Maurizio Papia
A Theoretical Model to Evaluate the Compressive Behaviour of RС Jacketed Columns
Reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is becoming increasingly common among the different retrofit techniques for poor RC members, due to its economical and practical advantages. Experimental investigations in the literature have shown that the actual axial capacity of RC jacketed members can be substantially lower than that analytically evaluated by adapting the most common theoretical models for confined concrete. This fact can be explained by taking into account the presence of tensile stresses developing in the concrete, due to a mutual interaction between the inner core and the external jacket. This phenomenon is relevant especially in members where the concrete properties of the jacket a…
Behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete columns under axially and eccentrically compressive loads
An experimental investigation into the behavior of 16 short, confined, reinforced concrete columns with and without steel fibers was carried out. The columns with square sections had a concrete core 165 x 165 mm (6.49 x 6.49 in.) at the midsection and were hunched at the ends to apply eccentric loading and prevent boundary effects. The specimens were tested to failure at different strain rates under two loading schemes: concentric compression and eccentric compression with a constant eccentricity. The axial load and axial strains were obtained to evaluate the effects of the presence of steel fibers, the thickness of the cover concrete, and the eccentricity of the applied axial load. The com…
A Theoretical Model to Evaluate the Compressive Behaviour of RС Jacketed Columns
Reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is becoming increasingly common among the different retrofit techniques for poor RC members, due to its economical and practical advantages. Experimental investigations in the literature have shown that the actual axial capacity of RC jacketed members can be substantially lower than that analytically evaluated by adapting the most common theoretical models for confined concrete. This fact can be explained by taking into account the presence of tensile stresses developing in the concrete, due to a mutual interaction between the inner core and the external jacket. This phenomenon is relevant especially in members where the concrete properties of the jacket a…
Analisi Sperimentale del Comportamento Ciclico di Elementi in Calcestruzzo a Bassa Resistenza Confinati con FRCM
Vengono riportati i principali risultati di una campagna sperimentale finalizzata alla caratterizzazione della risposta sotto carichi assiali ciclici di colonne di calcestruzzo a bassa resistenza con sezione circolare, quadrata e rettangolare, rinforzate con fibre di carbonio immerse in matrice cementizia (CFRCM). Sono state condotte prove di compressione assiale su 30 campioni di altezza 600 mm, 10 a sezione cilindrica di diametro 300 mm, 10 quadrata di lato 200 mm, e 10 rettangolare di lato 200x400 mm. Le prove sono finalizzate a indagare gli effetti del carico ciclico, della forma della sezione, del raggio di curvatura degli spigoli e del numero di strati di tessuto di rinforzo sul legam…
PBO textile embedded in FRCM for confinement of r.c. columns
Results of experimental tests on two reinforced concrete columns confined with PBO-FRCM jacketing subject to axial load and bending moments are presented, showing the effectiveness of the confinement system. Comparison of test results against theoretical results derived by a fiber model stress the ability of the confinement system to enhance both strength and deformation capacity of the confined concrete
A Handy Stress-Strain Law for FRP Confined Concrete
A new dynamic identification technique: application to the evaluation of the equivalent strut for infilled frames
A new time domain identification technique for systems under Gaussian white noise input is presented, requiring for its application the measurement of the system response but no information about input intensity. The technique proposed is based on the statistic moment equations derived by using a special class of mathematical models named "potential models". These models allow one to determine fundamental properties of the response statistics, making it possible to identify stiffness and dissipation features of a structural system, and also to determine the excitation input. The technique proposed is here applied to the identification of the strut equivalent to the infill of a single story-…
Il brevetto fa riferimento al campo delle strutture reticolari, ovvero a quelle aggregazioni edilizie modulari di elementi costruttivi simili, fabbricati in serie, costituite da una pluralità di aste rettilinee disposte a formare un reticolo tridimensionale, adottate in edilizia per coperture a grande luce. In particolare, l’invenzione riguarda un perfezionamento dei nodi di connessione di queste strutture attraverso la realizzazione di una cerniera, nel nodo dove convergono le aste. Il sistema di collegamento brevettato permette di eseguire aggiustamenti dell’asta per compensare eventuali tolleranze e la sostituzione di una o più aste senza coinvolgere le altre che convergono nello stesso …
Use of FRP fabrics and stainless steel grids for strengthening brick masonry columns
This work presents the results of an experimental investigation on 42 solid clay brick columns internally strengthened by FRP fabrics or stainless steel grids placed in the horizontal joints of mortar. Monotonic compressive loading tests were carried out under concentric and eccentric load. Eccentric tests were carried out loading the specimens on a reduced area with respect to the entire crosssection producing a D-region. The reinforcing of every course and of alternate courses are studied. The effectiveness of the proposed strengthening techniques is discussed, in terms of increase in strength and energy required to the collapse of brick columns. An analytical expression is proposed that …
Seismic Performance of Masonry Infilled RC Structures via N2 Pushover Assessment Procedures: Outcomes under Different Modeling Hypotheses of a Case Study
The assessment of the capacity of RC masonry infilled RC structures constitutes nowadays a still debated issue. Pushover based procedures for the evaluation of seismic performance, such as N2 method, are largely used in practice and in force in several technical codes. The latter has proved to be reliable for a large number of structural typologies, however in the case of infilled frames, the choices made on the modelling strategy may radically modify the outcomes observable from the capacity curves and the consequent performance levels achievable. In the paper, the extent of different modelling choices on the results of the application of N2 procedure is investigated by the deep analysis o…
Infilled frames: Developments in the evaluation of cyclic behaviour under lateral loads
In order to consider the modified seismic response of framed structures in the presence of masonry infills, proper models have to be formulated. Because of the complexity of the problem, a careful definition of an equivalent diagonal pin-jointed strut, able to represent the horizontal force-interstorey displacement cyclic law of the actual infill, may be a solution. In this connection the present paper, continuing a previous work in which a generalised criterion for the determination of the ideal cross-section of the equivalent strut was formulated, analizes some models known in literature for the prediction of the lateral cyclic behaviour discussing their field of validity. As a support of…
Influence of steel reinforcements on the behavior of compressed high strength R.C. circular columns
Abstract In the present paper the focus is on the compressive response of short high strength reinforced concrete members having circular transverse cross-sections and reinforced with longitudinal steel bars and transverse spirals or hoops. An analytical model is proposed which allows one to estimate the confinement pressures exerted by transverse steel and by longitudinal bars during the loading process, taking into account the interaction of the hoops or spirals with the inner core both in the plane of the transverse steel and in the space between two successive hoops. Yielding of steel spirals or hoops and longitudinal bars including buckling phenomena and damage to the concrete core are…
Experimental and analytical out-of-plane behaviour of calcarenite masonry walls
Infilled frames: Influence of vertical load on the equivalent diagonal strut model
The influence of masonry infills on framed structures behaviour is a central topic in the seismic design procedures and in the hazard evaluation of existing buildings. Many models use equivalent strut elements in order to represent the infill but among the several parameters influencing the interaction between frame and infill the level of vertical loads is hardly considered. Nevertheless, neglecting this effect may produce inaccuracy because the axial deformations of the loaded columns can produce non-negligible variation in the contact region between infill and surrounding frame, influencing the seismic response of the infilled frame. It can easily been observed that, when this regions ex…
Analisi teorico-sperimentale del comportamento flessionale di colonne in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato
Un nodo di connessione per strutture edilizie reticolari metalliche tridimensionali: limiti attuali e possibili sviluppi
Le strutture reticolari metalliche possono costituire un’alternativa evoluta per la coperture di grandi luci. Il nodo di connessione che si è progettato può costituire un soluzione che supera alcuni dei limiti dei sistemi attualmente in commercio. In particolare il sistema proposto permette di realizzare una cerniera reale con la possibilità di poter caricare le aste e non solamente i nodi, con vantaggi sia per il montaggio che per la possibilità di ottenere particolari forme di copertura.
Indagine sperimentale su travi in media scala in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato soggette a taglio e flessione
Efficiency of Stress-Strain Models of Confined Concrete With and Without Steel Jacketing to Reproduce Experimental Results
The improvement and the capacity assessment of existing buildings has become the main topic of the last years so that different studies can be found devoted to damaged structures or structures not having a capacity compatible with the safety levels of the actual codes. Reinforced concrete framed structure buildings represent a conspicuous rate of the existing constructions so many efforts are addressed to them. Referring to this type of buildings, a good prediction of strength and deformation capacity requests models able to interpret the constitutive law of concrete confined by internal reinforcement or by eventual external reinforcement applied to increase capacity of cross-sections. Cons…
Buckling of Elastic Beam Under Unilateral Constraint
ABSTRACT A criterion is proposed to calculate the critical load of a continuous beam under unilateral constraint. The beam is assumed to be built in at the ends and to rest on equally spaced elastic supports, that have equal stiffness. The problem is solved by determining the length of the half-wave of the buckled shape, the number of supports involved, and their position with respect to the end of the half-wave. The analysis model thus defined is determined in relation to the geometry of the beam and to the ratio between the stiffness of the supports and the shearing stiffness of the generic span. It is shown that there exists a limiting value of this ratio, below which the critical load i…
Sostenibilità di interventi di miglioramento sismico di strutture in c.a. non danneggiate
Flexural Response of RC Beams Failing in Shear
In this paper, an analytical model to determine the flexural response of simply supported RC beams under four-point bending tests failing in flexure and shear is presented. The model is able to provide load-deflection curves, including also the shear contributions, which are determined assuming a kinematic rigid plastic model able to consider different strength contributions such as the concrete, the dowel action, and transverse reinforcement with progressive yielding. For each contribution, a physical explanation is provided to link the strength evaluation with a specific kinematic evolution for the determination of the overall response of RC beams under combined shear and flexural loads. …
Flexural behaviour of concrete corbels containing steel fibers or wrapped with FRP sheets
In the present paper an analytical and experimental investigation referring to the flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete corbels subjected to vertical forces is presented. For fixed shape and dimensions of the corbels the experimental investigation analyses the effects of the following: longitudinal and transverse steel reinforcements; fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) with hooked steel fibers; external wrapping retrofitting technique with a thin layer of carbon fiber sheet (CFRP). The analytical model based on equivalent truss structures, allows one to determine the bearing capacity of corbels, distinguishing the different ultimate states reached. The analytical results are then compared…
Load-deflection response of concrete corbels containing steel fibers or wrapped with FRP sheets
Caratterizzazione meccanica di pannelli di tamponamento per la identificazione di puntoni equivalenti nell’analisi di strutture intelaiate
Compressive response of substandard steel-jacketed RC columns strengthened under sustained service loads: From the local to the global behavior
Abstract This paper presents an experimental investigation on substandard partially steel jacketed RC columns strengthened under sustained loads and loaded until failure. The aim of the study is to compare the compressive response of preloaded columns with respect to the tests without preload to obtain a more realistic prediction of load-carrying capacity of structural columns after retrofitting under serviceability loads. The influence of the preload level, the delayed contribution of the confining device during the loading process and the time dependent effects are highlighted for the tested specimens. Based on the experimental observations, an analysis-oriented model is proposed for the …
Capacità portante di mensole tozze in calcestruzzo fibroso o rinforzate con FRP
Flexural response of external R.C. beam-column joints externally strengthened with steel cages
Abstract An experimental and theoretical research referred to the flexural behavior of external R.C. joints strengthened with steel cages constituted by steel angles and battens is presented. The subassemblage (beam, column and joint) was subjected to a constant vertical load acting on the column and to a monotonically increasing lateral force applied at the tip of the beam. The control specimen is without strengthening system and it was designed with weak column and strong beam and overstrength in the joint region. Strengthening cases here studied refer to steel caging in the column and both in the beam and in the column. Cyclic response in term of load–displacement curves, crack patterns …
Performance of two innovative stress sensors imbedded in mortar joints of new masonry elements
Abstract Many historical cities enjoy the presence of masonry buildings with inestimable historical, artistic and cultural value. Old masonry buildings often suffer structural deficiencies, design faults and materials aging process. In recent years, many researchers focused their attention on the opportunities that structural health monitoring (SHM) can ensure for the health state of existing masonry structures, where damage can be difficult to be promptly predicted, pontentially causing abrupt collapses, with high risks for the community. This paper presents an experimental study on the effectiveness of two types of stress sensor for SHM of new masonry elements. Ceramic piezoelectric senso…
Flexural behaviour of RC columns strengthened with steel angles and strips
Si riportano i risultati raggiunti nell’ambito di un progetto di innovazione PIA condotta dai Dipartimenti di Progetto e Costruzione Edilizia e di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica dell’Università di Palermo con la ditta Holzbau Sud mettendo a punto una serie di prototipi di legno lamellare rinforzato con materiali innovativi in modo da superare i limiti dell’attuale produzione industriale. L’impiego di materiali originali ha richiesto la verifica delle prestazioni attraverso test ciclici di prove integrate di resistenza meccanica e di invecchiamento accelerato che sono state svolte, rispettivamente dai due dipartimenti. la ricerca, sviluppata in 18 mesi, con la costante collaborazione tr…
La pomice per il confezionamento di calcestruzzi leggeri strutturali
The possibility of using pumice aggregates for concrete in structural applications is discussed. In particular, the mix design of lightweight concrete for the manufacturing masonry units having proper strength, is discussed. Moreover, the design of the unit shape according to the technical code requirements and making it possible to arrange reinforcing steel bars is described. Reinforced bearing masonry walls, made with the concrete units in question, were manufactured and tests on the panels and on the designed units were carried out. For comparison, tests on concrete units and structural elements were carried out after the substitution of pumice aggregates with ordinary lightweight aggreg…
Stainless steel grids for confinement of clay brick masonry columns
This work presents the results of an experimental investigation on the behavior of 21 solid clay brick columns internally strengthened by stainless steel grids placed in the horizontal joints of mortar. This reinforcing technique can be applied as a constructive technique for new construction or as a retrofitting technique for existing structures (old structures to be reconstructed by original constructive method and internal reinforcement). Monotonic compressive loading tests were carried out under concentric and eccentric load. The effects of different numbers of steel grids and eccentricity of the external load were examined. Also, a detailed characterization of the constituent materials…
Structural Behavior of Telescopic Steel Pipe for a Full-Scale 60 kW Wind Turbine Tower
A simple analytical model, including local effects due to buckling and shear to moment interaction, was developed to pre-dict the load-carrying capacity of CHS tubes under flexure and shear. A finite-element analysis with ABAQUS Code was also conducted for validation of the proposed model. By properly modeling the imperfection effects due to the ovalization of steel tube, a good correlation of the structural response and failure mode was also achieved, and a good correlation with the analytical model was also achieved. Numerical and analytical results were compared with experimental results recently obtained by the author with good agreement. Experimental tests refer to full-scale static te…
Pumice concrete for structural wall panels
Some properties of lightweight pumice stone concrete (LWPSC) are discussed, on account of a possible structural use of this material. Then the results of an experimental investigation are described, in order to show that pumice can really be considered an alternative to common artificial lightweight aggregates, taking into account the performance pointed out by loading tests carried out on structural systems made of LWPSC. Three different kinds of reinforced wall panels were made using LWPSC, lightweight expanded clay concrete and normal weight concrete; then their structural responses under horizontal cyclic and constant vertical forces were compared, above all with reference to lateral st…
Experimental investigation on masonry elements subjected to eccentric axial loads
The flexural behaviour of masonry rectangular cross-sections is studied in order to characterize the mechanical behaviour of structural elements under axial eccentric loads by means of a proper law. First the experimental response of walls under vertical centred loads is observed and a stress–strain law depending on two parameters is given in order to fit the experimental results. Subsequently the behaviour of walls nominally equal to the walls mentioned before is investigated under eccentric vertical loads, and the response is observed in terms of moment–curvature relation. To this point a comparison is made between the moment–curvature response obtained experimentally and the moment–curva…
Simplified Analytical Model for Compressed High-Strength Columns Confined by Transverse Steel and Longitudinal Bars
Analisi sperimentale del comportamento flessionale di colonne in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato
Effect of vertical loads on lateral response of infilled frames
Infilled frames: developments in the evaluation of the stiffening effect of infills
In order to consider the modified seismic response of framed structures in the presence of masonry infills, proper models have to be formulated. Because of the complexity of the problem, a careful definition of a diagonal pin-jointed strut, able to represent the horizontal force-interstorey displacement cyclic law of the actual infill, may be a solution. In this connection the present paper shows a generalized criterion for the determination of the ideal cross-section of the strut mentioned before. The procedure is based on the equivalence between the lateral stiffness of the actual infilled frame scheme during the conventional elastic stage of the response and the lateral stiffness of the …
Modeling of out-of-plane behavior of masonry walls
The flexural behavior of rectangular masonry sections is investigated by considering nonlinear stress-strain in compression and limited-tension material. A preliminary analysis shows that, with variation in the parameters specializing with the adopted conventional constitutive law, the experimentally observed behavior of different kinds of masonry materials can be approximated. Subsequently, moment-curvature dimensionless curves are derived numerically by satisfying the equilibrium equations of the section. In the case of negligible tensile strength these curves exhibit a typical shape that can be approximated by analytical expressions; consequently, suitable functions are proposed that are…
Simplified analytical model for moment–axial force domain in the presence of shear in R.C. members externally strengthened with steel cages
Equations for a hand calculation of moment–axial force domain in the presence of shear for R.C. beam/column externally strengthened with steel angles and strips are developed. The analytical derivation is made assuming, for axial load and flexure, the equivalent stress-block parameters for internal forces, considering the confinement effects induced in the concrete core by external cages both in the cases of strips or angles yielding. Limit states due to bond failure, concrete crushing and yielding of steel angles and strips in flexure and in shear, including moment-to-shear interaction, are considered. The proposed model gives results in a good agreement with available experimental data an…
Flexural bearing capacity and related ductility demand for masonry sections under nonlinear constitutive law
This paper aims at examining the maximum bearing capacity of rectangular masonry cross-sections subjected to eccentric compression, by assuming a nonlinear constitutive law characterized by two parameters defining stress-strain curve of the material. The variation of these parameters permits us to represent a wide variety of materials; therefore the ductility required of these materials in order for a section to achieve the maximum bending moment compatible with an average normal stress is also determined. The proposed approach can be utilized to evaluate the safety condition of masonry bearing walls, like those characterizing buildings of historical and/or monumental interest, for which th…
Strength and ductility of fiber reinforced concrete corbels subjected to vertical loads
Seismic response of braced frames with and without friction dampers
Abstract The dynamic response of friction damped bracing systems and ordinary cross-bracing systems inserted into surrounding frames without lateral stiffness is analysed in order to compare the typical behaviour of the two different bracing systems. The cyclic force-displacement relationship in the two cases is accurately modelled on the basis of experimental and related numerical models which are available in the literature, and the structural dimensionless parameters defining the shapes of the cycles are stressed. Systems having the same average period of vibration in the elastic phase of the response are assumed to be comparable with one another, which leads to a relationship linking th…
Modelling steel jacketed RC columns: Remarks by experimental-numerical comparisons
The recent large use of nonlinear seismic assessment techniques requires the definition of highly reliable computational models. The retrofitting or strengthening of RC columns by steel angles and battens is a commonly adopted technique, used to improve strength and deformation capacity of existing RC buildings. In the case of steel angles not directly loaded, the numerical definition of the cross-section model has to be handled carefully since it is affected by more uncertainties. The vertical load carried by the angles is a function of the lateral confinement pressure, the cohesion and the friction coefficient between the materials, parameters which are not always easy to predict. The pap…
Gli infissi in ferro - finestra: una proposta di restauro
Simplified analytical model for bearing capacity of FRC corbels
Comportamento flessionale di colonne in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato
Identificazione dinamica di telai tamponati soggetti a carichi laterali
Steel fibre and transverse reinforcement effects on the behaviour of high strength concrete beams
An experimental program was carried out to investigate the influence of fibre reinforcement on the mechanical behaviour of high strength reinforced concrete beams. Eighteen beams, loaded in fourpoint bending tests, were examined by applying monotonically increasing controlled displacements and recording the response in terms of load-deflection curves up to failure. The major test variables were the volume fraction of steel fibres and the transverse steel amount for two different values of shear span. The contribution of the stirrups to the shear strength was derived from the deformations of their vertical legs, measured by means of strain gauges. The structural response of the tested beams …
General stress-strain model for concrete or masonry response under uniaxial cyclic compression
The paper proposes analytical forms able to represent with very good approximation the constitutive law experimentally deducible by means of uniaxial cyclic compressive tests on material having softening post-peak behaviour in compression and negligible tensile strength. The envelope, unloading and reloading curves characterizing the proposed model adequately approach structural responses corresponding to different levels of nonlinearity and ductility, requiring a not very high number of parameters to be calibrated experimentally. The reliability of the model is shown by comparing the results that it is able to provide with the ones analytically deduced from two reference models (one for co…
Flexural behaviour of glulam timber beams reinforced with FRP cords
Abstract Glued laminated timber (glulam) is widely used as a construction material to make up lightweight and large span structures. The basic principle of this material consists in bonding together a number of layers of dimensioned timber with structural adhesives, in order to increase strength and stiffness of the member, and allowing to make up sustainable structures with great visual impact. Recent applications showed the effectiveness of fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in enhancing the structural performances of glulam beams, with particular reference on their flexural and shear strength. In fact FRP reinforcements could be used to strengthen existing structures or to reduce …
Definition of diagonal Poisson's ratio and elastic modulus for infill masonry walls
The prediction of the response of infilled frames through the simplified approach of substituting the infill with an equivalent pin-jointed strut is treated. In this framework the results of an experimental study for the mechanical characterization of different types of masonry infills having the aim of estimating strength, Young modulus and Poisson's ratio are presented. Four types of masonry were investigated and subjected to ordinary compressive tests orthogonally to the mortar beds and along the directions of the mortar beds. The experimental campaign confirmed the possibility of using an orthotropic plate model for prediction of the Poisson's ratio and Young modulus along the diagonal …
An Updated Model of Equivalent Diagonal Strut for Infill Panels
A method for identification of stiffness, dissipation and input parameters of randomly excited non-linear systems
Flexural behavior of R.C. columns externally wrapped with FRP sheets
In the present paper the compressive and flexural behavior of R.C. columns externally wrapped with FRP layers is examined. The investigation refers to a short compressed R.C. member having circular transverse cross-section and reinforced with longitudinal bars and transverse hoops or spirals. A first phase of the investigation was addressed to describing the constitutive laws of constituent materials (confined concrete core, steel bars in compression and in tension, FRP in tension). The second phase of the research was addressed to deriving the compressive and flexural responses in terms of load-axial shortening curves and momentaxial force interaction domain, to be compared with experiment…
Influenza delle armature sul comportamento in compressione di colonne in calcestruzzo ad alta resistenza
Theoretical approaches for modelling buckling effects in rebars of RC members
Buckling of longitudinal bars in reinforced concrete (RC) members is definitely a critical issue in framed structures subjected to seismic loads. Second order effects can affect the compressive stressâstrain law of steel bars, influencing ductility calculations of RC structures. Moreover, literature studies show that buckling can occur over a length wider than stirrupsâ pitch (global buckling mode), involving more stirrups and inducing large deflections in the bar. If the critical length is not carefully estimated, stirrupsâ failure can occur, causing also the sudden loss of confining effects in concrete. This paper presents the results of different approaches for calculating the crit…
Strength and strain enhancements of concrete columns confined with FRP sheets
The compressive behavior up to failure of short concrete members reinforced with fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) is investigated. Rectangular cross-sections are analysed by means of a simplified elastic model, able also to explain stress-concentration. The model allows one to evaluate the equivalent uniform confining pressure in ultimate conditions referred to the effective confined cross-section and to the effective stresses in FRP along the sides of section; consequently, it makes it possible to determine ultimate strain and the related bearing capacity of the confined member corresponding to FRP failure. The effect of local reinforcements constitute by single strips applied at corners bef…
An output-only stochastic parametric approach for the identification of linear and nonlinear structures under random base excitations: Advances and comparisons
In this paper a time domain output-only Dynamic Identification approach for Civil Structures (DICS) first formulated some years ago is reviewed and presented in a more generalized form. The approach in question, suitable for multi- and single-degrees-of-freedom systems, is based on the statistical moments and on the correlation functions of the response to base random excitations. The solving equations are obtained by applying the Itô differential stochastic calculus to some functions of the response. In the previous version ([21] Cavaleri, 2006; [22] Benfratello et al., 2009), the DICS method was based on the use of two classes of models (Restricted Potential Models and Linear Mass Proport…
Failure Load and Collapse Mode of an RC Beam in a Large Collapsed Roof
The present work focused on the determination of the collapse load and of the failure mode of a collapsed framed structure constructed in the South of Italy and failed in 2004 under its self-weight. Information available was the results on extensive experimental test campaign, for the determination of mechanical properties of concrete and steel bars of beams, floors and columns involved in the failure. Moreover, draws of original design with construction details and design rules valid in Italy at the time of construction were found. A simple monodimensional beam model for prediction of load-deflection curve, able to include degradation of constituent materials (concrete, steel and bond) was…
Strutture intelaiate in c.a. con tamponamenti: Analisi degli effetti locali in presenza di azioni sismiche
Masonry infills and RC frames interaction: Literature overview and state of the art of macromodeling approach
The issue of the influence of masonry infills within RC frames structures has been widely investigated in the last decades by several researchers. The large interest addressed to this topic depends on the actual observation that when in presence of seismic events, the response of framed structures is strongly conditioned by the interaction with the infill walls, which however are considered as non-structural elements and not included in the models. The influence of masonry infills role in structural response is so much relevant to affect not only the overall strength and the stiffness but it may also radically change the possible collapse mechanisms of the overall structural complex under t…
A technique for the dynamic identification of civil systems
Effectiveness of stirrups and steel fibres as shear reinforcement
This paper presents the results of experimental tests carried out on rectangular simply supported beams made of hooked steel fibre reinforced concrete with and without stirrups, subjected to two-point symmetrically placed vertical loads. The tests, carried out with controlled displacements, allow one to record complete load-deflection curves by means of which it is possible to deduce information on dissipative capacity and ductile behaviour up to failure. Depending on the amount of transverse reinforcement, volume fraction of fibres added in the mix and shear span, the collapse mechanism is due to predominant shear or flexure, thus showing the influence of the aforementioned structural para…
Analysis of infilled frames using A coupled finite element and boundary element solution scheme
The behaviour of infilled frames subjected to horizontal loads is analysed by an iterative numerical procedure. The stiffness of the structural system is determined with variations in geometrical and mechanical characteristics. The analysis is carried out utilizing the boundary element method (BEM) for the infill and opportunely dividing the frame into finite elements, so as to transform the mutual interactions of the two subsystems into stresses distributed along the boundary for the infill and into nodal actions for the frame. This makes it possible to take into account the separation arising between the two substructures when mutual tensile stresses are involved. At first, infills withou…
Brick Masonry Columns Externally Wrapped with Steel Wires under Concentric and Eccentric Loads
This paper discusses an experimental investigation of clay brick columns that are externally strengthened by steel wire collars wrapping the horizontal mortar joints. The study aims to prove the effectiveness of the proposed strengthening technique and detect the efficiency of different numbers of steel collars. Additionally, the effect of eccentric loading is investigated. This paper proves that an analytical expression available in the previous literature can be modified to provide the strength of the equivalent homogeneous cross section in simple compression. To this aim, the biaxial strength domain of the bricks is modified to account for the lateral pressure exerted by the steel collar…
Stress-Strain Law for Confined Concrete with Hardening or Softening Behavior
This paper provides a new general stress-strain law for concrete confined by steel, fiber reinforced polymer (FRP), or fiber reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM), obtained by a suitable modification of the well-known Sargin’s curve for steel confined concrete. The proposed law is able to reproduce stress-strain curve of any shape, having both hardening or softening behavior, by using a single closed-form simple algebraic expression with constant coefficients. The coefficients are defined on the basis of the stress and the tangent modulus of the confined concrete in three characteristic points of the curve, thus being related to physical meaningful parameters. It will be shown that if the v…
Comportamento in pressoflessione di pilastri in c.a. rinforzati con la tecnica dell'incamiciatura leggera
Analytical prediction of ultimate moment and curvature of RC rectangular sections in compression
This paper presents closed form expressions linking the ultimate bearing capacity to the ultimate curvature of rectangular RC sections subjected to axial load and bending moment acting in one of the two symmetry planes of the section. With respect to possible simplified formulations the following effects are also considered: confinement of the concrete, hardening of the longitudinal reinforcement, and presence of reinforcing bars distributed orthogonally to the neutral axis. The formulation is proposed in dimensional terms after a preliminary definition of the geometrical and mechanical parameters governing the structural response of the class of sections considered. The analytical expressi…
Identification of stiffness, dissipation and input parameters of multi degree of freedom civil systems under unmeasured base excitations
A time domain dynamic identification technique based on a statistical moment approach has been formulated for civil systems under base random excitations in the linear state. This technique is based on the use of classically damped models characterized by a mass proportional damping. By applying the Itô stochastic calculus, special algebraic equations that depend on the statistical moments of the response can be obtained. These equations can be used for the dynamic identification of the mechanical parameters that define the structural model, in the case of unmeasured input as well, and the identification of the input itself. Furthermore, the above equations demonstrate the possibility of id…
An Analytical Step-by-Step Procedure to Derive the Flexural Response of RC Sections in Compression
This paper proposes an analysis procedure able to determine the flexural response of rectangular symmetrically reinforced concrete sections subjected to axial load and uniaxial bending. With respect to the usual numerical approaches, based on the fibre decomposition method, this procedure is based on the use of analytical expressions of the contributions to the equilibrium given by the longitudinal reinforcement and the concrete region in compression, which depend on the neutral axis depth and the curvature at each analysis step. The formulation is developed in dimensionless terms, after a preliminary definition of the geometrical and mechanical parameters involved, so that the results are …
Shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams with stirrups
The present paper proposes a semi-empirical analytical expression that is capable of determining the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams with longitudinal bars, in the presence of reinforcing fibers and transverse stirrups. The expression is based on an evaluation of the strength contribution of beam and arch actions and it makes it possible to take their interaction with the fibers into account. For the strength contribution of stirrups, the effective stress reached at beam failure was considered by introducing an effectiveness function. This function shows the share of beam action strength contribution on the global strength of the beam calculated including the effect of fibers. T…
Mechanical properties of steel fibre reinforced lightweight concrete with pumice stone or expanded clay aggregates
This paper presents basic information on the mechanical properties of steel fibre-reinforced light-weight concrete, manufactured using pumice stone or expanded clay aggregates. Results are presented for standard compressive tests and indirect tensile tests (splitting tests on cylinder specimens and flexure tests on prismatic beams using a three-point loading arrangement) under monotonically increasing or cyclically varying loads. The influence of steel fibres and aggregate types on modulus of elasticity, compressive and tensile strength and post-peak behaviour is evaluated. Test results show that compressive strength does not change for pumice stone aggregates, while an increase is observed…
Risposta sismica di pannelli in muratura armata con blocchi di inerti leggeri
Risposta sismica di pannelli in muratura armata con blocchi di inerti leggeri
Influence of radius of corners in concrete columns confined with FRP sheets
The experimental results of three and four point loading tests on reinforced concrete beams strengthened by angles and/or pre-stressed stainless steel ribbons (CAM system) are presented. The stainless steel prestressed ribbons play the role of adjunctive transversal reinforcement as well as confine the structural element. Six flexural critical beams and nine shear critical beams were tested. In the first group four beams were retrofitted with bottom stainless steel angles and transversal ribbons, with two different spacing. In the second group three specimens were retrofitted by wrapping the beam with the ribbons, while three specimens were strengthned by perforation of the beam beneath the…
Degraded Gerber Saddles in RC Bridges
Sudden failure of reinforced concrete (RC) or prestressed concrete (PC) Gerber saddles of bridges and viaducts has occurred all around in the word in the last few years due to corrosion of steel bars. The danger of sudden and brittle failure is often due to general and pitting corrosion of steel bars, concrete crushing, and loss of bond in steel bars. In this paper, the flexural response of reinforced concrete Gerber supports under their self-weight with or without service loads was investigated through determination of the load-deflection response of beams, with the focus on the consequences of pitting corrosion and loss of bond in steel bars. A simplified strut-and-tie model was developed…
Some comments on the experimental behavior of FRC beams in flexure
In the present paper the experimental results, recently obtained by the authors, regarding the monotonic and the cyclic flexural response of normal and high-strength concrete beams reinforced with steel bars and discontinuous fibers, are shown. From the experimental results, all referred to low values of shear-to-depth ratios, it emerges clearly that the shear failure is brittle especially under cyclic actions highlighting the role of the fibers in the flexural behavior of the beams. The cyclic action produces a significant decay in the stiffness and in the strength capacity of the beams, and the addition of fibers reduces these negative effects. Form theoretical point of view good agreemen…
La Stima dei Moduli Elastici delle Murature Secondo le Norme Tecniche: il Confronto con la Sperimentazione
Nel presente lavoro viene proposto uno studio sperimentale per la caratterizzazione meccanica di diverse tipologie di muratura. Vengono in particolare valutati i moduli elastici longitudinali e tangenziali che come è noto condizionano la risposta di sistemi murari sotto carichi laterali. I valori sperimentali sono confrontati con quelli stimabili per mezzo dei modelli proposti dalle normative tecniche italiana (DM 14/01/2008) e europea (Eurocodice 6). Lo studio prende spunto dalla questio posta dalla norma americana (MSJC 2008) che, pur proponendo l’uso di tali modelli, riconosce la poca sperimentazione eseguita a supporto della loro validazione. La campagna sperimentale ha incluso prove di…
A closed form procedure for the design of longitudinal bars in RC sections subjected to axial load and biaxial bending
This paper presents an analytical procedure for the design of the longitudinal reinforcement in reinforced concrete rectangular sections subjected to axial load and biaxial bending moment. The integration of the equilibrium equations is performed in analytical form for the case of uniaxial moment, including the effect of the reinforcement placed on the sides of the section and adopting code-based constitutive laws for steel and concrete. The strength domain of the section is calculated in closed form for the case of only main steel and in simplified form when including the reinforcement disposed on the side. Additionally, a formulation is proposed for the interaction domain of the two compo…
Concrete softening effects on the axial capacity of RC jacketed circular columns
Abstract Among the different strengthening techniques to repair RC structures, reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is one of the most commonly adopted, especially for columns. Its wide application is due to its easy application and relatively reduced cost with respect to other methods (e.g. FRP wrapping, Shape Memory Alloy active confinement). The target of RC jacketing is to increase axial, flexural capacity and ductility of weak existing members by means of two main effects: confinement action provided by the jacket and composite action between external jacket and inner concrete. Different theoretical studies have been carried out to calculate the strength enhancement due to confinement ac…
Cyclic axial testing of columns confined with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix
Steel-concrete bond in lightweight fiber reinforced concrete under monotonic and cyclic actions
Experimental results of the local bond stress-slip relationship of reinforcing bars embedded in lightweight fiber reinforced concrete with expanded clay aggregates are presented. The effect of the following parameters were investigated: - dimension of specimens; - anchorage length; - percentages of hooked steel fibers; - geometrical ratio of transverse reinforcement; - confinement external transverse pressure. Prismatic specimens with deformed steel bars embedded for a fixed length equal to five and eight equivalent diameters were tested under both monotonic and cyclic reversal imposed displacements at the tip of the bars, in controlled displacement tests. The influence of the above mention…
Comportamento meccanico di muri soggetti a compressione diagonale:dalla sperimentazione alle norme tecniche
Experimental and analytical response of masonry elements under eccentric vertical loads
The flexural behaviour of masonry rectangular cross-sections is studied in order to characterize the mechanical behaviour of structural elements under axial eccentric loads by means of a proper law. First the experimental response of walls under vertical centred loads is observed and a stress-strain law depending on two parameters is given in order to fit the experimental results. Subsequently the behaviour of walls nominally equal to the walls mentioned before is investigated under eccentric vertical loads, and the response is observed in terms of moment-curvature relation. To this point a comparison is made between the moment-curvature response obtained experimentally and the moment-curva…
Dimensionless analysis of RC rectangular sections under axial load and biaxial bending
This paper proposes a numerical procedure able to provide ultimate curvature and moment domains of rectangular RC sections subjected to combined axial load and biaxial bending. The formulation is carried out in dimensionless terms in order to give results that are valid for classes of sections characterized by the same values of the geometric and mechanical parameters governing the section response. The role of some of these parameters is investigated here. The results show possible correlations linking the actual values of moment and curvature to the values corresponding to two cases of uniaxial bending to be considered separately. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Experimental investigation on local bond-slip behaviour in lightweight fiber reinforced concrete under cyclic actions
Attendibilità dei modelli per la valutazione dei moduli elastici delle murature suggeriti dalle norme tecniche
In this paper the results of an experimental investigation aimed to the assessment of Young moduli, rigidity moduli and other mechanical properties for different types of masonry are shown. The mechanical characteristics predicted by models proposed by some technical codes were compared against experimental data. This study was motivated by the suggestion of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee's (MSJC) code that, while proposing the use of such models, acknowledges the lack of testing in support of their validation. The experimental investigation has included compressive tests on components (blocks and mortar), diagonal compressive tests and ordinary compressive tests (orthogonally to bed…
Advanced Strategies and Materials for Reinforcing Normal and Disturbed Regions in Brick Masonry Columns
This work presents the results of an experimental investigation on the behavior of 42 solid clay brick masonry columns internally strengthened by fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) fabrics or stainless steel grids placed in horizontal mortar joints. In some cases, every course, and in other cases, alternate courses were reinforced with steel grids, carbon, and basalt FRP fabrics. Monotonic compressive loading tests were carried out under concentric and eccentric loads. Eccentric tests were carried out by loading the specimens on a reduced area with respect to the entire cross section, producing a disturbed region (D-region). A detailed characterization of the constituent materials was made expe…
Moment-Axial Domain of Corroded R.C. Columns
In the present paper, a simplified model to determine the moment-axial force domain of the cross-section of reinforced concrete columns subjected to corrosion process is presented. The model considers members with square and rectangular cross-sections and it accounts for cover spalling, buckling of longitudinal reinforcing bars, loss of bond of bar in tension, reduction of confinement pressures (due to the reduction of the area of stirrups and cracking of concrete induced by rust formation). The analytical expressions for prediction of the area reduction of steel, bond strength and critical load of longitudinal bars utilized were verified against experimental data available literature.
Analysis of local shear effects in brick masonry infilled RC frames
Masonry infills panels placed among framed structures meshes have a relevant influence in presence seismic actions in terms of strength stiffness and global displacement capacity. In the case of RC structures, the modifications of internal forces due to infill-frame interaction may be not compatible with surrounding frame members strength especially considering additional shear forces arising at the ends of beams and columns in contact with the panel under lateral actions. Such effects may be in many cases the cause of unexpected brittle collapse mechanisms which compromise the safety of the entire structure. In this paper by means of a double (micromodeling and macromodeling) procedure reg…
A statistical moments based approach for the dynamic identification of civil structures
In recent years, interest in developing identification techniques that are valid in the case of unmeasured input has increased. In this field some interesting parametric approaches have been proposed. Nevertheless, the improvement of the available techniques or the formulation of new techniques is desirable. In this paper a time domain dynamic identification approach based on the statistical moments of the response of civil structures under base random excitations is discussed. Two types of models are used: the classically damped models characterized by mass proportional damping and the so-called “potential models” which are non linear in damping and stiffness. By applying the Itô different…
Caratterizzazione meccanica di alcune tipologie di tamponamento
L’utilizzo di modelli che prevedono l’inserimento dei tamponamenti nelle maglie di telaio richiede la conoscenza preliminare delle caratteristiche meccaniche del tamponamento. A tal fine si possono seguire diverse strade, tutte basate su prove di laboratorio: 1) determinazione diretta della risposta a taglio del tamponamento su campioni di muratura; 2) determinazione della risposta a compressione lungo gli assi principali di campioni di muratura rappresentativi del tamponamento e utilizzo dei risultati per dedurre il comportamento a taglio; 3) determinazione della risposta a compressione dei componenti della muratura (malta ed elementi resistenti) da correlare alle caratteristiche meccanich…
Risposta sperimentale di telai tamponati
Le tipologie di muratura discusse nel Cap.5 hanno fornito risposte sperimentali utilizzabili per la loro caratterizzazione meccanica; tuttavia, la stima degli effetti sul comportamento di una maglia di telaio, tamponata utilizzando tali tipi di muratura, è stata possibile solo predisponendo una apposita campagna sperimentale. Allo scopo è stata utilizzata una idonea attrezzatura, realizzata in occasione di precedenti studi, attraverso la quale sono stati provati 6 telai monoplano tamponati, 2 per ciascuna delle tre tipologie di muratura prese in in considerazione. Coerentemente con l’obiettivo di questa ricerca, i telai sono stati realizzati in maniera da riprodurre le caratteristiche di si…
Criteri semplificati per la stima delle proprietá meccaniche di murature di tamponamento
La campagna di prove descritta al capitolo precedente è stata realizzata con un duplice scopo: determinare in maniera diretta le caratteristiche meccaniche di alcune tipologie di murature in vista delle prove sperimentali su telai tamponati, in modo da disporre di tutti i dati necessari per la modellazione: verificare l’affidabilità delle relazione fornite da codici normativi, che legano le caratteristiche degli elementi componenti la muratura al comportamento meccanico globale del pannello murario, proponendone eventualmente di nuove. Queste leggi semplificano notevolmente la determinazione delle caratteristiche meccaniche per un pannello in muratura sollecitato a compressione e taglio. Al…