Jean-philippe Guillemin

Mapping and determinism of soil microbial community distribution across an agricultural landscape.

Article en open access; International audience; Despite the relevance of landscape, regarding the spatial patterning of microbial communities and the relative influence of environmental parameters versus human activities, few investigations have been conducted at this scale. Here, we used a systematic grid to characterize the distribution of soil microbial communities at 278 sites across a monitored agricultural landscape of 13km(2). Molecular microbial biomass was estimated by soil DNA recovery and bacterial diversity by 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. Geostatistics provided the first maps of microbial community at this scale and revealed a heterogeneous but spatially structured distribution…

research product

Membres du comité d’organisation scientifique et logistique

National audience

research product

How rare arable weeds are descriptors of low farming intensification?

International audience; Recent emphasis has been placed on the rapid destruction of the planet’s biodiversity in allhabitats. Rare arable weeds, also known as segetal plants, are threatened species, mostly indecline due to intensive farming systems. However, the presence of these species is intrinsicallylinked to agroecosystems. Their survival is apparently related to low-input agronomic practices.Could these weeds therefore be good descriptors of low agricultural intensification and be goodindicators of high environmental field value? We propose to examine the relationships between thefarming systems and weed flora sampling in the same fields.

research product

Aptitude à la levée et à l'installation d'adventices dans des bandes enherbées. Quelles sont les réelles potentialités d'installation d'espèces adventices annuelles dans les bandes enherbées ?

International audience

research product

Résistance du vulpin aux herbicides. Son importance et sa répartition en Côte d'Or

BlACKGRASS lN WHEAT: A MAP OF HERBICIDE RESISTANCE Since the years 1990, the spread of herbicide resistance in wheatis more and more important within weed species as blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroidesHuds,). Resistanceto the fenoxaprop-P-ethyl within blackgrass population wasfirst was detected in the Côte d'Or departement. ln this context, a map of the herbicide resistance of blackgrass was undertaken at the scale of this departement. 149 fields were used for this study with for each an agronomic investigation and harvests of blackgrass seeds. Almost the whole of the populations of blackgrass tested present at least 50% of plants resistant to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, and 53% and 9% of these popu…

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Lutte contre les mauvaises herbes, dix lustres en lumière

National audience

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Les causes biologiques de la régression du bleuet (Centaurea cyanus L.)

National audience; Dans les agroécosystèmes, un déclin de la diversité biologique causé par l’intensification des pratiques agricoles est actuellement observé. Parmi les espèces adventices, toutes ne répondent pas de la même façon à ces changements. Des traits biologiques spécifiques pourraient expliquer le déclin de certaines et la réussite d’autres. Ainsi, mieux comprendre les causes biologiques de la régression permettrait de mettre en place des stratégies de gestion dans ces systèmes agricoles intensifs. Le bleuet (Centaurea cyanus L.) est une messicole spécialiste de l’agroécosystème qui est actuellement en régression dans l’ouest de l’Europe . Cette espèce est par ailleurs considérée …

research product

Histoire de l’utilisation des herbicides sur deux grandes cultures en France

Wheat and vineyard are two emblematic crops of French cropping systems. Weedmanagement in these crops have been at the root of the development of chemical weedcontrol in France for many other crops. The data presented in this study were collected inthe “index phytosanitaires ACTA” from 1961 to 2010. This paper presents the evolution ofnumber of herbicide molecules and mixtures, and number of commercial products availablefor these two crops. Finally, the modes of action (HRAC classification) is proposed for eachcrops.

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Le biocontrôle des adventices

Prod 2018-236o GESTAD AGROSUP pole SPE EA

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Weed-DATA Base de données ‘Traits’ des plantes adventices des agroécosystèmes


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Optimiser la régulation biologique des adventices par l’utilisation de couverts végétaux à l’échelle du système de culture

Les couverts végétaux peuvent fournir de nombreux services écosystémiques dont la régulationbiologique des adventices, mais ce n’est pas le service écosystémique qui est principalementmentionné par les agriculteurs. En revanche, il y a une connaissance experte très vaste des couvertsvégétaux, car les agriculteurs expérimentés ont déjà optimisé leur mélange, pour maximiser laproduction de biomasse, la couverture végétale, dans des conditions pédo-climatiques pourtantchangeantes. Mais les combinaisons d’espèces, de densité, de pratiques de gestion sontnombreuses et la connaissance scientifique manque pour identifier des leviers de gestion descouverts végétaux qui assureraient une régulation b…

research product

Réduction du nombre de molécules herbicides : conséquences par culture. Problématique particulière de la gestion de la flore adventice

All national and European legislations contribute to the present reduction in the available herbicide number. This evolution leads to the decrease in the number of chemical families and to a dramatic reduction of the number of modes of action in some crops or crop rotations. This could lead to the selection of new herbicide resistances. So we may find contrasted situations: crops weeded with only a few herbicides or some herbicides used in almost all crops. The drastic reduction in the available active ingredients without taking into account the benefit-risk ratio or without planning realistic alternative solutions may create tougher agronomic constraints. A data base built up from all the …

research product

La résistance du vulpin des champs aux anti-graminées dans les blés en France. La métabolisation : son importance crée une situation à risque

National audience; La résistance du Vulpin aux anti-graminées inhibiteurs de l'acétyl-coenzyme carboxylase ACC],« fops » et « dimes ») constitue un problème de désherbage majeur en France. 243 populations de vulpin (116 essentiellement dans le nord-est de la France, 127en Côte-d'Or) ont été analysées à l'aide de tests biologiques de sensibilité à des inhibiteurs de l'ACC et de tests moléculaires d'identification de résistances de cible. Des résistances ont été identifiées dans 241 des 243 populations. L'essentiel (plus de 75%) des résistances aux deux « fops» les plus utilisés est dû à des résistances par métabolisation.Ces résistances sont les plus préoccupantes en terme de gestion chimiqu…

research product

Is there a microbial sub alpha-diversity at soil microscale ?

The distribution of the soil microbial diversity depends on a broad range of environmental filters nested in spatial scales from continent to millimeter. Although microbial biogeography studies have recently shown the influence of environmental factors (texture/pH/plant cover and land-use) on soil microbial abundance and diversity, little is still known about spatial heterogeneity at a micro-scale within soil. Our study aims at describing and understanding the distribution of abundance and diversity of soil microbial communities between different soil microenvironments. Four soils were selected on the basis of differences in physico-chemical properties and historical land-management practic…

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Identification of potential mycoherbicides using a metabarcoding approach

National audience

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Biocontrol of weeds toxic to human and animal health

imson weed (Datura stramonium L.) is an invasive weed plant that produces alkaloids that are particularly toxic to humans (crop contamination) and animals (fodder). The objective of my research project is to find a biocontrol solution based on the use of fungi (even oomycetes) and/or plant extracts to control this plant in agricultural plots. At first, I focus on the research of mycoherbicides. The presence of pathogens or phytotoxic metabolites for jimson weed in a panel of non-infested soils to highly infested soils is tested by applying aqueous extracts or filtrates (0.2µm) of these soil extracts to datura seeds placed on germination paper under controlled temperature and humidity condit…

research product

Mécanismes de régulation biologique des adventices par les couverts végétaux

La régulation biologique des adventices par les couverts végétaux cultivés peut impliquer différents mécanismes. La compétition pour les ressources est le mécanisme considéré comme prépondérant dans la régulation des adventices par les couverts végétaux. L'allélopathie pourrait également jouer un rôle mais ses effets au champ sont difficiles à démontrer car difficiles à dissocier des effets d'autres mécanismes. Les couverts végétaux peuvent également affecter les adventices en modifiant le microclimat à la surface du sol. La régulation des adventices par les couverts végétaux peut également se faire par l'intervention d'organismes auxiliaires, comme des insectes responsables de prédation (c…

research product

Historique de l'utilisation des herbicides en France: premières analyses

A data base on the herbicides used in France since 1961 has been built up from the phytosanitary index annually edited by the Association de Coordination Technique Agricole (ACTA). This data base gives the number of active ingredients, associations and commercial products registered every year and for each crop. We also gathered the modes of action, the way of absorption sites and the species susceptibility. Since 1961, 215 molecules have been registered. The number increased regularly with a maximum of 138 in 2002 and only around 100 remain in 2010. The evolution of the number of modes of action available for weed control in wheat is discussed.

research product

Carry over effects of cover crop mixtures and management practices on subsequent crops and weeds in no-till systems

Cover crop (CC) mixtures appear as a promising agroecological tool to suppress weeds andmaintain crop productivity while reducing chemical inputs such as herbicides and nitrogenfertilizers. The weed suppressive effect of CC and CC nitrogen release have been related to CCcomposition, soil resource availability and CC termination methods but the relative effect ofthese factors and their interactions remain poorly documented, especially in the case of CCmixtures. Most studies have focused on the subsequent spring crop, and hence, lacked toinvestigate long-term carry over effects of CC. A two field: year experiment was conducted toinvestigate the effect of CC mixture (2 or 8 species including o…

research product

Simulateur de pulvérisation localisée d’herbicide

Site-specific spraying is a technological lever to reduce the herbicide amount used in the case of chemical control of weeds. At the present time, detection and control technologies are available to apply herbicide only where weeds are present and thus provide an alternative to homogeneous application of chemicals on the entire surface of the field. In order to assess this practice, a digital simulator has been developed combining virtual infestation maps with different theoretical sprayer configurations. Simulations were used to localize herbicide applications and quantify herbicide reduction based on the spatial distribution of weeds and the width of independent spray units (boom sections…

research product

History of chemical weeding from 1944 to 2011 in France: Changes and evolution of herbicide molecules

International audience; Herbicide development in France has been analysed from a historical and agronomical perspective. A database was built up from data collected from the archives of the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries and from French phytosanitary compendia edited since 1961 by the Association de Coordination Technique Agricole. Only herbicides used in cultivated areas were retained. The first organic synthetic herbicides were registered on cereals after the Second World War. Since 1944, a total of 225 herbicidal active ingredients have been registered in France. The number of active ingredients regularly increased with a maximum of 138 in 2002; 104 were still authorized in 2…

research product

Pesticides sur blé tendre d'hiver, diversité dans le détail

Contexte -L’analyse des pratiques d’application des pesticides (herbicides, fongicides, insecticides, ré-gulateurs) sur le blé tendre d’hiver (BTH) a été réalisée à partir de données d’en-quêtes annuelles sur une petite zone agricole en Côte-d’Or. Etude - L’étude a porté sur 294 parcelles appar-tenant à 13 exploitants pour la période 2004-2011. L’indice retenu pour carac-tériser l’usage des pesti-cides est l’IFT (indice de fréquence de traitements).

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Gestion des adventices dans un contexte de réduction des intrants de synthèse

research product

Membres du comité d’organisation scientifique et logistique

SPEEAGESTADAGROSUP; Membres du comité d’organisation scientifique et logistique. 23. Conférence du COLUMA - Journées Internationales sur la Lutte contre les Mauvaises Herbes

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"Messicoles" : Conservation des plantes messicoles dans les parcelles cultivées : caractérisation des systèmes de cultures favorables, rôles fonctionnels, perception par la profession.

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(FOCUS) Historique des herbicides en France depuis la seconde guerre mondiale

Au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale, les herbicides ont joué un rôle important dans la réponse du monde agricole aux besoins alimentaires des populations, notamment grâce aux économies de main-d’œuvre et aux facilités de gestion qu’elles ont permises. Pourtant, aujourd’hui, l’agriculture intensive et productiviste fait l’objet d’une remise en cause du fait de son impact sur l’environnement, en particulier sur les ressources en eau (présence de nitrates, substances actives (SA) phytosanitaires). Face à la réglementation européenne et pour répondre aux préoccupations de l’opinion publique, mais aussi du monde agricole, il a été mis en place en France le Plan Ecophyto 2018. Dans ce cont…

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Nuisibilité des plantes adventices : compétition pour les ressources, quantification des pertes de rendement et de qualité des récoltes

Prod 2018-236h EA GESTAD INRA AGROSUP pole SPE

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AFPP - 22nd COLUMA Conference - International Meeting on Weed Control

research product

12 - Feasability study of a wheatears counting system per vision

Working on a feasibility study of wheatears counting, a colour component texture's analysis method was developed. The agronomic goal is yield prediction before harvest evaluating mean number of wheatears per squared meter according to the field variation knowledge. To this counting system, we evaluate six textural parameters (two statistical parameters and four Haralick features from co-occurrence matrix) on the main colour systems and vegetation indices used in agronomic applications. A new hybrid system provides a representation of wheatears' pictures taken under natural conditions with a better extraction of wheat. A method based on distances measurements (Euclidian, Mahalanobis) allows …

research product

Accompagner les réseaux DEPHY-FERME et DEPHY EXPE dans la caractérisation de l’effet des systèmes de culture sur la flore adventice

To characterize weed pressure in agricultural fields of the DEPHY Ecophyto networks, the "weeds" working group of the CASIMIR project, helped by crop and weed experts working for the french crop institutes, developed two methods (CASIMIR DEPHY­FARM and CASIMIR DEPHY­EXPE) to survey weeds in main crops. The objectives of these methods are: (i) with short­term concern, assess the efficacy of farming practices to manage weeds within the crop season, (ii) with long­term concern, assess the effect of cropping system (farming practices and crop sequence) on the dynamic of the weed communities. The CASIMIR DEPHY­FARM method is based on walk away surveys made within a 2000­m² reference plot where t…

research product

Importance of seeds in the process of common ragweed invasion

International audience; Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (common ragweed) was introduced into Europe at the end of the 1900s and is now present in several European countries. This annual invasive plant produces seeds that are highly polymorphic. Common ragweed can produce only a few thousand highly viable seeds. Many studies have focused on the seed stage. Greater seedling emergence for the seeds placed near the soil surface could explain the success of this species in open habitats, where the probability of deeper burial is low. Emergence percentage was found to decrease as burial depth increased from 2 to 8 cm, and no germination nor seedling emergence was observed for the seeds buried from 10-…

research product

Effets court terme et long terme de l'introduction de couverts végétaux d’interculture et des pratiques associées sur les adventices

Cet article synthétise les connaissances sur les effets des couverts végétaux d'interculture et des pratiques culturales, associées au système de culture dans lesquels ils sont insérés, sur les adventices. En effet, les pratiques associées à la mise en place des couverts influent sur la flore adventice qui s'établit dans les parcelles et modifient le pool de ressources disponibles. Les effets des couverts sur la flore sont très étudiés durant la période d'interculture. Mais qu'en est-il des effets des couverts (1) sur la capacité des adventices à grainer dans le couvert pour réalimenter et modifier le stock semencier ? (2) sur la flore adventice dans les cultures suivantes ? Ces effets sont…

research product

Analysis of relationships between farming practices, weed flora and crop production

International audience; Quantitative data on the potential losses of crop yield due to weeds is limited. Approaches toquantify weed damages considered only individual weed species, and have not included thecompounding of effects at the community level. Moreover they did not integrate the influence ofagricultural practices and environmental variables on the weed-crop relationship. Here weanalysed a big data sets to study relations between crop management, weed communities’indicators and crop yield and then develop path analysis models to disentangle the confoundingeffects of cropping system on weeds and crop production. Flora surveys (N= 651) were performedfrom 2006 to 2013 on 150 fields in …

research product

Analyse des effets direct et indirect des pratiques agricoles sur les adventices et la production de blé tendre d’hiver

Analysis of direct and indirect effects of farming practices on weeds and winter wheat yield. Farmers implement farming practices to maximize production by limiting biotic (e.g. weeds) and abiotic (e.g. nutrient) growth factors. Our study aimed to quantify direct and indirect (through a change of weed pressure) effects of farming practices on yield. We analysed the relationships between farming practices, weeds and yield of 152 wheat fields located in the study site of Fénay (UMR Agroécologie, Dijon) using partial least square path modelling (PLS-PM). Our results showed that farming practices had a positive direct effect on crop productivity (β = 0.32). Farming practices decreased weed pres…

research product

Débat : quel désherbage des cultures dans dix ans ?


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Weed seeds ability to emerge on the soil surface

International audience; Annual weeds have to produce seeds each year to maintain their populations. These seeds fallon the soil surface. Seeds exposed to light during their moistening (i.e. caused by rain) bettergerminate than seeds in the darkness (i.e. buried). However, rare studies quantified the unique andcombined effects of light, moisture and burial depth on the germination process. We investigated,in a greenhouse experiment in 2014, the impact of seed moisture (Moistened vs. Dried), lightduring moistening (Darkness vs. Light) and burial depth (Buried vs. Surface) on germination of 12annual weed species contrasted on their seed traits and germination periods (Alopecurusmyosuroides Hud…

research product

Quels enseignements à retenir de la régression des Messicoles ?

SPEAGROSUPECOLDURGEAPSI; National audience; La régression de la plupart des espèces messicoles ces sept dernières décennies, voire la disparition de certaines espèces, est le plus souvent commentée et interprétée en termes de démarche de protection d’une flore patrimoniale en danger. Ainsi, le Plan National d’Action lancé par le Ministère de l’Ecologie en faveur des messicoles traduit cette préoccupation qui commence maintenant à se décliner à différentes échelles spatiales et sociales (http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Plan-national-d-actions-en-faveur,32610.html). Le volet recherche de cette démarche dans un projet CASDAR tend à apporter une vision évolutive de la situation, notamm…

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Drought affects weed emergence in cover crops of no-till systems

Session 7 - Crop science in changing environmentsEAEcolDur; International audience

research product

Caractérisation de la distribution spatiale des communautés microbiennes du sol et de ses déterminants à l’échelle du paysage

International audience; Depuis plusieurs années, des approches biogéographiques ont été développées pour mieux caractériser la distribution spatiale des communautés microbiennes du sol, comprendre les processus écologiques mis en œuvre et identifier les filtres environnementaux déterminant leur diversité et leur structure. Ces approches ont été mises en œuvre à différentes échelles spatiales allant de celle de la parcelle agricole à celle d’un territoire et d’un continent. Elles ont permis de mettre en évidence que les communautés microbiennes du sol sont distribuées suivant des patterns biogéographiques non aléatoire et que ces dernières sont soumises à des processus déterministes (sélecti…

research product

Weed suppression in cover crop mixtures under contrasted levels of resource availability

Cover crop (CC) mixtures appear as a promising agroecological tool for weed management.Although CC supress weed growth by competing for resources, their suppressive effect undercontrasting levels of soil resource availability remains poorly documented. A two field: yearexperiment was conducted to investigate the weed suppressive effect of four CC mixtures.They were composed of 2 or 8 species including or not legume species and compared to abare soil control. The experiment included two levels of irrigation and nitrogen fertilisation atCC sowing. The objectives were to assess (i) weed and CC aboveground biomass response toCC mixtures and resource availability, (ii) the weed suppressive effec…

research product

Assessing of base temperatures and base water potentials for germination of weeds

International audience

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Mating system adaptation in populations of Centaurea cyanus L.

International audience; Since the 50s, the agriculture intensification in Western Europe resulted in landscape homogenizationand reduction of habitat connectivity, which in turn caused a widespread decline of farmland biological diversity.Centaurea cyanus is one of the declining “segetal species”. It is an annual and insect-pollinatedspecies with a self-incompatibility system. When the populations are small and fragmented, they mayextinct if the incompatibility system cannot evolve towards a compatibility system. A coexistence ofmixed mating system is also possible in a population.In our study, we examined the ability of C. cyanus to produce seeds by autogamy. For this purpose,three conditi…

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Consequences of inbreeding for Centaurea cyanus L., a self-incompatible segetal species

International audience

research product

Trois jours au cœur du COLUMA 2016

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Segetal plant conservation in arable fields: functional role, farmers’ perception and farming systems

International audience; Segetal plants, or “messicoles” as they are known in French, are weedy inhabitants of wheat crops (mainly winter cereals). The national list of segetal species includes 102 taxa; of which 7 are extinct, 52 threatened, 30 to be kept under close observation and 12 abundant. Data on their distribution indicates that they are mostly in decline due to intensive farming systems. As their survival is intrinsically linked to farming systems, we need to improve knowledge on their relationships with land management in order to establish a sound scientific basis for protection tools, to support and guide farmer conservation measures and to disseminate concerns for segetal biodi…

research product

« Messicoles » : conservation des plantes messicoles dans les parcelles cultivées : caractérisation des systèmes de cultures favorables, rôles fonctionnels, perception par la profession

Segetal plants, or “messicoles” as they are known in French, are weedy inhabitants of wheat crops (mainly winter cereals). The national list of segetal species includes 102 taxa; of which 7 are extinct, 52 threatened, 30 to be kept under close observation and 12 abundant. Data on their distribution indicates that they are mostly in decline. As their survival is intrinsically linked to farming systems, we need to improve knowledge on their relationships with land management in order to establish a sound scientific basis for protection tools, to support and guide farmer conservation measures and to disseminate concerns for segetal biodiversity to agro-environmental policymakers. We propose to…

research product

Biological causes of cornflower regression

International audience; Agroecosystems are currently experiencing high biodiversity loss. This decline results from intensive cropping systems. However, not all the anciently present weeds respond similarly. There should be specific biological traits that render some species more prone to disappear from arable fields than others. Investigating the biological causes of regression could inform about management strategies in changing agricultural farming systems. In this report we focus on cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) that is an emblem of the flora associated with traditional cereals in Europe. It is currently disappearing from Western regions. Several traits were investigated as seed longevi…

research product

Prévention et gestion de la résistance aux herbicides en grande culture

National audience; L'apparition de mauvaises herbes résistantes aux herbicides a conduit à développer de nouvelles solutions pour gérer la flore adventice. Un des leviers est de diminuer la pression exercée par les molécules herbicides sur les espèces d’adventices en optimisant le désherbage chimique. Cet ajustement doit passer par une alternance des modes d’action des herbicides appliqués sur une parcelle aux échelles annuelle et pluriannuelle. Il peut également passer par des réductions de quantités d’herbicides appliquée à l’échelle de la parcelle en ne traitant que les zones où sont très présentes les mauvaises herbes. La baisse significative de l’usage des herbicides pour lutter contre…

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Dispositifs d’imagerie multi-spectrale pour la détection et le contrôle des adventices

National audience; pas de résumé

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La conférence du Columa 2013 racontée par des étudiants AgroSup-Dijon

Document accessible depuis la notice de ProdInra : https://prodinra.inra.fr/?locale=en#!ConsultNotice:306111; La 22e conférence du Columa de l’AFPP, tenue à Dijon du 11 au 13 décembre 2013, a été suivie par des étudiants d’AgroSup-Dijon. Ils rendent compte ici de ce qu’ils en ont retenu. Ils analysent particulièrement les sessions : – « Nuisibilité » des adventices (indirecte, ex. : favoriser l’ergot, et directe). – « Cultures méditerranéennes et tropicales » (différences Dom-Tom/autres pays, techniques émergentes). – « Résistance » (extension, mécanismes, facteurs de risque). – « Transfert aux milieux » (facteurs de risque de pollution des eaux, suivis et modélisation pour les prévoir). – …

research product

La nuisibilité directe des adventices en grandes cultures : quelles réponses nous apportent les essais désherbages ?

The direct harmful effect of weeds in field crops : what do herbicide trials tell us ? Weeds are plants whose undesirable qualities (“harmfulness") outweigh their desirable qualities (trophic resources). Few studies conclude that weeds do not affect crop yield. However, it is difficult to generalize since weeds compete with crops for resources and these resources are spatially and temporally variable. This study analyzed 110 herbicide trials (untreated vs. treated plots) performed in France from 1993 to 2015 on three major grain crops: winter wheat, winter oilseed rape and sunflower. Significant yield losses were found in 92% of wheat trials (average over all trials: -2.6 t/ha), 51% of wint…

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Variability of Christmas rose (Helleborus niger L.) populations and its potential use in genetic breeding

International audience; The Christmas rose (Helleborus niger L.) is widely distributed in Southern and Central Europe, and Slovenia is probably one of the centers of its diversity. The investigation was aimed at evaluating phenotypic diversity among selected wild populations in Slovenia and neighboring Croatia. Some of the analyzed traits expressed relatively very high variation (e.g., number of leaves per plant, number of inflorescences per plant). The variation ranges of some of the analyzed traits were found to be wider than those mentioned in the literature. Statistical analysis indicated that variability was more expressed within than between populations. In terms of present market req…

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Soilborne fungi with herbicidal action to control the weed seedbank

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Spatial patterns of microbial communities at a soil micro-scale

International audience

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The adaptation of cornflower in different compartments of the agricultural landscape

International audience; Agrosystems are among habitats most affected by the decline of biodiversity. This decline isrelated to the intensification of agricultural practices carried out since the 50s (simplified rotations,fertilizer and pesticide use; ...). The study of the weed flora shows still less developed plantcommunities. Currently, there is evidence of the regression of the weed flora and especiallyspecies such as cornflower (Cyanus segetum. L). In western Europe, cornflower seems to bepresent in the field only. In our investigation, we tried to determine the factors that influence thepresence of cornflower in the different compartments of a field and its border.

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Spatial and spectral methods for weed detection and localization

International audience

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Structure and evolution of resistance to acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase-inhibiting herbicides across the geographical range of the grass weed A. myosuroides Huds. (black-grass)

International audience

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Effect of rhizosphère bacteria and endomycorrhizal fungi on the growth of Christmas rose (Helleborus niger L.)

International audience; Micropropagated and vegetative (by rhizome cuttings) propagated plants of Christmas rose ( Helleborus niger L.) were tested for their responses to the inoculation with microorganisms in order to optimize root growth and development. In our experiment, plants were inoculated with arbuscular endomycorrhizal fungi or/and Agrobacterium radiobacter . The investigation indicated that inoculation with A. radiobacter had significantly positive effect on growth and development of plants multiplicated by in vitro techniques as compared to the dual inoculation. This study indicates that, biotization can be beneficial to plant growth in in vitro plant production systems but inoc…

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Trois jours au cœur du COLUMA 2016


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A database for the herbicide use in France

SPEEAEcolDur; International audience

research product

INFLOWEB : un site pédagogique sur les adventices pour aider à leur gestion intégrée

INFLOWEB is a website that collects, summarizes and promotes useful knowledge to help weed management. This educational tool was developed in 2012 by CETIOM, ACTA AgroSup Dijon ARVALIS‐Institut du végétal, FNAMS, INRA, ITAB and ITB, with financial support from the Ministry of agriculture. The website aims to change the farmers weed management relying on an integrated approach of the weed flora. This paper presents the INFLOWEB site and discusses the results of a national survey on the prevalence and abundance of major weeds in crops. The survey was sent in 2011 to advisors, technicians and agronomists.

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Utilisation des variétés rendues tolérantes aux herbicides cultivées en France. Rapport d’expertise Anses. Saisine n°2015-SA-0063. mars 2020

Au cours des récentes décennies, parallèlement à la commercialisation de nouvelles substancesherbicides sélectives, s’est développée une démarche visant à produire des variétés végétales quitolèrent un ou des herbicides. Les variétés dépourvues de cette tolérance selon le cas sontdétruites par cet ou ces herbicides, ou voient leur croissance et leur développement perturbés.Du fait du caractère de tolérance de la plante, l’herbicide est applicable en post-levée, c’est-à-direaprès la levée2 de celle-ci. A ce stade de la culture, les adventices3 ont également levé. Lebénéfice escompté de cette approche est d’appliquer le traitement herbicide au moment adéquaten fonction du degré de présence de…

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Effect of intra-specific competition on development and growth of Alopecurus myosuroides Hudson

International audience

research product

Utilisation des molécules herbicides en France : Quel passé ! Quel futur ?

Les communautés adventices constituent d’un point de vue écologique la flore sauvage des milieuxcultivés et sont à la base de chaines trophiques des agroécosystèmes. La place de ces espècesvégétales dans la survie et le maintien de populations d’oiseaux et d’insectes des agrosystèmes estindéniable. A l’opposé, d’un point de vue agronomique, la présence de ces espèces non semées entrop fortes densités dans les parcelles cultivées peut constituer une gêne majeure pour lesagriculteurs (baisse de production, qualité de la récolte, etc.). Si la gestion des communautés demauvaises herbes est aujourd’hui réfléchie avec la prise en compte de ces deux rôles, cela n’a pastoujours été le cas comme le …

research product

Lutte contre les mauvaises herbes en France, dix lustres en lumière : Analyse de 50 ans d’usage des herbicides tirée d’une « mine »

research product

Historique des herbicides en France depuis la seconde guerre mondiale

National audience; Au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale, les herbicides ont joué un rôle important dans la réponse du monde agricole aux besoins alimentaires des populations, notamment grâce aux économies de main-d’œuvre et aux facilités de gestion qu’elles ont permises. Pourtant, aujourd’hui, l’agriculture intensive et productiviste fait l’objet d’une remise en cause du fait de son impact sur l’environnement, en particulier sur les ressources en eau (présence de nitrates, substances actives (SA) phytosanitaires). Face à la réglementation européenne et pour répondre aux préoccupations de l’opinion publique, mais aussi du monde agricole, il a été mis en place en France le Plan Ecophyto…

research product

Carry over effects of cover crop mixtures and management practices on subsequent crops and weeds in no-till

research product

From weedkillers to environmentally begnin herbicides: history of chemical weeding from 1944 to 2011 in France

International audience

research product

Evaluation of cropping systems for management of herbicide-resistant populations of blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.)

Abstract Simplification of cropping systems often leads to an increase in weed populations which require an intensive use of herbicides to maintain populations at an acceptable level. Due to a heavy reliance on herbicides and a lack of cultural control measures, herbicide-resistant blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) biotypes appeared recently in France. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different cropping systems on a population of herbicide-resistant blackgrass. Two crop rotations, one consisting exclusively of winter crops and another including spring crops, were assessed over a three-year period. Crop rotation was combined with different cultural practices (mo…

research product

Response and effect traits of arable weeds in agro-ecosystems: a review of current knowledge.

25 pages; International audience; Integrating principles of ecological intensification into weed management strategies requires an understanding of the many relationships among weeds, crops and other organisms of agro-ecosystems in a changing context. Extensively used during the last two decades in weed science, trait-based approaches have provided general insights into weed community response to agricultural practices, and recently to understanding the effect of weeds on agro-ecosystem functioning. In this review, we provide a holistic synthesis of the current knowledge on weed response and effect functional traits. Based on the literature and recent advances in weed science, we review cur…

research product

Identification et caractérisation de candidats d'origine naturelle à action herbicide pour contrôler les adventices

Les produits phytopharmaceutiques (ou pesticides) utilisés aujourd'hui en agriculture sont pointés du doigt pour leurs impacts potentiels sur l’environnement et les écosystèmes et pour les risques qu’ils sont susceptibles d’engendrer pour la santé animale et humaine (Inserm, 2013). Les objectifs majeurs de la thèse sont d’isoler et identifier des microorganismes pathogènes des adventices, et d’acquérir des connaissances sur les mécanismes de l'interaction plante adventicemicroorganismes dans le cadre du développement de bioherbicides pour contrôler les adventices. Outre une analyse bibliographique sur l'état des connaissances relatif aux interactions adventicesmicroorganismes, le travail de…

research product

Development of a combined spatial and spectral method for weed detection and localisation

National audience

research product