Jonathan Groff
Quel format visuel adopter pour informer les sourds et malentendants dans les transports collectifs ?
Some information is not accessible to the deaf and hard-of-hearing in public transportation because it is diffused in an auditory mode with loud speakers. The present study aims to transcribe graphically five messages of disruption and test their understanding by an audience of people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Four graphic formats, more or less involving animation techniques have been developed. Messages have been tested experimentally to determine what format is the most adapted, i.e. the most understandable (understanding task), and to find out the favorite among the four proposed (judgment task). Three groups of subjects were involved in the experimentation: 36 born deaf people, 3…
Cueing animations: Dynamic signaling aids information extraction and comprehension
The effectiveness of animations containing two novel forms of animation cueing that target relations between event units rather than individual entities was compared with that of animations containing conventional entity-based cueing or no cues. These relational event unit cues (progressive path and local coordinated cues) were specifically designed to support key learning processes posited by the Animation Processing Model (Lowe & Boucheix, 2008). Four groups of undergraduates (N ¼ 84) studied a usercontrollable animation of a piano mechanism and then were assessed for mental model quality (via a written comprehension test) and knowledge of the mechanism’s dynamics (via a novel non-verbal …
L'animations 3D, un soutien à l'apprentissage d'informations spatiales ?
Conférence EIAH 2015; Les ressources pédagogiques proposant des contenus en trois dimensions ont fait leur apparition dans de nombreux domaines. Ainsi l'enseignement de l'anatomie, qui faisait jusque-là appel à des croquis en deux dimensions, s'enrichit de ces nouvelles technologies numériques. Les animations avec modèles tridimensionnels rotatifs (animation 3D) offrent à l'apprenant des informations spatiales sur l'objet anatomique indisponibles avec les graphiques en deux dimensions. Toutefois, l'influence des habiletés spatiales dans le traitement cognitif des animations 3D ainsi que la nécessité de prendre en compte les relations spatiales entre l'objet anatomique et le corps tridimensi…
Does Animation Facilitate Comprehension of Public Information Graphics? Evidence from Eye Tracking.
Graphic information displays have the potential to communicate public information in situations where normal announcement types are ineffective. This study used eye tracking techniques to analyze comprehension mechanism of event-related information on railway traffic disruptions presented via different graphic formats. One hundred thirteen participants were asked to understand and compare series of traffic disruption messages delivered via three purely visual formats. Animated displays were the most effective presentation type. Eye tracking data showed why an animation facilitates comprehension: it enhances processing strategies which provide the best condition for segmenting the causal cha…
Animation in public transports: can it facilitate information accessibility for elderly people?
Cognitive functions could be affected by aging: speed processing, inhibition abilities, working memory, visuo-spatial abilities. Nevertheless, these functions could also be involved in comprehension of graphic information. In this paper we examined whether in public transports, animated graphic information instead of spoken information, could facilitate the comprehension of disruption messages. Such alternative, could improve public transport accessibility for elderly people by compensating cognitive decline due to aging. Fifty-two participants, two groups of young and older people, were asked to understand and compare series of train traffic disruption messages delivered via three differen…
How not to give up on train travel when you are deaf ?
TRANSED 2015 - 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, LISBONNE, PORTUGAL, 28-/07/2015 - 31/07/2015; The SUrDyn project aims at the design of an innovative visual information system, dedicated to travelers who cannot hear or understand audio disrupted announcements (e.g. cancellation, delay...) when they are in train stations. It is based on two previously developed systems: the Jade signer avatar, which informs travelers in French Signs Language, and an animated graphics translation. The objective is to combine these two approaches, in an optimal manner. We proposed a comprehension task to 159 participants divided in three groups: 53 deaf p…
Don’t miss your train! Just follow the computer screen animation: Comprehension of animated public information graphics
Computer graphic animated information displays have the potential to communicate public information in situations where normal announcement types are ineffective. This study used eye tracking techniques to analyze comprehension mechanism of event-related information on railway traffic disruptions presented via different graphic formats presented on computer screen. 86 participants were asked to understand series of traffic disruption messages delivered via four purely visual formats: Static simultaneous, Static sequential, Animated simultaneous and Animated sequential. Across these four conditions, and contrary to the most common materials used in the studies on animation comprehension, the…