Abdominal aortic aneurysm wall rupture risk evaluation through computerized element analysis model and fuzzy-tosis decision method.
Histochemical and ultrastructural remarks of the urinary tract in some mammals.
Presence of atrial natriuretic (ANF) in the carcinoma of human breast
Presence and interaction in tissues of atrial natriuretic peptide,oxytocin and vasopressin:new insights.
Atrial natriuretic peptide, oxytocin and vasopressin are three well known and widely studied molecules since many years. They have been fully characterised from a genetic and biomolecular point of view and a number of receptor-dependent functions have been recognised for them. Nevertheless, in the last years our group has conducted morphologic studies, using an immunohistochemical approach complemented by molecular biology techniques, and could show non-canonical localization and co-localization of these peptides in normal and pathologic tissues, that permitted us to postulate that they may be involved in a wider range of functions than usually assumed and not yet fully understood. In this …
Immunolocalization of ANP and insulin in pancreas of human foetuses from diabetic mothers.
ANP (Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) presence in the heart of a tunicate, Ciona intestinalis.
Atrial natriuretic peptide was found in the heart of vertebrates, we studied the ANP presence in the heart of Ciona intestinalis. This is animal is very important because of the its evolutionary position between invertebrates and vertebrates. ANP presence was only revealed in myoepithelial cells of the myocardium. Results suggest the hypothesis that ANP is present not only in the vertebrates but also in the invertebrates and in Ciona heart ANP might play a similar role like in the heart of vertebrates.
ANP-presence and its relationship with the oxytocin in nonlactanting breast of rabbit
Survivin mRNA Splicing in oral Cancer
P23-Le remaniement de la Matrice metallo-Proteinase est impliquée dans l'Odontogènese? E'tude du MMP-9
ANP and vasopressin -presence in the ciliary body of eye in the pig, (Sus domesticus)
The aqueous humor is produced in the ciliary body so, in this study we investigate on the ANP presence and vasopressin in the ciliary body of the pig eye since these peptide are involved in the homeostasis of the body fluids. The results show ANP-presence in the epithelial cells and in the endothelial cells of the blood vessels and VP-presence in the epithelial cells, in the endothelium of canal of Schelmm and in the muscle cells of the blood vessels. These peptides might regulate the synthesis and the composition of the aqueous humor and regulate the hydrodynamic flow and haemodynamic flow of the blood.
Idea per un dizionario
Atrial natriuretic factor, but not oxytocin, is present in atherosclerotic plaques of human common carotid arteries: an immunohistochemical in vivo study.
Presence of ANP in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the developing rat.
Localisation immunohistochemique du factuer natriuretique atriale du tissu muqueux mur du Cordon Ombelical humain après naissance et dans la Pulpe Dentaire.
ANP presence in the choroid plexus in the lateral ventricles in the development rat
COX- Expression in the inflamed gingival tissue:Immunohistochemistry,Cytochemistry and Biochemistry test.
Prostaglandins (PG) are chemical mediators for most physiological and pathological responses ,including cytoprotection of the gastric mucosa, blood coagulation,inflammation and pain (1,2,3). E2 Prostaglandins (PG2) play an important role of pathogenesis of periodontal diseases, since PG2 determines vasodilatation and increased vascular permeability, oedema and erythema.Therefore,it is not surprising to find high levels of PG2 in inflamed gingival tissues.Indeed ,in inflamed gingival tissue,PG2 levels of the Gingival Fluid (GCF) are known to be higher in periodontitis than in healthy gingiva.Moreover ,in different parodontitis the high PG2 level of the GCF is related to periodontal ligament …
The liver: three-dimensional geometrical models. About a new stereology.
Atrial natriuretic factor,but non oxytocin, presence in atherosclerotic plaques of human common carotid arteries
ANP Presence in trigeminal ganglia in developing rat
Orphanin FQ and motility in seminal vesicles
Oxytocin and vasopressin expression in the turbinates of patients with chronic sinusitis
Many peptides are present in the nasal mucosa, but few studies have investigated the presence or absence of the oxytocin and vasopressin peptides. This immunohistochemical study on the inferior turbinates of patients affected by chronic sinusitis shows, for the first time, that these peptides are present in the epithelium of both nasal mucosa and glands. Their presence could be related to the presence of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), like previously demonstrated in other organs such as heart and prostate, since in some circumstances they play in antagonism.