G. Calvaruso

The apoptotic effects and synergistic interaction of sodium butyrate and MG132 in human retinoblastoma Y79 cells

This study deals with the apoptotic effect exerted on human retinoblastoma Y79 cells by both sodium butyrate and an inhibitor of 26S proteasome [z-Leu-Leu-Leu-CHO (MG132)] and their synergistic effect. Exposure to sodium butyrate (1-4 mM) induced an accumulation of cells in the G2-M phase that was already visible after 24 h of treatment, when morphological and biochemical signs of apoptosis appeared only in a small number of cells (5-10%). Thereafter, the apoptotic effects increased progressively with slow kinetics, reaching a maximum after 72 h of exposure, when they concerned a large fraction of cells (>75% with 4 mM sodium butyrate). Sodium butyrate stimulated the conversion of procaspas…

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140 p8 (Candidate Of Metastasis 1) drives ER-stress/autophagy/apoptosis axis induced by the synthetic cannabinoid WIN in HCC cells

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Flow Cytometry: Principles and Applications

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Long-Term Use of Deferiprone Enhances Significantly the Left Ventricular Ejection Function in Thalassemia Major

Abstract Abstract 5302 Background: A multicentre randomized controlled trial (RCT) was designed to assess the effectiveness of long-term sequential deferiprone-deferoxamine (DFO-DFP) versus DFP alone to treat thalassaemia major (TM) (Maggio et al.,2009). Effectviness, survival, adverse events and costs were comparable between the groups. These findings were confirmed in a further 21-month follow-up (Pantalone et al., 2011). Moreover, deferiprone-alone has been reported to be superior to deferoxamine for the removal of cardiac iron and improvement in left ventricular ejection function (LVEF). However, little is known of its relative effect on LVEF after long-term treatment. Therefore, data f…

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Citrus peels as biocatalyst for deacetylation reactions

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Response-based chemotherapy and involved field radiation for intermediate stage Hodgkin disease. A GISL/NHLSG trial

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Identification and synthesis of insulin in human retinoblastoma Y-79 cells

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Assessment of the Frequency of Additional Malignancies in Patients with Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma

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Different modulatory effect of the synthetic cannabinoid WIN55,212-2 on tumor cell migration.

MicroRNAs are small non-coding regulatory molecules exerting pleiotropic action in different biological processes such as proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, migration and metastasis. Deregulation of miRNA expression has been observed in various cancers, and accumulating data suggest that miRNAs can display an oncogenic, antioncogenic or an ambiguous behavior in relationship to tumor environment. In a previous research we showed that the synthetic cannabinoid WIN55,212-2 is able to reduce the migratory activity of osteosarcoma MG63 cells analyzed by means of wound healing assay. So we undertook a study to evaluate the biochemical mechanism through which WIN plays this action. To this…

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Ethanol promotes survival and tumor progression of colon cancer cells

In the Western Countries, colon cancer is the third tumor for aggressiveness and incidence after lung and breast/prostate cancer. Different risk factors concur to the development of colon cancer, including genetic factors, inflammation, intestinal microflora composition, as well as lifestyle. Epidemiologic studies correlating alcohol consumption and assert that the risks are 5-fold higher among drinkers compared to nondrinkers. However, the exact mechanisms correlating heavy alcohol drinking and colon cancer are not completely elucidated yet. To shed light on the biochemical mechanisms through which alcohol favors colon cancer progression, we evaluated the effect of high doses of ethanol (1…

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Il sostegno e il miglioramento delle coltivazioni sub-tropicali in Sicilia traggono vantaggio dallo studio e dalla promozione delle loro proprietà nutrizionali.

Negli ultimi decenni si è assistito a un continuo progresso scientifico in ambito nutrizionale che ha trovato le sue basi da una parte nella scoperta dei principi nutritivi contenuti negli alimenti e dall'altra nell'elaborazione di precise linee guida a larga diffusione. Un'inadeguata alimentazione, infatti, oltre a incidere sul benessere psicofisico, rappresenta uno dei principali fattori di rischio per l'insorgenza di numerose patologie croniche. Secondo l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) il rischio di insorgenza di malattie cardiovascolari, metaboliche e di alcuni tumori si abbassa considerevolmente grazie a una corretta e sana alimentazione.

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CCDC 749593: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Terenzi, G.Barone, A.P.Piccionello, G.Giorgi, A.Guarcello, P.Portanova, G.Calvaruso, S.Buscemi, N.Vivona, A.Pace|2010|Dalton Trans.|39|9140|doi:10.1039/c0dt00266f

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