Luigi Naselli Flores
Cladocera (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda, Ctenopoda and Onychopoda) from Sicilian inland waters: updated inventory and conservational status
Limnological notes from a Mediterranean island
Limnological aspects of sicilian reservoirs: A comparative, ecosystemic approach
This paper is a report on the state-of-the-art of reservoir limnology in Sicily, the largest island of the Mediterranean Sea. The territory is characterised by a semi-arid climate with a dry and a wet semester occurring in the year. Evaporative losses are strong during the summer and, on an annual basis, they often exceed precipitation. Thus, reservoirs constitute an important water resource for the island to supply drinking water and to provide for agricultural needs in the periods of drought. However, despite their importance, they receive poor attention from the scientific and political communities and in the absence of any environmental policy or suitable territorial planning, their wat…
Zooplankton dynamics and conservation problems of a Mediterranean temporary pond
Gli ambienti acquatici “marginali” e la loro fauna a crostacei branchiopodi
Dizionario multimediale di ecologia
Sicilian Temporary Ponds: An Overview of the Composition and Affinities of their Crustacean Biota
Available data on Sicilian entomostracans allowed an initial characterization of the freshwater crustacean biota of the island and to formulate some hypotheses on its origin.The absence of supra-specific endemic taxa and the current regional distriburion of the investigated species suggest a late Pleistocene colonisation of the island by temperate taxa with a northern affinity, currently confined to the coolest areas of the island, followed by a Holocene arrival of thermophilous species coming from the Maghreb, which is still in progress. The importance of Sicily as a "crossroad" for the faunas of the circum-Mediterranean countries is thus confirmed.Unfortunately, and in spite of the EU dir…
Dinamica stagionale dei popolamenti fitoplanctonici nei pantani della R.N.O. Oasi faunistica di Vendicari (SR)
The role of shape and size in the ecology of phytoplankton
Primo reperto di una lenticchia d'acqua alloctona in Sicilia: Lemna minuta KUNTH (Araceae Lemnoideae)
La presenza di Lemna minuta, una lenticchia d’acqua originaria delNord America, viene segnalata per la prima volta in Sicilia nel gorgo di Santa Rosalia, uno stagno temporaneo mediterraneo localizzato sul promontorio di Monte Pellegrino, Palermo. Lo specchio d’acqua risulta completamente ricoperto da questa pleustofita galleggiante, che impedisce la penetrazione della luce nella colonna d’acqua e non consente la crescita della vegetazione micro- e macroalgale. La repentina e perdurante invasione di Lemna minuta nello stagno, creando condizioni di ipossia nella colonna d’acqua, costituisce un potenziale rischio per l’intero biota del sito. Lemna minuta, an allochthonous duckweed from North A…
Toxic cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs under a semiarid Mediterranean climate: the enlargement of a problem
Patterns of phytoplankton heterogeneity in four reservoirs (NE Spain) of different trophic state
Le conoscenze relative alla fauna ad ostracodi delle acque interne dei paesi del Mediterraneo centro-meridionale risultano ad oggi piuttosto lacunose e frammentarie e per molte aree geografiche non sono disponibili studi organici né checklist aggiornate. Al fine di contribuire a colmare questo iato conoscitivo, nel periodo compreso tra il 2000 ed il 2008 sono stati realizzati una serie di campionamenti incentrati sugli ambienti acquatici ad idroperiodo temporaneo della Sicilia e di gran parte delle isole circum-siciliane; i risultati conseguiti con queste campagne di raccolta hanno consentito di ottenere un primo quadro d’insieme sulla attuale presenza e distribuzione dei Podocopida nell’ar…
100 milioni di Microcystis spp. + 5 Procambarus clarkii = 0 Emys trinacris; ovvero tossine, invasori ed estinzione nei Gorghi Tondi, laghi salmastri della Sicilia sud-occidentale
Gruppi funzionali del fitoplancton come descrittori sintetici nel biomonitoraggio degli ambienti lentici.
7.2 Restoration responses of 19 lakes: are TP thresholds common?
Geological development of a gypsum lake formed at the beginning of the 2oth century in central Sicily, Italy: Integration of historical data with modern survey techniques
A limnological investigation was carried out on the small, endorheic lake, called Lake Sfondato, located in central Sicily (Italy). All the aquatic environments in the central part of the island are rich in salt, with conductivity values above 5 mS cm−1, and are characterized by high alkalinity values and hard waters. In addition, due to intensive agriculture, many of these ecosystems have experienced a strong anthropogenic eutrophication over the last decades. In order to better understand the functioning of these peculiar environments, the morphology, hydrology, and geochemistry, as well as several selected physical and biological characteristics of Lake Sfondato, were studied in the year…
Phytoplankton morphological variability under different environmental constraints
Laghi Artificiali dell'Italia meridionale e delle isole maggiori
In questo articolo gli autori analizzano i principali fattori ecologici che determinano il funzionamento dei laghi artificiali localizzati nel meridione d’Italia e nelle isole maggiori. In particolare, viene illustrato come il ciclo idrologico annuale di questi ecosistemi sia fortemente influenzato dalle attività umane connesse all’uso dell’acqua invasata. Tali attività spesso interferiscono negativamente con la dinamica dei fattori fisici (stratificazione/circolazione), chimici (concentrazioni di nutrienti e ossigeno) e biologici (successione stagionale del fitoplancton) che governano il funzionamento di questi ecosistemi. Comprendere come il cambiamento climatico in atto influenzi il cicl…
Setting a dewatering threshold in Mediterranean reservoirs as a mansagement tool to improve water quality
Conferma della presenza di Najas marina L. (Najadaceae, Alismatales) in Sicilia
Phytoplankton dynamics in two reservoirs with different trophic state (Lake Rosamarina and Lake Arancio, Sicily, Italy)
Two man-made Sicilian lakes of differing trophic status were sampled weekly for a year, in order to compare their phytoplankton dynamics and to identify their driving factors. The water bodies store comparable volumes but the eutrophic Lake Arancio may be considered to be a shallow lake whereas the mesotrophic Lake Rosamarina is deep. The dynamics of their principal physical, chemical and biological features were analysed using, among others, Canonical Community Ordination. The results obtained suggest that increased nutrient availability causes an increase of phytoplankton biomass but no community change nor any alteration to the typical assemblages supported. The major influence in the mo…
Phytoplankton in the Physical Environment
Pluriannual morphological variability of phytoplankton in a productive Mediterranean reservoir.
Prima segnalazione in Italia di una cloraracniofita (Chlorarachniophyta): Chlorarachnion reptans Geitler
Distribution of recent freshwater ostracods in Sicily (Southern Italy)
Ecosistemi di acque interne e di transizione
La valutazione dello stato di conservazione di biodiversità, funzioni e servizi degli ecosistemi di acque interne e la stima della loro vulnerabilità ai cambiamenti climatici sono affrontate considerando tipologie omogenee di ecosistemi acquatici, alla scala integrata del bacino idrografico e della zona di transizione adiacente. Gli ecosistemi acquatici sono ripartiti, secondo uno schema tradizionale, in: bacini fluviali, laghi, zone umide e acque lentiche85 di piccole dimensioni, ecosistemi dipendenti dalle acque sotterranee (Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - GDE) e ambienti di transizione a mare. I bacini fluviali e i laghi sono inoltre analizzati nel contesto della regione geografica cu…
Acque temporanee: biodiversità, funzioni ecosistemiche, vulnerabilità e sensibilità ai cambiamenti climatici
Le acque temporanee contribuiscono alla biodiversità regionale con una ricchezza specifica sproporzionatamente elevata in rapporto all’esigua superficie da esse occupata. Questa breve nota descrive le ragioni che determinano tale diversità biologica, analizza l’importanza delle acque temporanee come hotspot di biodiversità e sottolinea come questi ecosistemi rappresentino un valido strumento per valutare l’impatto delle attività umane sul Pianeta. In aggiunta, le acque temporanee sono particolarmente vulnerabili agli effetti del cambiamento climatico che ne influenza l’idroperiodo e ne riduce la numerosità sul territorio. Tali effetti accoppiati alla distruzione diretta operata dalle attivi…
I cianobatteri sono diffusi in moltissimi ambienti acquatici, dove possono produrre cianotossine con diversi profili tossicologici. Il presente rapporto riporta le linee guida per la gestione delle fioriture di cianobatteri nelle acque di balneazione, elaborate da un gruppo di esperti. La prima parte sintetizza le attuali conoscenze scientifiche su vari aspetti, fra cui la loro presenza nei laghi italiani, le caratteristiche chimiche e tossicologiche delle varie cianotossine, gli effetti osservati sulla salute dell’uomo e la valutazione del rischio. La seconda parte definisce le linee guida per prevenire effetti dannosi per la salute dei bagnanti e gestire il rischio associato alle fioritur…
Toxic blooms in sicilian reservoirs
Green Algae
Preface: phytoplankton responses to human impacts at different scales
Phytoplankton colonization patterns and the abundance of suitable aquatic ecosystems: the importance of nestedness among freshwaters. 17th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP). Kastoria, Greece, 14-21 September 2014. Book of Abstracts: 34
Species-poor and species-rich phytoplankton assemblages in two Sicilian water bodies (Lake Pergusa and Lake Biviere di Gela) were compared to test the hypothesis that the number of colonization events and the successful establishment of a new species in an aquatic ecosystem may depend on the number and nestedness of water bodies in a given area. The two ecosystems are both natural, shallow lakes and they are protected sites hosting a rich avifauna. Both the lakes had quite high conductivity values (> 2,500 μS cm-1) and both were re-filled with fresh waters (< 400 μS cm-1) after they had disappeared because of the over-exploitation of their main inflows to fulfill agriculture water-demand. H…
Distribution patterns of phytoplankton functional groups in connected/isolated reservoirs in an urban drinking water system
Eighteen reservoirs belonging to an urban drinking water system (Zhuhai city, South China) were investigated in the dry and flood seasons of 2013 to evaluate how hydrological connectivity may affect the specie richness and functional composition of phytoplankton. Eleven among the studied water bodies are connected through pipelines and seven are isolated. Twenty one phytoplankton functional groups were identified in the studied reservoirs. Cluster analysis showed that phytoplankton similarity is higher among connected reservoirs than among isolated ones. The average α-diversity is high in the connected reservoirs, but the average β-diversity is much higher in the isolated reservoirs. The hi…
Temporary waters: biodiversity, functional ecology, vulnerability and susceptibility to climate change
Temporary waters contribute to regional diversity disproportionately compared to the Earth’s surface they cover. This presentation i) describes the reasons underlying this biological diversity, ii) analyzes the importance of temporary waters as hotspots of biodiversity, iii) stresses how these ecosystems represent a valuable tool to evaluate the impact exerted by human activities on our Planet, and iv) consider the possibility to extend the principles of the Integrated Lake Basic Management developed by ILEC in order to achieve a sustainable management of these ecosystems. Moreover, temporary waters are strongly impacted by the climate change, which modifies their hydroperiod and reduces th…
Pluriannual morphological variability in a highly productive Mediterranean reservoir (Lake Arancio, southwestern Sicily)
The progressive decrease in water quality experienced by the Mediterranean, nutrient rich reservoir, Lake Arancio (Southwestern Sicily, Italy), has been accompanied by modifications in both phytoplankton shape and size. Since nutrient concentrations are always far from being limiting, in the present paper attention was focussed on the effects exerted by physical constraints (e.g., mixing, light availability) on the morphological variation observed in phytoplankton. The surface-volume ratio and its product with the maximal linear dimension were chosen as morphological descriptors to trace the trajectories followed by the dominant morphotypes in Lake Arancio. One of these descriptors was comp…
First record of Cyanophora paradoxa (Glaucocystophyta) in Italy
The role of spatial and environmental factors as determinants of large branchiopod distribution in Tunisian temporary ponds
I cianobatteri sono diffusi in moltissimi ambienti acquatici, dove possono produrre cianotossine con diversi profili tossicologici. Il presente rapporto riporta le linee guida per la gestione delle fioriture di cianobatteri nelle acque di balneazione, elaborate da un gruppo di esperti. La prima parte sintetizza le attuali conoscenze scientifiche su vari aspetti, fra cui la loro presenza nei laghi italiani, le caratteristiche chimiche e tossicologiche delle varie cianotossine, gli effetti osservati sulla salute dell’uomo e la valutazione del rischio. La seconda parte definisce le linee guida per prevenire effetti dannosi per la salute dei bagnanti e gestire il rischio associato alle fioritur…
Le acque lentiche temporanee siciliane e i loro popolamenti a crostacei entomostraci
Nuovi dati sulla fauna a "grandi branchiopodi" (Branchiopoda: Anostraca, Notostraca, Spinicaudata) delle acque temporanee della Tunisia
Nonostante i primi studi sulla fauna a grandi branchiopodi (Anostraca, Notostraca e Spinicaudata) della Tunisia risalgano alla fine del XIX secolo, ad oggi non esiste un inventario completo ed aggiornato di questi organismi nella regione. Al fine di fornire un quadro organico e quanto più possibile completo, una serie di campagne di campionamento sono state condotte a partire dal 2004. Circa 240 corpi idrici temporanei, distribuiti in tutto il territorio Tunisino e nelle sue isole maggiori (Kerkennah e Djerba), sono stati campionati ripetutamente in inverno e primavera e sono stati raccolti dati sulla morfometria dei bacini e sulle principali caratteristiche fisiche e chimiche delle acque. …
Towards a quality assessment of freshwater ecosystems through the morphological analysis of phytoplankton.
Among the organisms living at low Reynolds numbers, those belonging to the ecological group of phytoplankton offer an amazing morphological diversity and all the scientists involved in phytoplankton research have commonly observed that they may express a quite high variability, both intra- and inter-specific, in their size and morphology. These features have been traditionally used just for taxonomic classification. However, the ecological value of morphological descriptors in phytoplankton is increasingly used to investigate their abilities in resource (light and nutrients) uptake as a result of natural selection and competition. At the same time, the analysis of suitable morphology and si…
A Contribution to the knowledge of Tunisian "large branchiopods" (Branchiopoda: Anostraca, Notostraca, Spinicaudata)
Theme: Morphological plasticity of phytoplankton under different environmental constraints Fourteenth Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP), September 4-11 2005, Sapanca, Turkey - Foreword
Bloom Di Planktothrix rubescens (Cyanobacteria) e rischio tossico nei bacini artificiali siciliani
Urban Lakes: Ecosystems at Risk, Worthy of the Best Care
Crustacean dynamics in two argillotrophic, temporary ponds (North-Western Sicily, Italy)
Presenza di Cyanophora paradoxa Koršikov 1924 in un piccolo stagno temporaneo siciliano.
Influence of climate on phytoplankton dynamics in Mediterranean water bodies
Climate is among the factors that influence the hydrology of water bodies and their mixing/stratification patterns. As a consequence, it may affect the ecomorphological selection of phytoplankton. Global climatic patterns, driven by Sun’s magnetic field, were shown to promote cyclic cyanobacteria bloom during the years of drought caused by El Niño. Cyclic droughts, with a periodicity of about 11 years, also occur in the Mediterranean Basin where they produce analogous responses in phytoplankton composition. Some evidences exist that climate change can promote pseudo-eutrophication events and, by altering the hydraulic balance in shallow lakes, cause a shift between a clear macrophyte-domina…
Unicuique suum: the need of a new paradigm for Mediterranean limnology
Climate change and enhancement of water-level fluctuations in Mediterranean reservoirs: a sad fate for water quality?
How do phytoplankton biomass and functional groups react to environmental constraints? A comparison in two different Mediterranean ponds
Grouping organisms into functional grouping represents a way to better understand how the environmental constrains act on these organisms through the analysis of peculiar features, usually morphological, shared by the set of species. Since groups (Coda) react to environmental constrains with an analogous response, this approach was adopted to compare the structure and the biomass of phytoplankton assemblages in two different Mediterranean ponds, one temporary and the other permanent. A phytoplankton survey, carried out monthly in the brackish and shallow Biviere di Gela in 2005-2007, revealed a deep transformation in the structure of its phytoplankton assemblage as compared with similar dat…