C. J. Chiara
First candidates for γ vibrational bands built on the [505]11/2⁻ neutron orbital in odd-A Dy isotopes
Rotational structures have been measured using the Jurogam II and GAMMASPHERE arrays at low spin following the 155Gd(α,2n)157Dy and 148Nd(12C,5n)155Dy reactions at 25 and 65 MeV, respectively. We report high-K bands, which are conjectured to be the first candidates of a Kπ=2+γ vibrational band, built on the [505]11/2− neutron orbital, in both odd-A155,157Dy isotopes. The coupling of the first excited K=0+ states or the so-called β vibrational bands at 661 and 676 keV in 154Dy and 156Dy to the [505]11/2− orbital, to produce a Kπ=11/2− band, was not observed in both 155Dy and 157Dy, respectively. The implication of these findings on the interpretation of the first excited 0+ states in the cor…
γ-ray spectroscopy of neutron-deficientTe110. II. High-spin smooth-terminating structures
High-spin states have been populated in Te-110(52) via Ni-58(Ni-58,alpha 2p gamma) reactions at 240 and 250 MeV. The Gammasphere gamma-ray spectrometer was used in conjunction with the Microball charged-particle detector. The high-spin (I>30) collective level scheme of Te-110, up to similar to 45h, is discussed in this paper. Four new decoupled (Delta I=2) high-spin structures have been observed for the first time, together with two strongly coupled (Delta I=1) bands. These bands all show the characteristics of smooth band termination, and are discussed within the framework of the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky approach.
Evidence for Magnetic Rotation in the Light Tin Region
Lifetimes have been measured for three M1 bands in light Sn/Cd nuclei using the DSAM technique. B(M1) values deduced from these measurements show a rapid decrease with increasing spin for a given configuration. The results have been compared with both Tilted axis cranking and semi-empirical model calculations. These suggest that the shears mechanism is present in this mass region, and that the band in 106Sn appears to be the first example of almost pure magnetic rotation.
Superallowed α Decay to Doubly Magic Sn100
We report the first observation of the ^{108}Xe→^{104}Te→^{100}Sn α-decay chain. The α emitters, ^{108}Xe [E_{α}=4.4(2) MeV, T_{1/2}=58_{-23}^{+106} μs] and ^{104}Te [E_{α}=4.9(2) MeV, T_{1/2}<18 ns], decaying into doubly magic ^{100}Sn were produced using a fusion-evaporation reaction ^{54}Fe(^{58}Ni,4n)^{108}Xe, and identified with a recoil mass separator and an implantation-decay correlation technique. This is the first time α radioactivity has been observed to a heavy self-conjugate nucleus. A previous benchmark for study of this fundamental decay mode has been the decay of ^{212}Po into doubly magic ^{208}Pb. Enhanced proton-neutron interactions in the N=Z parent nuclei may result …
Fission Barrier of Superheavy Nuclei and Persistence of Shell Effects at High Spin: Cases ofNo254andTh220
We report on the first measurement of the fission barrier height in a heavy shell-stabilized nucleus. The fission barrier height of No-254 is measured to be B-f = 6.0 +/- 0.5 MeV at spin 15 (h) over bar and, by extrapolation, B-f = 6.6 +/- 0.9 MeV at spin 0 (h) over bar. This information is deduced from the measured distribution of entry points in the excitation energy versus spin plane. The same measurement is performed for Th-220 and only a lower limit of the fission barrier height can be determined: B-f (I) > 8 MeV. Comparisons with theoretical fission barriers test theories that predict properties of superheavy elements.
Exploring the stability of super heavy elements: First Measurement of the Fission Barrier of $^{254} $No
The gamma-ray multiplicity and total energy emitted by the heavy nucleus 254No have been measured at 2 different beam energies. From these measurements, the initial distributions of spin I and excitation energy E * of 254No were constructed. The distributions display a saturation in excitation energy, which allows a direct determination of the fission barrier. 254No is the heaviest shell-stabilized nucleus with a measured fission barrier. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014.
Evidence for Shears Bands in108Cd
High-spin states were populated in ${}^{108}\mathrm{Cd}$ using the ${}^{96}\mathrm{Zr}{(}^{16}\mathrm{O},4n)$ reaction at a beam energy of 72 MeV. Two magnetic dipole bands have been observed, both of which contain weak $E2$ crossover transitions. Lifetimes for the stronger of the two bands were measured via the Doppler shift attenuation method. The configuration assignment for this band has been determined from comparison with tilted axis cranking model calculations to be $\ensuremath{\pi}[{g}_{9/2}^{\ensuremath{-}3}{g}_{7/2}]\ensuremath{\bigotimes}\ensuremath{\nu}[{h}_{11/2}{(g}_{7/2}{d}_{5/2}{)}^{1}]$ and $\ensuremath{\pi}[{g}_{9/2}^{\ensuremath{-}3}{g}_{7/2}]\ensuremath{\bigotimes}\ensu…
Identification of excited states in119Ba
Excited states have been identified in the very neutron-deficient ${}^{119}\mathrm{Ba}$ nucleus. Two bands have been observed, which are likely to be based on ${h}_{11/2}$ and ${(g}_{7/2}{d}_{5/2})$ neutron orbitals. Despite this being the first observation of excited states in ${}^{119}\mathrm{Ba},$ the bands extend to $(75/2)\ensuremath{\Elzxh}$ and $(79/2)\ensuremath{\Elzxh},$ respectively. The bands have been assigned to ${}^{119}\mathrm{Ba}$ using gamma-recoil and gamma--x-ray coincidences. Several quasiparticle alignments have been identified, involving neutron ${(h}_{11/2}{)}^{2}$ and proton ${(h}_{11/2}{)}^{2}$ aligned configurations. Furthermore, the bands show features which are r…
Decay of the key 92-keV resonance in the 25Mg(p,γ) reaction to the ground and isomeric states of the cosmic γ-ray emitter 26Al
Abstract The 92-keV resonance in the 25Mg ( p , γ ) 26 Al reaction plays a key role in the production of 26Al at astrophysical burning temperatures of ≈100 MK in the Mg-Al cycle. However, the state can decay to feed either the ground, 26 g Al, or isomeric state, 26 m Al. It is the ground state that is critical as the source of cosmic γ rays. It is therefore important to precisely determine the ground-state branching fraction f 0 of this resonance. Here we report on the identification of four γ-ray transitions from the 92-keV resonance, and determine the spin of the state and its ground-state branching fraction f 0 = 0.52 ( 2 ) s t a t ( 6 ) s y s t . The f 0 value is the most precise report…
New constraints on the Al25(p,γ) reaction and its influence on the flux of cosmic γ rays from classical nova explosions
The astrophysical 25Al(p,γ)26Si reaction represents one of the key remaining uncertainties in accurately modeling the abundance of radiogenic 26Al ejected from classical novae. Specifically, the strengths of key proton-unbound resonances in 26Si, that govern the rate of the 25Al(p,γ) reaction under explosive astrophysical conditions, remain unsettled. Here, we present a detailed spectroscopy study of the 26Si mirror nucleus 26Mg. We have measured the lifetime of the 3+, 6.125-MeV state in 26Mg to be 19(3)fs and provide compelling evidence for the existence of a 1− state in the T=1,A=26 system, indicating a previously unaccounted for ℓ=1 resonance in the 25Al(p,γ) reaction. Using the present…
Shears Mechanism in theA∼110Region
Lifetimes of states in a rotational-like $M1$ band in ${}^{110}\mathrm{Cd}$ have been determined through a Doppler-shift attenuation method measurement performed with the Gammasphere array. The deduced $B(M1)$ values, which agree well with the predictions of the tilted axis cranking model, clearly confirm that it has the character of a shears band. Using a semiclassical scheme of the coupling of two long $j$ vectors we deduce information on the strength and form of the effective interaction between the constituent nucleons. These results are the first definitive evidence of the shears mechanism and ``magnetic rotation'' in this mass region.
Proton decay of 108I and its significance for the termination of the astrophysical rp-process
Abstract Employing the Argonne Fragment Mass Analyzer and the implantation-decay-decay correlation technique, a weak 0.50(21)% proton decay branch was identified in 108I for the first time. The 108I proton-decay width is consistent with a hindered l = 2 emission, suggesting a d 5 2 origin. Using the extracted 108I proton-decay Q value of 597(13) keV, and the Q α values of the 108I and 107Te isotopes, a proton-decay Q value of 510(20) keV for 104Sb was deduced. Similarly to the 112,113Cs proton-emitter pair, the Q p ( I 108 ) value is lower than that for the less-exotic neighbor 109I, possibly due to enhanced proton-neutron interactions in N ≈ Z nuclei. In contrast, the present Q p ( Sb 104 …
Shape coexistence in neutron-deficient Hg isotopes studied via lifetime measurements in Hg-184,Hg-186 and two-state mixing calculations
Abstract: The neutron-deficient mercury isotopes, 184 , 186 Hg, were studied with the recoil distance Doppler-shift method using the Gammasphere array and the K ̈ oln plunger device. The differential decay curve method was employed to determine the lifetimes of the yrast states in 184 , 186 Hg. An improvement on previously measured values of yrast states up to 8 + is presented as well as first values for the 9 3 state in 184 Hg and 10 + state in 186 Hg. B ( E 2) values are calculated and compared to a two-state mixing model which utilizes the variable moment of inertia model, allowing for extraction of spin-dependent mixing strengths and amplitudes. peerReviewed
Revised decay properties of the key 93-keV resonance in the 25Mg(p,γ) reaction and its influence on the MgAl cycle in astrophysical environments
The γ-decay properties of an excited state in 26Al at 6398.3(8) keV have been reexamined using the 11B+16O fusion-evaporation reaction. This level represents a key 93.1(8)-keV resonance in the 25Mg+p system and its relative branching to the 26Al ground state, f0, has been determined to be 0.76±0.03 (stat.) ±0.10 (syst.). This is a significantly higher value than the most recent evaluation and implies a considerable increase in the production of cosmic γ rays from 26Al radioactivity. peerReviewed
Shape coexistence in neutron-deficient Hg isotopes studied via lifetime measurements inHg184,186and two-state mixing calculations
The neutron-deficient mercury isotopes, $^{184,186}$Hg, were studied with the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift (RDDS) method using the Gammasphere array and the Koln Plunger device. The Differential Decay Curve Method (DDCM) was employed to determine the lifetimes of the yrast states in $^{184,186}$Hg. An improvement on previously measured values of yrast states up to $8^{+}$ is presented as well as first values for the $9_{3}$ state in $^{184}$Hg and $10^{+}$ state in $^{186}$Hg. $B(E2)$ values are calculated and compared to a two-state mixing model which utilizes the variable moment of inertia (VMI) model, allowing for extraction of spin-dependent mixing strengths and amplitudes.
Stability and synthesis of superheavy elements: Fighting the battle against fission – example of $^{254}$No
International audience; Superheavy nuclei exist solely due to quantum shell effects,which create a pocket in the potential-energy surface of the nucleus, thusproviding a barrier against spontaneous fission. Determining the height ofthe fission barrier and its angular-momentum dependence is important toquantify the role that microscopic shell corrections play in enhancing andextending the limits of nuclear stability. In this talk, the first measurement ofa fission barrier in the very heavy nucleus 254No will be presented.
Magnetic properties of smooth terminating dipole bands in 110,112Te
Three strongly coupled sequences have been established in Te-110,Te-112 up to high spins. They are interpreted in terms of deformed structures built on proton 1-particle-1-hole excitations that reach termination at I similar to 40h. This is the first observation of smooth terminating dipole structures in this mass region. Lifetime measurements have allowed the extraction of experimental B(M 1; 1 -> I - 1) and B(E2; I -> I - 2) reduced transition rates for one of the dipole bands in Te-110. The results support the deformed interpretation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Smooth terminating bands inTe112: Particle-hole induced collectivity
The Gammasphere spectrometer, in conjunction with the Microball charged-particle array, was used to investigate high-spin states in Te-112 via Ni-58(Ni-58, 4p gamma) reactions at 240 and 250 MeV. Several smooth terminating bands were established, and lifetime measurements were performed for the strongest one using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. Results obtained in the spin range 18-32h yield a transition quadrupole moment of 4.0 +/- 0.5eb, which corresponds to a quadrupole deformation epsilon(2)=0.26 +/- 0.03; this value is significantly larger than the ground-state deformation of tellurium isotopes. It was also possible to extract a transition quadrupole moment for the yrast band in…
New constraints on the Al 25 (p,γ) reaction and its influence on the flux of cosmic γ rays from classical nova explosions
The astrophysical Al25(p,γ)Si26 reaction represents one of the key remaining uncertainties in accurately modeling the abundance of radiogenic Al26 ejected from classical novae. Specifically, the strengths of key proton-unbound resonances in Si26, that govern the rate of the Al25(p,γ) reaction under explosive astrophysical conditions, remain unsettled. Here, we present a detailed spectroscopy study of the Si26 mirror nucleus Mg26. We have measured the lifetime of the 3+, 6.125-MeV state in Mg26 to be 19(3)fs and provide compelling evidence for the existence of a 1- state in the T=1,A=26 system, indicating a previously unaccounted for=1 resonance in the Al25(p,γ) reaction. Using the presently…
Decay and Fission Hindrance of Two- and Four-QuasiparticleKIsomers inRf254
Two isomers decaying by electromagnetic transitions with half-lives of 4.7(1.1) and 247(73) μs have been discovered in the heavy ^{254}Rf nucleus. The observation of the shorter-lived isomer was made possible by a novel application of a digital data acquisition system. The isomers were interpreted as the K^{π}=8^{-}, ν^{2}(7/2^{+}[624],9/2^{-}[734]) two-quasineutron and the K^{π}=16^{+}, 8^{-}ν^{2}(7/2^{+}[624],9/2^{-}[734])⊗8^{-}π^{2}(7/2^{-}[514],9/2^{+}[624]) four-quasiparticle configurations, respectively. Surprisingly, the lifetime of the two-quasiparticle isomer is more than 4 orders of magnitude shorter than what has been observed for analogous isomers in the lighter N=150 isotones. …
Shears mechanism in109Cd
Lifetimes of high-spin states in two $\ensuremath{\Delta}I=1$ bands and one $\ensuremath{\Delta}I=2$ band in ${}^{109}\mathrm{Cd}$ have been measured using the Doppler shift attenuation method in an experiment performed using the ${}^{96}\mathrm{Zr}{(}^{18}\mathrm{O},5n)$ reaction with the GAMMASPHERE array. Experimental total angular momenta and reduced transition strengths for both $\ensuremath{\Delta}I=1$ bands were compared with tilted axis cranking (shears mechanism) predictions and the $\ensuremath{\Delta}I=2$ band with principal axis cranking predictions, based on configurations involving two proton ${g}_{9/2}$ holes and one or three valence quasineutrons from the ${h}_{11/2}$ and mi…
Shape isomerism and shape coexistence effects on the Coulomb energy differences in theN=Znucleus66As and neighboringT=1multiplets
Excited states of the $N=Z=33$ nucleus ${}^{66}$As have been populated in a fusion-evaporation reaction and studied using $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectroscopic techniques. Special emphasis was put into the search for candidates for the $T=1$ states. A new 3${}^{+}$ isomer has been observed with a lifetime of 1.1(3) ns. This is believed to be the predicted oblate shape isomer. The excited levels are discussed in terms of the shell model and of the complex excited Vampir approaches. Coulomb energy differences are determined from the comparison of the $T=1$ states with their analog partners. The unusual behavior of the Coulomb energy differences in the $A=70$ mass region is explained through…
New constraints on the Al25(p,γ) reaction and its influence on the flux of cosmic γ rays from classical nova explosions
The astrophysical $^{25}\mathrm{Al}(p,\ensuremath{\gamma})\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}^{26}\mathrm{Si}$ reaction represents one of the key remaining uncertainties in accurately modeling the abundance of radiogenic $^{26}\mathrm{Al}$ ejected from classical novae. Specifically, the strengths of key proton-unbound resonances in $^{26}\mathrm{Si}$, that govern the rate of the $^{25}\mathrm{Al}(p,\ensuremath{\gamma})$ reaction under explosive astrophysical conditions, remain unsettled. Here, we present a detailed spectroscopy study of the $^{26}\mathrm{Si}$ mirror nucleus $^{26}\mathrm{Mg}$. We have measured the lifetime of the ${3}^{+}$, 6.125-MeV state in $^{26}\mathrm{Mg}$ to be $19(3)\phanto…