Elena Sanandrés Domínguez

Work stressors and creativity

Work stressors, conflict asymmetries and dissatisfaction with the status quo are all negative factors which workers today are subjected to. Unfortunately, these situations occur more often than companies would want. However, negative results, despite what might be expected, do not always follow in the performances of affected employees. In this paper, through a theoretical review, it is shown under what circumstances these stressors can actually increase creative performance. Additionally, the moderation role carried out by emotional intelligence and job control is analyzed. Conclusions and future research lines are presented.

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Managerial practices driving knowledge creation, learning and transfer in translational research: an exploratory case study

Despite its growing popularity in the biomedical literature, the particular phenomenon of translational research management has not been addressed from an organizational and strategic perspective yet. Our study aims to fill this gap by identifying a set of managerial practices that could influence how knowledge is created, amplified and transferred from biomedical research both to clinical practice and the productive sector. As a result of the theoretical review, we have proposed a preliminary model to guide our empirical work. We have developed an exploratory case study to gather organisational information from an outstanding translational research center. The results obtained from the ana…

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Los efectos de los estresenates del trbajo, la asimetría de los conflictos y la insatisfacción laboral con el status quo en la creatividad

La literatura científica ha tratado hasta el momento el fenómeno de la creatividad desde diversas perspectivas. Se va poniendo de manifiesto su importancia y habría que tenerla en cuenta en las decisiones cotidianas. Son las personas las que trabajan día a día en la empresa y las condiciones en las que lo hacen, las que determinan el éxito o el fracaso de las organizaciones. Debido a la propia naturaleza de la creatividad, se hace necesario para su estudio la aplicación de enfoques en el nivel individual (Zhou y George, 2001). El presente estudio se basa en los factores que hacen que las personas sean más o menos creativas pero de una manera diferente. En la actualidad, los niveles de estré…

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